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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级银行综合类模拟(听力部分暂无答案17初级银行综合类模拟(听力部分暂无答案17一、听力题Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers

2、marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Exchange currency.B.Change some pound bills.C.Change some US Dollar bills.D.Change some pounds bill.答案:解析W: Sir, may I hel

3、p you?M: Yes, I want to change some pounds sterling into US dollars.Q: What does the man want to do?2.A.In America.B.At Position No. 5.C.At Position No. 4.D.In Africa.答案:解析M: I want to send some money to America. What should I do?W: Please go to the Foreign Remittance Section, sir. Its position numb

4、er five. You cant miss it.Q: Where is the Foreign Remittance Section?3.A.At Position No. 1.B.At Position No. 4.C.At the counter.D.At Position No. 5.答案:解析W: Where is the Deposit Section, please?M: Please go through the door, then go straight ahead along the counter untill you come to position No. 1.

5、Thats the Deposit Section, madam.Q: Where is the Deposit Section?4.A.To change 50 pounds.B.To change pounds into American dollars.C.To exchange US dollars.D.To change 15 pounds.答案:解析M: I want to change some American money into pounds.W: How much do you want to change, sir?Q: What does the customer w

6、ant to do?5.A.Green colour backs.B.Thirty-five dollars.C.American dollar notes.D.RMB Yuan.答案:解析M: I want to have some greenbacks changed into RMB Yuan.W: Oh, greenbacks, American dollar notes. Well, how much do you have?Q: According to the dialogue, what does greenbacks mean? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.

7、A.Because it costs less to send travellers cheques by insured post than send cash.B.Because the rate for cash is better than that for travellers cheques.C.Because it costs more to send travellers cheques by insured post.D.Because it costs more to send travellers cheques by insured post than send cas

8、h.答案:解析M: What is the rate of exchange for pounds sterling into US dollars?W: For cash it is one point four seven US dollars to the pound, and for travellers cheques it is one point five seven to the pound, it costs more to send cash by insured post than to send travellers cheques, sir.Q: Why are tr

9、avellers cheques more favourable than cash?7.A.100 pounds.B.100 dollars.C.100 marks.D.100 pound.答案:解析M: My name is John Jones. Im expecting a hundred pound remittance from London. Has it arrived?W: Ill check our records, sir, but may I ask you to write down your name on this piece of paper?Q: How mu

10、ch is the customers expected remittance?8.A.In dollars.B.In sterling.C.Partly in dollars and partly in sterling.D.In pounds.答案:解析W: How would you like to have the remittance, sir? In US dollars or sterling?M: Can I have it partly in US dollars and partly in sterling?Q: How would the customer like to

11、 have the remittance?9.A.20 000 dollars.B.20 000 pounds.C.30 000 dollars.D.30 000 pounds sterling.答案:解析W: How much would you like to remit? I suppose you want to send pound sterling.M: Well, yes, but what I have here with me is 20 000 US dollars. I want to change it into pounds and then send it to L

12、ondon.Q: How much does the man want to remit?10.A.He must change dollars into pounds.B.He must have his account in Westminster Bank.C.He must get a license.D.He must remit dollars.答案:解析W: Dont worry, sir. Once youve got the license the rest is very simple. Remitting money itself is an easy matter. W

13、ill you want to remit pounds equivalent to 20 000 US dollars, sir?M: Yes, to London. Mr. Smith has his account in the Westminster Bank.Q: What must the man do before he can remit his money?二、单项选择问题:1. Which of the following is not true of forfaiting? _.A.Forfaiting is a form of trade finance with re

14、courseB.Forfaiting is the act of purchasing an exporters receivables (the amount the importer owes the exporter) at a discount by paying cashC.The forfeiter takes over the buyer riskD.The purchase is usually guaranteed by a bank in the buyers country答案:A问题:2. Market risk refers to the risk of _.A.de

15、faultB.financial prices fluctuationC.fraudD.deferred payment答案:B问题:3. Which of the following is true of a mortgage? _.A.The mortgagee retains possession of the mortgaged propertyB.The mortgagor retains possession of the mortgaged propertyC.The lender acquires the right to retain the mortgaged proper

16、ty until the mortgage debt is repaidD.None of the above答案:B问题:4. Which of the following is usually least important as a measure of short - term liquidity? _.A.Quick ratioB.Current ratioC.Debt ratioD.Cash flows from operating activities答案:C问题:5. Which of the following statements is true? _.A.To decre

17、ase a receivable, debit the accountB.To decrease revenue, debit the accountC.To increase owners equity, debit the accountD.To increase an expense account, credit the account答案:B问题:6. Investment banks are _.A.banks that specialize in the management of wealthy peoples investmentsB.financial institutio

18、ns that make loans to corporationsC.dealers in primary marketsD.none of the above答案:C问题:7. What is the name of the document which can make a buyer feel confident that goods are of a certain standard? _.A.Certificate of originB.Commercial invoiceC.Insurance policyD.Inspection certificate答案:D问题:8. In

19、documentary collection, the exporters present the documents to _ after goods have been shipped.A.the remitting bankB.the collecting bankC.the reimbursing bankD.the opening bank答案:A问题:9. John writes a check on his ABC Bank account to pay for goods at Peter. Who is the drawee?A.JohnB.ABC BankC.PeterD.

20、Both A and C答案:B问题:10. From a Chinese banks point of view, the currency account which it maintains abroad is known as _, while a RMB account operated in China for a foreign bank is termedA.a vostro account.a nostro accountB.a nostro account.a vostro accountC.a mirror account.a nostro accountD.a vost

21、ro account.a mirror account答案:B三、完型填空 trade, above, expiration, respond, strike, profitable, seller, how, most, financial In general, an option gives to the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a good, whereas the option seller must 1 accordingly. Many different types of option co

22、ntracts exist in the 2 world. The two major types of contracts 3 on organized options exchanges are calls and puts. A call gives to the buyer of the option contract the right to buy a specified number of units of an underlying asset, at a specified price called the exercise or 4 price, on or before

23、a specified date called the expiration date or strike date. A put gives its the buyer the right to sell a specified number of units of an underlying asset at a specified price on or before a specified date. In all cases the 5 of the option contract, the writer, is subordinate to the decision of the

24、buyer, and the buyer exercises the option only if it is 6 to him or her. The buyer of a call benefits if the price of the asset is 7 the exercise price at expiration. The buyer of a put benefits if the asset price is below the exercise price at expiration. The complete definition of an option must c

25、learly specify 8 the option can be exercised. A European - type option can only be exercised on a specified date, usually the 9 date. An American -type option can only be exercised by the buyer at any time until the expiration date. American options are used on 10 of the organized options exchanges

26、in the world. Both types of options can be freely traded at any time until expiration. 1.答案: respond2.答案: financial3.答案: traded4.答案: strike5.答案: seller6.答案: profitable7.答案: above8.答案: how9.答案: expiration10.答案: most四、阅读理解 The importer will require a full set of bills of lading in order to obtain the

27、goods from overseas port. The bills of lading can only be obtained by payment of the bill of exchange (D/P), or by acceptance (D/A). Therefore, the importer cannot obtain the goods without paying or accepting the bill of exchange, and conversely an exporter retains control of the goods until payment

28、 or acceptance of bill of exchange. When goods are sent by air, the airway bill could show the importers bank as consignee. Once again the importer must pay or accept a bill of exchange to be able to obtain the goods. Once the importer has paid or accepted the bill of exchange, the importers bank wi

29、ll issue a delivery order. The delivery order is an authority, signed on behalf of the bank, authorizing the airport to release the goods to the named importer. An exporter should obtain the prior agreement of the importers bank before he consigns goods to that bank. In practice, the importers bank

30、will not agree to be named as consignee, unless its own customer is of major importance. When D/P terms are used, it is unnecessary to include a bill of exchange, since the over- seas bank can release documents on payment of the invoice amount. However, sight drafts are usually included. 1. The mean

31、ing of D/P is _.A.Dollar against PoundB.document against paymentC.delivery after paymentD.Dollar in payment答案:B2. The importer can obtain the goods only by _.A.paying or accepting the bill of exchangeB.paying in cashC.opening a letter of creditD.showing the bill of exchange答案:A3. When goods are sent

32、 by air, _ can issue a delivery order to release the goods.A.the exporterB.the exporters bankC.the importerD.the importers bank答案:D4. The importers bank will not agree to be named as consignee unless _.A.its own customer is of major importanceB.the exporter will not obtain the prior agreement from i

33、tC.the exporters customer is not of major importanceD.it worries about the importers potential default答案:A5. _ are the most important documents in international settlement.A.Commercial invoice, bill of lading and insurance documentsB.Commercial invoice, insurance documents and airway billsC.Bill of

34、lading, airway bills and a bill of exchangeD.Sight drafts, delivery order and bill of lading答案:A A firms cash flows can be divided into cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) investment activities, and (3) financing activities. The operation activity cash flows are cash flows-inflows and outfl

35、ows-directly related to origination and sale of the financial firms assets and to operating costs such as general market activities, security trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral. Investment activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase tr

36、ansactions would result in cash outflows whereas sales transaction would generate cash inflows. The financing activity cash flows result from debt and equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short - term debt or long - term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or out

37、flow. Similarly, the sale of common or preferred stock would result in a cash inflow whereas the repurchase of stock or payment of cash dividends would result in a financing outflow. Summarizing the firms operating, investment, and financing activity cash flows during a given period helps to account

38、 for changes in the firms cash position from the beginning to the end of the period chosen. Managing cash is a very important activity for financial intermediaries. The cash flow statement provides the basics structure of all sources and uses of cash. 6. The statement of cash flow helps to explain t

39、he change in _.A.net profit after taxesB.retained earning s of a given periodC.the firms cash position of given periodD.financial position of the firm答案:C7. Cash flows from debt and equity financing transactions are said to be a kind of _.A.security trading activityB.operating activityC.investment a

40、ctivityD.financing activity答案:D8. Which of the following does not cause cash inflow?A.Origination of the financial firms assets.B.Sale of both operation fixed assets and financial investments.C.Repurchase of stock.D.Borrowing of long - term or short - term debt.答案:C9. The cash flow statement provide

41、s the basic structure of all _.A.assets and liabilitiesB.sources and uses of cashC.items of interest incomeD.dividends paid答案:B10. The statement of cash flow helps a firm to manage its _.A.assetsB.assets and liabilitiesC.capital structureD.liquidity position答案:D五、英释汉问题:1. Securities regulators, at b

42、oth the domestic and international levels, shall be guided by a constant concern for investor protection.答案:无论国内或国际的证券监管者都必须以时刻关注保护投资者为指导原则。问题:2. The New Basle Capital Accord is more extensive and complex than the 1988 Basle Accord, which is a natural reflection of the advancement and innovations in

43、 the financial marketplace and the need for a more risk -sensitive framework.答案:巴塞尔新资本协议 (New Basle Capital Accord)比1988年巴塞尔协议 (1988 Basle Accord)更复杂,覆盖面更广,自然反映了金融市场的发展和创新以及对风险更敏感的金融体系的需要。六、判断正误 A credit card is a plastic card (or its equivalent) to be used upon presentation by the cardholder to obt

44、ain money, goods, or services, possibly under a line of credit established by the card issuer. The cardholder is billed for any outstanding balance. Credit card customers are given a credit limit on the credit card account and can buy goods and services up to this amount. Normally, banks will set di

45、fferent credit lines to the different groups of cardholders. Every time cardholder uses a credit card for purchasing, he/she must sign a sales slip in the presence of the seller, and the signature is then compared to the signature on the card. Copies of the sales slips have the details of the card a

46、nd they also show the details and amount of the sale. Each month the cardholder receives a statement from the bank which details all the trans- actions in the month, together with the total amount outstanding and any minimum amount that needs to be paid. When the full balance is not settled each mon

47、th, the cardholder is charged a compound interest ( say 0. 05% ) on the outstanding balance , and this is supposed to provide the bank with a main source of income ( although in China , this revenue is still low because people are reluctant to run into debt) . Other two major sources of credit card services are the


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