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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级听、说分类模拟题16初级听、说分类模拟题16LISTENINGPART ONE For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark ONE letter (A, B, or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the eight recordings twice. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Which document is

2、he talking about?A.shipping papersB.invoiceC.registration form答案:A解析Man: Please check the information on this document. If they arent correct, the machine wont get through customs. I dont want any problems when delivering goods.2. When will the next consignment arrive?A.early ThursdayB.early FridayC

3、.late Friday答案:B解析Man: Hello, this is A1 Garcia.Woman: When can we expect the next consignment in our warehouse?Man: Late Thursday or early Friday, it depends on the traffic and the weather.3. How many sets of documentation do they need?A.three setsB.one setC.four sets答案:B解析Man: We asked you to send

4、 us all the necessary documentation, but weve been invoiced for three sets. As far as I can tell we only need one set, and there should be no charge for this, according to your letter.4. Whats wrong with the inner packaging?A.not enoughB.brokenC.wet答案:A解析Woman: We examined the packages when they wer

5、e delivered and they seemed to be in good order, but when we opened the packages, we discovered that 15 out of 20 packages were water-stained on the inside. Some of this water seems to have soaked through the inner packaging and the contents are wet inside. Theyve obviously been left out in the rain

6、 in transit and your inner packaging was . was inadequate.5. Why did Wolfgang Rauch leave his job in 1982?A.He did not like the company.B.He saw a good business opportunity.C.The company had financial problems.答案:B解析Man: Before I started Raupack, I worked in sales for eight years for an internationa

7、l company here in the UK. We had to use some small suppliers of packing machinery to complete our product range. But working with both large and small suppliers caused problems. The smaller companies wanted someone to sell only their products, so in 1982 I left and set up my own company, Raupack Ltd

8、. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What will Raupacks suppliers have to develop?A.their machines and customer support servicesB.reliable and low priced machinesC.technically advanced and reliable machines答案:C解析Man: I think technical development is the key to the industry. Companies have to produce and pack m

9、ore and more specialized goods to satisfy their customers. So, in future, our suppliers will have to develop their machines technically but without losing any reliability.7. When does UPS Express guarantee delivery?A.by 10:30 the next dayB.by 10:30 every dayC.by 10:30 a.m. the next business day答案:C解

10、析Man: UPS Express is the ideal service for most of your urgent deliveries. It guarantees delivery by 10:30 a.m. the next business day to over 200 countries. Full electronic tracking means confirmation of delivery is available within minutes in many cases.8. What is this woman going to do?A.to delive

11、r her goods urgentlyB.to choose scheduled deliveryC.to come back on Sept. 1 and deliver her goods答案:B解析Man: Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?Woman: Good morning. I would like to deliver a few boxes of wines. I want them to be delivered on Sept. 1 and arrived on Sept. 2.Man: Today is August

12、 27. Youve got three days. Would you like to choose our scheduled delivery? Your goods will be delivered on the schedule.Woman: That will be fine.PART TWO Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a telephone conversation. For each question (9-15), fill in the missing infor

13、mation in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters. You will hear the recording twice. Order Ticket ORDER TIME 9:30 a. m., Thursday, 20th INFORMATION OF CUSTOMERS NAME Mary Thomson from UPS 1 ADDRESS 2 Rose Street CONTACT NO. 3 INFORMATION OF COMPUTERS TYPE 4 Computer, Pentium 4 3GHz, 512

14、MBS RAM with a 5 GB hard drive QUANTITY 6 DELIVERY DATE Friday morning, 7 June (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)1.答案:INDUSTRIES解析 9-15Man: Hello! May I help you ?Woman: May I speak to Mr. Clare, please?Man: This is Mr. Clare Speaking.Woman: Good morning, Mr. Clare. This is Mary Grogan from UPS Industries. Our co

15、mpany is going to buy 3 desktop computers.Man: How much RAM do you need? How big a hard drive will you need?Woman: Well, Windows XP needs at least 512MBS RAM, and Ill be using a lot of word processors and game programs. Have you got any suggestions?Man: I recommend a Pentium 4 3GHz with a 160 GB har

16、d drive.Woman: I think its OK.Man: OK! When do you want them? We have this computer in stock.Woman: Thats fine. I hope the computers will arrive on Friday morning, June 21st.Man: Friday morning. Where is your company located?Woman: NO. 21 Rose Street, near the Fashion Store.Man: And your telephone n

17、umber is. ?Woman: 72188155. Thank you.Man: Thank you for your business.2.答案: NO.213.答案: 721881554.答案: DESKTOP5.答案: 1606.答案: 37.答案: 21STPART THREE Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a telephone conversation. For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information i

18、n the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the recording twice. Bicycle Renting Registration DATE 7th July TIME 12:30 BICYCLE TYPE 1 bikes QUANTITY 2 PERIOD OF HIRING 3 days HIRERS NAME 4 CONTACT NO. 5 ROOM NO. 6 RENTALSHOP ADDRESS 7 Teckman Street (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)1.答案:MOTOR解析 16

19、-22Woman: Good morning, this is Burts Bicycle Rental.Man: Good morning, Madam. A friend of mine suggested I call you to hire some bikes.Woman: Oh, yes. A lot of people do this these days.Man: Yes, were just on holiday here for a few days and they said it would be a good idea to see the island on bic

20、ycle.Woman: Well, it certainly is. And most people rent a motor bike because you can get around faster and even go to the beach if you like.Man: If I wanted to hire 2 motor bikes tomorrow morning for 2 days, would there be any problem?Woman: No problem at all. May I know your name?Man: Its Green, G-

21、R-E-E-N.Woman: And your telephone number?Man: Im at the Holiday Sun Hotel. My number is 0708112. Im in Room 1203. By the way, is your bike rental shop at No. 100 Teckman Street?Woman: Thats right.Man: OK, then, Ill see you tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot.Woman: Youre welcome. Ill see you then.2.答案: 2

22、3.答案: 24.答案: GREEN5.答案: 07081126.答案: 12037.答案: NO.100PART FOUR You will hear a conversation between an assistant and a customer. For each question (23-30) , mark ONE letter (A ,B or C) for the answer. You will hear the recording twice. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. The man wants to hire a car thatA.can be

23、 put in some boots.B.can be put in some large boxes or bags.C.can be driven even the driver is in a pair of boots.答案:B解析 23-30Woman: Good morning. Can I help you?Man: Yes, please. Id like to hire a car for a few days.Woman: What sort of car are you looking for, sir?Man: I need a comfortable car with

24、 a big boot.Woman: Would you like something from the saloon category?Man: Yes, thanks. Let me see. What sort of petrol does it take?Woman: This one takes unleaded.Man: And whats the petrol consumption?Woman: It does about twenty-three kilometers to the litre at an average speed of ninety kilometers

25、per hour.Man: How much is it per day?Woman: This car costs forty pounds per day, but there is a fifteen per cent discount at the moment if you have it for four days or more.Man: OK. Thats good - I need a car for at least four days. What about mileage? Is there a limit included in the rental?Woman: N

26、o, with this model you get unlimited mileage. Are you going far?Man: Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.2. The car takesA.unleaded petrol.B.ordinary petrol.C.leaded petrol.答案:A3. The car consumesA.a litre per ninety kilometers.B.a litre per twenty-three kilometers.C.a litre per hour.答案:B4

27、. The rental for the car isA.15 pounds per day.B.14 pounds per day.C.40 pounds per day.答案:C5. If the man hires the car more than four days, then he may pay the rentalA.34 pounds per day.B.40 pounds per day.C.15 pounds per day.答案:A6. The mileage isA.included in the rental.B.limited.C.unlimited.答案:C7.

28、 The man is going toA.Birmingham.B.Glasgow.C.Birmingham and Glasgow.答案:C8. How much will the man pay if he hires a car for 3 days?A.120 poundsB.112 poundsC.124 pounds答案:ASPEAKINGPART 1 In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topi


30、: In my opinion, high quality of service is the most important thing when choosing a delivery company. Anyway, we have to think about the cost. We must calculate whether the service is worth that much. When we are delivering something urgent, we should also consider the speed of delivery.B: In my op

31、inion, the choice will be made depending on different situations. While making an order over telephone is fast and timesaving, it lacks the physical record of an order received on paper. To solve this problem, we can use fax. But its not always available. If your order is not urgent, sending letters

32、 will be all right.PART 2 In this part of the test the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about two minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner

33、. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 问题:1. For two or three candidates Scenario Im going to describe a situation. A foreign trade mission from the USA is coming to visit your country early next month. You are supposed to give a talk to them about your company.

34、Talk together about the topics you could include when you give a talk and decide which 3 topics are the most important. Here are some ideas to help you. Prompt material The history Achievement Pamphlets Product price Overseas market expanding plan A factory tour A dinner Company culture Follow-on qu

35、estions Do you think its a good idea to tell the history of the company when someone visits your company? (Why? /Why not?) Do you think introducing your companys business helps to let visitors know your company? (Why? / Why not?) Would you prepare some pamphlets for visitors? (Why? /Why not?) Would

36、you tell visitors how your products are priced? (Why? /Why not?) Would you let visitors know your detailed plan to expand into overseas market? (Why? /Why not?) 答案:A: You know a foreign trade mission from the USA is coming to visit our country early next month.B: Yeah. I was told that one week ago.

37、And we are supposed to give a talk to them about our company.A: What do you think should be included in the talk?B: Naturally, we should brief them on the track record of our company.A: You mean to emphasize that our company has a long history of more than 100 years old.B: Not only that. We should l

38、et them know that we have been very successful in our line of business.A: Do you think we should let them know that we are a leading exporter of Silk Garments in East China?B: Exactly. I think we can give out some pamphlets about our company before the talk.A: Good idea. But I have to remind you, do

39、 not bare everything about us at the meeting. I mean theres certainly a lot that we have to keep as a secret.B: You mean marketing intelligence?A: Sort of. There is no need for us to tell them how our products are priced, and also our detailed plan to expand into overseas markets.B: Welt, what types

40、 of social activities do you think we can provide for them after the talk?A: We can show them around one of our main manufacturers.B: A factory tour.A: Exactly.B: And we may invite them to dinner at a restaurant nearby.A: Thats what we usually do. I dont think we need to make this trade mission an e

41、xception. Follow-on questions Yes, I think so. A long history of a company is a symbol of the success of a company. Yes, I think so. We should let them know that we have been very successful in our line of business. Yes. I think we can give out some pamphlets about our company before the talk, so th

42、at our visitors will have an overall understanding of our company. No, there is no need for us to tell them how our products are priced. Its our companys business secret. No, definitely not. It may be an opportunity to develop our business overseas if we are the first one doing such kind of business. The plan will lose its value if it is revealed. 18 / 18


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