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1、状语从句练习知识过关1. You wont be on time _ you hurry.A.except B. unless C. without D. beside2. No matter _ hard it may be, I must try.A. what B. how C. any way D. some way3. Although Peter is clever, _ work hard.A. he doesnt B. he isnt C. but he doesnt D. but he isnt4. He agreed _ they might not bother him

2、any more.A. so that B. in order C. only that D. so as 5. _ the road was icy, Mike drover very fast.A.Though B. Because C. For D. As6. As soon as I _ my meal, I left the restaurant.A. finish B. will finish C. finished D. have finished7. Mary is _ clever _ she understands everything.A. such a; that B.

3、 such an; that C. so; that D. so; as 8. Tom had a headache, _ he didnt go to the party.A. why B. so C. but D. or9. People do not know the value of freedom _ they have lost it.A. until B.when C. sine D. as 10. We are very glad _ you will cooperate with us in this project.A. that B. because C. as D. f

4、or11. He worked so hard _ to go home.A.that forgot B. he forgets C. that he forgets D. that he forgot12. May I have the loan? _ you offer good security.A. But B. Unless C. Provided D. But for13. As far as I _, I dont think it wise to go there alone.A.concerning B. am concerning C. concerned D. am co

5、ncerned14. Jean had not realized how long the magazine was or _ it was to read.A. how too difficult B. how difficultC. what too difficulty D. what difficulty15. As you treat me, _ will I treat you. A. as B. so C. or D. and 16. We keep milk in a refrigerator _ it will not spoil.A. in order B. in case

6、 C. so that D. lest17. He has a good education; _ , he is a genius.A. in addition to B. in spite of C. moreover D. otherwise18. He was out of health; _, he could not go to school.A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. according19. You may do anything you like _ it is not against the law.A. even if

7、 B. so long as C. unless D. as soon as20. _ they are, they are generous and friendly to others .A. Poverty as B. Poor though C. Poorly as D. Although高考真题1.(1998) Why do you want a new job _ youve got such a good one already?A. that B. where C. which D. when2.Mother was worried because little Alice f

8、ell ill, especially _ father was away in France.A. as B. that C. during D. if3. What was the party like? Wonderful. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A. after B. before C. when D. since4.(1998上海) I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.A.first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by

9、the first time5.(1997) After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre.A. that B. where C. which D. when6.(2000春招) John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones.A. as long as B. in order C. in case D. so that7.(1995) If we work with a strong will, we can o

10、vercome any difficulties, _ great it is.A. what B. how C. however D. whatever8.(1997) _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A. However late is he B. However he is lateC. However is he late D. However late he is9.(2000) Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _

11、 I could answer the phone.A. as B. since C. until D. before10.(2000) The WTO cant live up to its name _ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though11.(1990) _ the day went on, the weather got worse.A. With B. Since C. While D. As12.(

12、1992) It was not _she took off the glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star.A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; until13.(1999) Im going to the post office. _ youre there, can you get me some stamps?A. As B. While C. Because D. If14.(2002) John shut everybody out of the kitche

13、n _ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A. which B. when C. so that D. as if仿真训练1. He hurried out of the room _ the meeting was over.A. the moment B. a moment ago C. after a minute D. minute after2. Those college students will go _ they are needed after graduation.A. to place B. to whe

14、re C. wherever D. to matter where3. I think I should prefer to go on Friday, _ its all the same to you.A. unless B. if C. as soon as D. though4. The experiment is of particular importance.I see. Well carry on with it _ we can get enough money.A. until B. unless C. whether D. however5. Dont you belie

15、ve me?_, Ill believe _ you say.A. No, whatever B. Yes, no matter whatC. No, no matter what D. Yes, whatever6. _ youve got a chance, you may as well make full use of it.A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as7. What are you going to do this afternoon?Ill probably go for walk later on _ it stay

16、s fine.A. as far as B. as long as C. even if D. as if8. Charlie Chaplin, for _ life was hard, began acting at the age of five.A. who B. whom C. whose D. his9. We should do more such exercises in the future, I think, _ those we did yesterday.A. as B. than C. which D. that10. After _ seemed a very lon

17、g time, the badly wounded soldier came back to life.A. that B. it C. which D. what11. A person doesnt necessarily grow wiser _ he grows older.A. as B. with C. since D. while12. Old praise dies _ you feed it.A. if B. when C. unless D. before13. I will put the book _ you placed it and make a mark at t

18、he place _I put it.A. where; at which B. at which; where C. where; which D. at which; at which 14. The science of medicine _ progress has been rapid lately is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.A. which B. in which C. that D. with which15. Its a long time _ I saw you last.Yes, and what a

19、 pity it is since it will be a long time _ we see each other again.A.before; sinceB. when; when C. since; before D. when; then16. She liked the dictionary so much that she would like to take it _ it cost.A. what B. how much C. whatever D. however17. Are you familiar with the music?Yes, there was a t

20、ime _ this kind of music was quite popular.A. that B. when C. with which D. about which18. When he reads books, his habit is to make a mark _ the meaning is unclear to him.A. there B. the place C. in which D. wherever19. _ youve mentioned it, I do remember.A. Because B. If C. Now that D. When20. He

21、whispered to his wife _ he might wake up the sleeping baby.A. so that B. in condition that C. for fear that D. so long as 21. I wont give you any help _ you tell me the truth. Its none of my business.A. unless B. since C. if D. even if22. I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice _ I pi

22、cked up the phone.A. immediately B. quickly C. suddenly D. hurriedly23. The city plans to build a park _ there used to be a lake.A. where B. that C. near which D. which24. _ others say, the professor is sure that his theory is correct.A. No matter how B. I doesnt matterC. Whatever D. What ever25. He was unable to make such progress, _.A. as he tried hard B. as hard he triedC. so hard did he try D. hard as he tried4随堂c2


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