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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟10剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟10READINGPART ONE Look at the sentences below and the conference notices. Which event does each sentence 1-7 refer to? For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of the letter

2、s more than once. A The Business Communicator Conference is designed for all Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries who want to improve their presentation skills, gain added confidence through assertiveness training and learn a whole host of business information. It is an opportunity for you to

3、 network with other people in your profession. Conference fees include accommodation in twin bedded bedrooms, all meals and transfer to and from the conference centre. B The Senior Secretarial Congress offers an opportunity for Executive Secretaries to keep abreast of developments in their field, to

4、 gain an insight into the changes influencing their roles, and above all to demonstrate ways of developing their careers. The key issues to be covered include: dealing with change, managing staff, communication skills and personal career planning. The cost of the 2-day conference includes all course

5、 notes, refreshments and lunch. C The Executive Secretary Show provides an opportunity to broaden your business contacts and to gain practical advice from experts in such key areas as office products, business technology, organizing conferences, incentive travel and corporate hospitality. Experts wi

6、ll also be on hand to advise on effective purchasing practices and ways in which to increase the efficiency of your office. Admission is free, but you are advised to book early as places are limited. D The PA Specialist Forum is of particular interest to senior secretarial staff working in specialis

7、t areas, including banking, accountancy, stockbroking and financial services. Seminar topics include technical report writing, translation from and into other languages and presenting statistical information. There will also be workshops in specific computer-related areas, including graphics package

8、s and the use of spreadsheets and databases. Please note that the fee covers all seminars, one workshop and all course materials. 1. This event is of particular interest to people who work in financial institutions.答案:D2. You will have to share a room if you attend this event.答案:A3. This is the plac

9、e to learn about organizing conference events,答案:C4. If you want to learn how to get on in your career, go to this event.答案:B5. There is no charge for this event.答案:C6. If your job involves documents in foreign languages, this event will interest you.答案:D7. This event will be useful if you have a nu

10、mber of people working under you.答案:BPART TWO Read this text about business opportunities in Vietnam. Choose the best sentence from A to G to fill in each of the gaps. For each gap 8-12, mark one letter A-G on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. Business opportunities in Vietnam

11、 are enormous. The rate of growth here is among the highest in the world. (It reaches all sectors of the economy and is likely to accelerate in the future.) Vietnam is well-placed for economic development, because it is part of ASEAN. 1 It is fortunate, too, to be surrounded by countries with large

12、populations, e.g. China, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. 2 The opportunities for business abound, but remember that the first are always rewarded with the best chances of getting quality business contacts. 3 So, the best thing to do to start with is to select contacts with companies similar to

13、 your own, and companies which you consider could be interested in your line of products or services. 4 In the letter, present yourself and the products you deal with in a clear and simple manner. 5 The chances of getting a reply are more than if you had used other types of communication. A. All of

14、these offer large markets for any product produced in Vietnam. B. A large number of them are small, privately owned companies. C. The next thing is to write a letter (no fax, e-mail or phone calls). D. This means that it can reach customers not only in Indo-China but in the other ASEAN nations. E. R

15、emember, too, that business is best done through human contact, not by machines. F. The first impression may be the last impression so you must be very precise and very specific. G. It reaches all sectors of the economy and is likely to accelerate in the future. 1.答案:D2.答案:A3.答案:E4.答案:C5.答案:FPART TH

16、REE Read the article below about Reebok. For the question 13-18, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. Reebok executives do not like to hear their stylish athletic shoes called footwear for yuppies. They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segmen

17、ts, especially now that the company offers basketball and childrens shoes for the under-18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interested in aerobics or running. The executives also point out that through recent acquisitions they have added hiking boots, dress and casual shoes, and high pe

18、rformance athletic footwear to their product lines, all of which should attract new and varied groups of customers. Still, despite its emphasis on new markets, Reebok plans few changes in the upmarket retailing network that helped push sales to $1 billion annually, ahead of all other sports shoe mar

19、keters. Reebok shoes, which are priced from $ 27 to $ 85, will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores, in accordance with the companys view that consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution. In the past few years, the Massac

20、husetts-based company has imposed limits on the number of its distributors (and the number of shoes supplied to stores), partly out of necessity. At times the unexpected demand for Reeboks exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had. These fulfil

21、lment problems seem to be under control now, but the company is still selective about its distributors. At present, Reebok shoes are available in about five thousand retail stores in the United States. Reebok has already anticipated that walking shoes will be the next fitness-related craze, replacin

22、g aerobics shoes the same way its brightly colored, soft leather exercise footwear replaced conventional running shoes. Through product diversification and careful market research, Reebok hopes to avoid the distribution problems Nike came across several years ago, when Nike misjudged the strength of

23、 the aerobics shoe craze and was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount-stores. 1. One reason why Reeboks managerial personnel dont like their shoes to be called footwear for yuppies is that _.A.yuppies usually evokes a negative imageB.they believe that their shoes are p

24、opular with people of different age groupsC.new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoes答案:B问题是“锐步公司管理人员之所以不喜欢他们管理部门生产的鞋被称为是雅皮士的鞋的原因之一是”。答案信息在第一段,开头就指出管理者们不喜欢被这样称呼,接下来列举了他们针对不同客户群开发出来的多种多样的产品,最后的一句话是总结all of which should attract new and varied groups of customers(所有这些产品应该能够吸引新的和

25、不同的客户群),说明他们的产品是多样的,不是单一的。所以答案B“他们相信其生产的运动鞋能够受到不同年龄段的人的欢迎”是正确的。2. Reeboks view that consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution (Para. 2) implies that _.A.the quality of a brand is measured by the service quality of the store selling itB.consumers believe that first-r

26、ate products are only sold by high-quality storesC.the quality of a product determines the quality of its distributors答案:B问题是“锐步公司认为消费者根据产品的销售情况来判断品牌的质量的看法是指”。这是一道推理题。锐步的这种观点出现在第二段的最后一句,那么答案信息一定在这一段中。此段主要阐述锐步正在改进upmarket(高级市场)的销售网,以达到其销售目标push sales to $1 billion annually, ahead of all other sports

27、shoe marketers(帮助其将销售量提高到每年十亿美元,能够在运动鞋市场中名列前茅)。其策略是will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores(继续面向高档的专卖店、体育用品店和商场),它的这种做法基于它的认识:消费者认为高档商店里出售的一定是高质量的商品。所以答案B是正确的。3. Reebok once had to limit the number of its distributors because _.A.the reduction of distr

28、ibutors could increase its share of the marketB.its supply of products fell short of demandC.too many distributors would cut into its profits答案:B问题是“锐步曾经有一次限制其产品经销商的数量是因为”。与题干相关的内容出现在第三段的一句话中,partly out of necessity的意思是“部分原因是出于需要”。后一句说明当时的市场情况是需大于供,A“提高市场份额”和C“经销商太多会分掉利润”都未在此提及,所以只有B“其供应落后于需求”是正确的。4

29、. Although the Reebok Company has solved the problem of fulfilling its orders, it _.A.is still particular about who sells its productsB.does not want to further expand its retailing networkC.still limits the number of shoes supplied to stores答案:A问题是“尽管锐步公司解决了履行订单的问题,但它还是”。题干中的关键词fulfilling出现在第三段,The

30、se fulfillment problems seem to be under control now的意思是“现在,履行订单中出现的问题看来已经得到控制”,说明可以满足需求了,后面的but引出了转折,正好是题干的问题所在。but the company is still selective about its distributors(但是公司对于其经销商的选择还是很挑剔的)。选项A中的who sells its products指的就是distributor,而is still particular about与still selective同义,所以A为正确答案。5. What mis

31、take that Nike had made?A.Misjudge the demand of the market.B.Sell running shoes in low price.C.Mistakenly believed that customer were crazy on the aerobics shoes.答案:A问题是“耐克公司曾经犯过什么错误?”短文在最后一段中提到了Nike,它的错误是misjudged the strength of the aerobics shoe craze,其中的strength是指因craze而对市场造成的影响力度。所以这句话的意思是“错误地

32、判断了消费者对有氧运动用鞋的狂热所能对市场造成的影响力度”,关键词在strength,并不是没有在消费者中产生狂热现象,而是对市场供需比例的判断发生了错误。所以选项C是错误的。而后文的was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount stores(被迫将大量积压的跑鞋放到打折店里倾销),只是Nike出现错误之后不得已的做法。所以选项B也是错误的。只有A是正确的。6. What lesson has Reebok learned from Nikes distribution problems?A.A

33、company should do follow-up surveys of its products.B.A company should not sell its high quality shoes in discount stores.C.A company should correctly evaluate the impact of a new craze on the market.答案:C问题是“从耐克的销售存在的问题中,锐步吸取了什么教训?”在第四段中提到锐步也预测到了市场中的craze,并准备迎合消费者的兴趣,说明它已经做了市场调查,所以A是错误的。选项B涉及的是Nike在

34、出现错误后做出的补救措施,所以B也是错误的。从上一题可知,Nike的错误在于判断craze在市场中的影响力度(strength)有误,因此,锐步需要避免重蹈覆辙,必须作出正确的计划,所以C是正确的答案。其中impact与strength同义。PART FOUR Read this article about the effect of the Asian crisis on Latin American countries. Choose the correct word from A, B, C or D to fill in each gap. For each question 19-3

35、3, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning. (0). Latin American stocks fell for a second day on Friday in reaction to Asias currency and stock market crash. There were fears that the Asian crisis could influence investors in other emerging markets. Arg

36、entina and Mexico 1 the highest falls, with their indexes down by 4% by the 2 of trading on Friday. Brazils Bovespa index, which on the same day 3 by far the steepest plunge in the Americas, was down 2.9 %. Whats happening in Hong Kong has been a terrible 4 to the system, said Richard Watt, who 5 3.

37、5 billion dollars in emerging market investments for BEA Associates in New York. Investors in Brazil were concerned that its economic problems were dangerously 6 to those that have caused the currency and market plunges in Thailand, Malaysia and other Asian 7 . Brazils economy is far from 8 , said l

38、an Campbell, chief economist at ABN Amro Bank NV Amsterdam. Its current account and fiscal 9 are large and its currency is overvalued. Theres no 10 in trying to catch a falling knife, said Jane Heap, Latin American stock strategist at Deutsche Morgan Grenfell. Theres no room for 11 in Brazil until t

39、he US and Asia get back to normal. There were also concerns that foreign investors who specialize in emerging markets could be 12 to sell their shares in Latin America to 13 their Asian losses. Theres a lot of nervousness about whether investors will 14 their money out of stocks, because of instabil

40、ity in Asia. Said German Guerrero, chief trader at the Chilean brokerage Celfin SA. Chilean markets were down only 15 in afternoon trading. The Chile selective stock index fell 0.72 % and the Chile general stock index was down 0.64 %. 1.A.sentB.experiencedC.tookD.enjoyed答案:B句中的highest falls指的是股市的大幅(

41、或“急剧”)下跌,因此空格中要求的动词应是“遇到”、“遭受”或“发生”的意思。Asent意为“发送”,Bexperienced意为“经历”,Ctook意为“拿、取”,Denjoyed意为“享受”。显然B符合上下文的意思。2.A.stopB.cancellationC.closeD.collapse答案:C此句的indexes down by 4% by the 20 of trading on Friday中的indexes意为“股市的指数”,down by 4%意为“下降了4%”,trading意为“交易”,后面的by the _ of意为“截止到为止”。股市的指数计算应在收市之后得出结果,

42、所以这里的截止时间应是“收市”。 Astop意为“停止,不再继续”,Bcancellation意为“取消、撤销”,Cclose意为“关闭、结束”,Dcollapse意为“崩溃、瓦解”。所以答案应为Cclose。 3.A.urgedB.deliveredC.recoveredD.suffered答案:D这句话which on the same day (21) by far the steepest plunge in the Americas与第19题Argentina and Mexico (19) the highest falls的句式相似,说明的意思也类似,所以选择的词与19题中的词应

43、是同义词。Aurged意为“强求”,Bdelivered意为“递送”,Crecovered意为“恢复”,Dsuffered意为“遭受”。所以答案为D。4.A.shockB.reactionC.blockD.attack答案:A此句中的system指的是金融证券系统,terrible所修饰的词应是亚洲金融危机对该系统产生的影响。Ashock意为“打击、震动”,Breaction意为“反应、反作用”,Cblock意为“障碍物、阻塞”,Dattack意为“进攻、攻击”。所以答案为A。5.A.directsB.earnsC.dealsD.manages答案:D可以看出,在who (23) 3.5 bi

44、llion dollars in emerging market investments for BEA Associates in New York这句话中,需要选择的动词与后面的for组成“为纽约的BEA Associates35亿美元的新兴市场投资”,经过分析可知,这35亿美元是在emerging market中的investments,而且与后面的介词for组成短语表示“为而”。所以Bearns(挣得)在此讲不通。那么可以推测这笔钱不是Richard Watt的,而是BEA Associates的,他是为BEA Associates管理或支配这笔钱的。而Adirects是“指导”的意思

45、,Cdeals表示“应付”的意思时,是不及物动词,需与with连用。所以答案为Dmanages(管理)。6.A.identicalB.similarC.equalD.related答案:B从句中可以看出,巴西的投资者担心其遇到的经济问题与导致泰国、马来西亚货币贬值和市场跳水的问题。空白处要选择的词要构成短语beto,首先让我们区别这四个短语: be identical to意思是“同样的、一致的”,这两个经济问题虽然性质可能相同,但不大可能一模一样。be equal to意思是“等于、等同于”,显然这个词不恰当。be related to意思是“与相关”,亚洲的危机已经影响到拉美,不再是投资者

46、们的担心了。be similar to意思是“与相似”,在危机刚刚波及拉美时,人们担心会像亚洲一样。所以B是比较合理的选项。7.A.capitalsB.investmentsC.marketsD.indexes答案:C所选的词应与Thailand、Malaysia并列,Acapitals意为“资本”,B investments意为“投资”,Cmarkets意为“市场”,Dindexes意为“指数”。除了C以外,其他的三个词分别表示钱或数字,只有“市场”是表示空间的,可以与国家相并列。所以此题的答案是C。8.A.soundB.highC.trueD.hope答案:A短语far from表示“远离、远非”。这是lan Campbell所说的前半句,他的后半句中currency is overvalued(货币价值过高)说明他要阐述的是巴西经济的不足,high和true不能够用于修饰economy,far from hope又显得过于绝望,从常识看也不合适。而sound有成熟的意思,所以用在这里比较合适。所以A正确答案。9.A.debtsB.deficitsC.shortagesD.dues答案:B与上一个问题在同一句,同样是lan Campbell所说的话,指出巴西当时的经济体制的不足,fiscal deficits是固定词组,是“财政赤字”的意思,并与后面的形容词large相配


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