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1、英语必修 5 人教版新课标 Unit 4第 1 课时教案Unit 4 Making the news教材分析I 教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“新闻” ,内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。语言技能和语言知识主要围绕“新闻”这一中心话题进行设计的。Warming up部分通过讨论来引出报社各工作人员的工作类别和所负的责任。关键在于Whats the job?和What it involves?Pre-reading部分首先通过一个调查问卷来引导学生去考虑一个优秀的记者应该具备的素质;然后引导学生谈他们难忘的经历和感受;最后通过一个“假设”为下一部分的学习做好准备。Readi

2、ng 部分通过Zhou Yang, 一个跃跃欲试的新手和他的上司Hu Xin,一个经验丰富的资深记者之间的谈话引导学生了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质,新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点等。Comprehending 设计了四个教学活动来加深学生对“阅读”( Comprehending )部分的理解和复习。第一个活动要求学生根据要求,通过阅读找到所需要的信息,重新组织后再呈现出来。第二个活动要求学生把阅读部分分成三个小节,并说明每个小节的要点。第三个活动通过形容词归类进一步去引导学生思考一个优秀的文字记者和摄影记者应该具备的素质。第四个活动要求学生朗读后半部分对话,练习句子重音和语调。Lea

3、rning about language归纳和运用了本单元的一些重点词汇和语法。Using language部分涵盖了听,说,读,写四项语言基本技能。第一部分学生首先通过阅读“获得独家新闻 ”一文。写出“新闻”报道 的步骤和见报前的有关程序,然后讨论这位“影星”可能说了什么谎话。第二部分首先听一段对篮球明星姚明的采访。随后的练习设计既训练了学生获取要点的能力,又引导学生如何获取细节。最后要求学生通过开展两人对话活动复习巩固有关交际功能“约会”的用语。Summing up 部分归纳了本单元的主要学习内容并引导学生对学习效果进行自我检测。Learning tip部分建议学生尽可能多的阅读一些适合于

4、中学生的英文报纸。教师不妨推荐一些给学生,或让学生自己推荐一些他们认为好的英文报纸。II 教学重点和难点1. 教学的重点 :(1) 简要了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质,新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点。(2) 学习有关新闻工作的生词和短语。(3) 学会表达约会的日常交际用语。2. 教学的难点:(1) 学习倒装句( Inversion )的用法。(2) 学习写新闻报道。III 教学计划:- 1 -本单元分六课时:第一课时: Warming up, Pre-reading第二、三课时:Reading, Comprehending第四课时: Learning about Language第五课

5、时: Using Language第六课时: Listening, Speaking , Summing Up, Learning Tips IV 教学步骤 :Period 1 Warming Up, Pre-readingTeaching Goals:1. To read and talk about the procedure of making the news.2. To develop Ss listening ability. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose:To activate Ss and arouse them to

6、 talk about making the news.1. Ask Ss to look at the following pictures and see how much they know about news.2. Group workAsk Ss the question“Do you know how to make the news?” Please discuss in groups.Step 2. Warming Up1. Pair workToday we will learn something about making the news. Suppose you wo

7、rk for China Daily. What types of jobs do you choose? What does it involve? Now in pairs discuss them. Give reasons for your choice.Types of jobsWhat it involvesjournalistFindingout news and tellingpeople about itin newspaperor on TV/radioeditorphotographerSuggested Answers:Types of jobsWhat it invo

8、lvesjournalistFindingout news and tellingpeople about itin newspaperor on TV/radioeditormaking sure the writingis clear,concise and accurate;checking factsphotographerTaking photographs of important people or eventsLaying out the articles and photographs- 2 -2. Individual workAsk Ss to find any kind

9、 of newspaper and see the news in it. And let them find whatsection they like most.Step 3. Competition1.Individual workTake the quiz below and see whether Ss can guess the answers.(1) Which two words mean the same? (journalist/reporter)(2) Who gives opinions on plays and books. (critic)(3) Who repor

10、ts from abroad? (foreign correspondent)(4) Who decides on the content of the newspaper? (writer and chief editor)(5) Who writes news stories? (reporter or journalist)(6) Who makes corrections to articles and design?(7) Who designs comic drawings with captions? (sub-editor)(8) Who is in charge of the

11、 newspaper when the boss is away? (deputy editor)2. Pair workAsk Ss to discuss in pairs which of the above jobs they like best and the reasons.Step 4. Pre-reading1. DiscussionAsk Ss to discussinpairswhat qualitiesa go od news reporterneeds to have and thentick the table below.very importantimportant

12、 not very important1.Higher level of education2.Work experience3.Good communication skills4.Curious, active personality5.Hard- working character6.Enthusiasm for the job7.Prepared to work long hours8.Ability to work in a team2. Individual workAsk Ss to think about which of the above qualities th ey h

13、ave and how they show the qualities.Step 5. Discussion1. Group workAsk Ss to discuss in groups the most unforgettable moment in their lives. And then ask them why they keep it in mind and how they felt at that time.2. PresentationAsk some Ss to talk about their most unforgettable moment in front of the class.3. HomeworkGet Ss to read some magazines and newspapers.- 3 -


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