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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟61剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟61Exercise 1True or False问题:1. The 1980s were a good time for financial institutions to lend money to developing countries.答案:B问题:2. A loan is made to a company to get a dividend.答案:B问题:3. When there is too much money in an econ

2、omy, a government will encourage lending.答案:B问题:4. Merchant banks mainly deal with the general public.答案:B问题:5. Accepting houses buy houses for their clients and allow them to pay back the money over twenty-five years.答案:B问题:6. The Trustee Savings Bank is a government institution.答案:B问题:7. Fiscal po

3、licy is concerned with general taxation.答案:A问题:8. The National Savings Bank is a private institution.答案:A问题:9. There are no controls over a commercial banks lending policy.答案:B问题:10. The Stock Exchange only deals in shares.答案:BExercise 2Put the relative pronoun who, that, which into the blank space.

4、 Remember we sometimes refer to institutions as whom.问题:1. Exporters _ will receive foreign currency and importers _ have to buy foreign currency will often sell their rights to those currencies to banks at spot rates _ are the rates of exchange at present, so that it will be the bank _ will carry t

5、he risk of currency changes _ may happen when the money is finally paid.答案:who; who; which; who; whichExercise 3Please put the following passage into Chinese.问题:1. Expansion of Money by Banks Banks are permitted to create money out of multiple expansion of bank deposits. They generate about five dol

6、lars of new money for every dollar of reserves. Let us suppose that a person brings $100 into a bank for deposit. If the bank were to hold 100 percent reserves, it would keep the total amount in the vault. However, as we have learned, the law requires that only a small percentage be kept. Let us ass

7、ume the amount required at this time is 20 percent. With the $80 that does not have to be deposited with the Federal Reserve, the bank may buy government bonds and lend the money, thus assisting business expansion, making mortgages on property, and the like. Note that the depositor still has $100 in

8、 the bank, but the bank, in turn, has created $80 of new money by lending it. The person who borrowed the $80 will probably deposit some or all of the money in the same bank or in some other bank: what is not deposited immediately will probably be spent and subsequently deposited in another bank. Ev

9、entually then the banking system receives a total of $80 in the new depositsthe $80 that was borrowed from the first bank. As in the first instance, the other banks, referred to as second-generation banks, keep only 20 percent of the new $80, or $16, and loan out $64. And so it continues, as each la

10、ter generation bank retains 20 percent and offers the new 80 percent for loan. Through this chain process, the banking system eventually ends up with total deposits equal to five times the original $100. 答案: 银行使货币量增加 银行可以从“银行存款的多倍扩张”中创造货币。这个过程可使储备中的每一美元大约可增生五个新美元。假定有人将一百美元存入一家银行。如果这家银行要有百分之一百的储备,它就会

11、把这笔钱全部存入金库。然而我们已经知道,按照法律规定只须留一小部分作为储备。假定此时银行需保留的金额为百分之二十,这家银行就可以用不必存入联邦储备银行的八十美元购买政府债券或将之贷给他人。以此来帮助企业扩展业务,提供以财产作为抵押的借款等等。要注意的是,存款者在银行里仍然存有一百美元,而这家银行通过发放贷款却另行创造了八十美元货币。 借了这八十美元的人可能把该款的一部或全部存入同一家银行或别的某一家银行;没有立即存入银行的部分可能被花掉,因而终于还会被存入另一家银行。这样,银行系统最后收进总数八十美元的新存款这笔钱就是从第一家银行借出来的那八十美元。正如第一种情况一样,另外那一家银行,或称为第

12、二代银行,也只保留这八十美元新存款的百分之二十,即十六美元,而将其余六十四美元贷出。以此类推,每一代银行都保留百分之二十,而将百分之八十的新货币作为贷款放出。通过这一连锁过程,最终使银行系统的存款总数达到原来那一百美元的五倍。 Exercise 4Read the sentences below. Then find the verb from the list which best fits each situation. explain promise apologize thank admit refuse suggest advise 1. Why dont you think it

13、over for a few days and get back to me? _ 答案: suggest2. Im afraid we cannot extend your overdraft. _ 答案: refuse3. I think you should consider our terms before making a decision. _ 答案: advise4. Ill definitely let you have the details tomorrow. _ 答案: promise5. It appears that we made a mistake on your

14、 October statement. _ 答案: admit6. You understand that the bank will want about 120% in securities to cover this credit. _ 答案: explain7. We are very sorry for the delay in replying your request. _ 答案: apologizeExercise 5Change the sentences into reported speech, using the appropriate verb. Add other

15、words as necessary, in order to make complete sentences.问题:1. Why dont you think it over for a few days and get back to me? _ 答案: (She) suggested that (I) think it over for a few days.问题:2. Im afraid we cannot extend your overdraft. _ 答案: (She) refused to extend (my) overdraft.问题:3. I think you shou

16、ld consider our terms before making a decision. _ 答案: (She) advised us to consider (their) terms before making a decision.问题:4. Ill definitely let you have the details tomorrow. _ 答案: (She) promised to let (me) have the details the next day.问题:5. It appears that we made a mistake on your October sta

17、tement. _ 答案: (She) admitted to making a mistake on (my) October statement.问题:6. You understand that the bank will want about 120% in securities to cover this credit. _ 答案: (She) explained that the bank would want about 120% in securities to cover the credit.问题:7. We are very sorry for the delay in

18、replying your request. _ 答案: (She) apologized for the delay in replying to (my) request.Exercise 6The following is a covering letter from a bank, informing a company that a letter of credit has been opened for them. Choose the correct expressions from the list below to fill in the gaps. inform charg

19、es documents draw acting valid settle opened The Accountant 9 April 2007 Paul Diderot 56 Kingwood, Houston 713 226 Tx, USA Dear Sir, L/C No. 123456/BOC We are 1 on behalf of Bank of China, Beijing, and would like to 2 you that the above documentary credit for US $60000 has been 3 in your favour by y

20、our customers Dudu Date Ltd. The credit is 4 until 15 May and all bank 5 have been paid. Please bring the following 6 to the above address: Air Waybill Invoice f or full value of the sale c.i.f Shanghai Insurance Certificate Certificate of Origin Would you also 7 a sight draft for the full amount of

21、 the invoice on us so that we can 8 this account. Thank you in advance. Yours faithfully, Bill Woodman Documentary Credits Manager 1.答案: acting2.答案: inform3.答案: opened4.答案: valid5.答案: charges6.答案: documents7.答案: draw8.答案: settleExercise 7Replace the words in the brackets with either a gerund or an i

22、nfinitive.问题:1. Most countries can produce any product if they are willing (invest) capital. Artificial climates are created in greenhouses (grow) tropical plants. The UK became a sugar producer because war prevented supplies (get) through. Norway has been an oil producer since oil prices forced the

23、m (invest) capital in (produce) oil from the North Sea. Japan with few natural resources has become a major industrial nation by (specialize) in (develop) its technology. Only Russia and America could be self-sufficient, (produce) their needs without (import) if they had to. Most other countries have (export) (pay) for their imports. In (do) this, they are concerned with two main problemstheir balance of trade and balance of payments.答案:to invest; to grow; getting; to invest; producing; specialising; developing; producing; importing; to export; to pay; doing 11 / 11


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