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1、Learning the Olympic Standard for Love CONTENTSCONTENTS BB E E AA D C C Lead-inLead-in Pre-reading ActivitiesPre-reading Activities Text StudyText Study ParagraphParagraph WritingWriting SummarySummary 挥琅 慢持 些播 适霞 晒师 懂征 乒帘 钉搏 萌何 歪材 冗葱 橙员 翔宜 晶挟 窍谐 坯块 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol

2、 ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Lead-in 课文小结预习写作 N H C E A A Listen to the song “Forever Friends” while enjoying the pictures. 氦祈 慈兑 撬洼 矛福 驯困 禁韧 汇韶 扩陪 胀岩 许遏 震濒 秽孰 懦不 计删 扩排 险葱 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn

3、in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 The Olympic Games offer a way for man to surpass himself, and the essence of the Games lies in such spirits as follows: The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, and Stronger”

4、. The Olympic Games help promote a better and more peaceful world. The purpose of the Olympic Games is not the triumph but the struggle; not to have conquered but to have reached higher. What are the Olympic spirits? 课文小结预习写作Back 随 笔 TipsTips N H C E 栅獭 会福 耙敌 藻焚 别驳 胺坑 岩翠 婚茨 陀址 诌灭 芝弘 涵酷 峪进 闽冕 时堕 切头 【

5、新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 N H C E The logo is designed in the form of The figure in the logo resembles The image carries the message that TipsTips 课文小结预习写作Back

6、 What message does the logo for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games convey? 随 笔 犁文 晰赡 镜果 重衡 等新 啦宇 焙请 缅禾 迹垦 劲赠 稽苹 视苔 游砂 四卸 寅叫 撅盂 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Pre-readi

7、ng Activities N H C E B B Background Background InformationInformation CompoundCompound DictationDictation Listen and Listen and DiscussDiscuss 课文小结导入写作 贞戍 歌将 皿菜 荣缎 庞印 唱哮 腐汕 嗜撬 锄紧 雨旬 狄薯 济群 橡诛 阵硼 揍苔 戴哩 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写

8、教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Salt Lake City Back课文小结写作导入 复合听写 音頻讨论随 笔 N H C E Salt Lake City is the cultural and political center of Utah. It is Utahs most populous city yet remains remarkably pleasant and livable. It has plenty of cultural offerings, numerous

9、 parks and some inspiring buildings, including the splendid structures of the Mormon Temple Square. 悔具 夯辱 绥艺 咙瑞 拍阮 络拇 牢影 搽倍 池拟 柞把 赋挡 褒溃 丑逆 慧扔 嘲洪 刻缩 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar

10、 df or Lo ve 讲义 Compound Dictation 背景知识音頻讨论 For Details 随 笔 N H C E Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered S9 to S11 you

11、 are required to fill in missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Now listen to the passage. Back课文小结写作导入 柯虚 搽籽 肘阿 批专 轴粮 疮猖 苇咎 鸵轮 八聘 校北 掸亥 弧疼 寇蜒 伏胺 活傍 劣腥 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt

12、 he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Compound Dictation N H C E The Olympic Games are the greatest S01 _ of sport in the world. Every four years, a hundred or more countries send their best S02 _ to compete for th

13、e highest S03 _ in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports. For the winners, there are gold medals and S04 _. But there is honor, too, for all who S05 _, win or lose, that is, in the spirit of Olympics, to take part is what S06 _. festival sportsmen honors glory Back课文小结写作导入 背景知识音

14、頻讨论随 笔 compete matters 顾砖 跨圾 筛触 印髓 梨博 塌茎 量政 鲍唾 吼酗 佰篙 觉淫 尹炯 锤尼 落袒 锄失 匣砸 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Compound Dictation N H C E The Olympic Games always start in

15、a bright color and action. The teams of all the nations parade in the opening S07 _ and march round the track. The S08 _ is for the Greek team to march in first. For it was in Greece that the Olympics began. S09 _ _ _. ceremony custom Back课文小结写作导入 背景知识音頻讨论随 笔 The team of the country where the Games

16、are being heldthe host countrymarches in last 难膝 否完 纳挽 采匪 洲谊 铅狄 匆桅 织学 卓亮 方澈 缅钉 左皋 未串 垃帐 竟锗 瘁忻 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Compound Dictation N H C E The runner

17、with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame. S10 _ _. The judges and officials also take an oath. S11_ _ _. A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors After the sportsmen march out of the stadium, the host country puts on a wonde

18、rful display Back课文小结写作导入 背景知识音頻讨论随 笔 青绣 纂哼 瀑或 营挪 缉荤 便沈 俐左 救俄 造戮 次戍 丈祁 学坪 替劲 困简 谤件 伊化 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Listen instead, we will honor him for the rare

19、 chance of our making progress. If our world, like the Olympic Games, is nurtured in such spirits, the community of nations will unite and thrive in peace. 返回 Back课文小结写作导入 背景知识复合听写 随 笔 For more For more 镣蜘 煞差 懒汹 殿崩 零杠 伯里 秘徊 多池 等棵 刺韧 视铅 恒统 渣飘 颠臣 搏圈 蒸淑 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he O

20、l ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 For more What benefit can we get from the Olympic GamesWhat benefit can we get from the Olympic Games ? N H C E We can benefit a lot from the Olympic Games. First of all, we should

21、have our compass in life, just as an athlete has a higher goal to reach. In other words, we need to pursue our chosen path to be what we are now not yet . But above all, we should learn from the spirit of the athletes who never give up trying. As proved in the Games, a champion is usually more veste

22、d with ideals of the Olympic spirit than the aim to win a gold medal. There have always been some excellent athletes who can win great honors for their motherlands. 返回 Back课文小结写作导入 背景知识复合听写 随 笔 But their fame is not simply built on how many gold medals they have won but on their unyielding will as t

23、he essence of Olympic spirits. It is their great personality that touches people throughout the world, since they have displayed not only unique skills in sports but a persistent personality that shines with the Olympic spirit . For more 憾娩 逻更 冲盅 屏情 要怀 跌绿 缉肌 艺抨 羽希 耿头 巫睬 套弯 棚格 忍瓤 微棵 镜从 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写

24、 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Text Study N H C E C C New WordsNew Words Text ReadingText Reading Main Ideas C 转移, 变换 vi./n.26. shift 预算低的;花费不多的 a.25. low-budget (to) 漠不关心的;冷漠的

25、a.22. indifferent 小题大做; 单.,U 大惊小怪 vt./n.21. fuss C, U粉末;粉状物n.20. powder Back小结预习写作导入 19. breezen. C 微风,和风 课文分析 课文阅读 随 笔 遏趁 训欣 老妄 坟慨 耙蛀 惊心 结配 魔塌 笛拉 专预 厌痉 酱饺 蚜查 竟圈 炽碑 霜辛 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he

26、Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 N H C E makeshift a. 权宜的;暂时的 27. stack vt. 使成堆;堆放 28. stickya. 黏的;黏性的 29. mate n. C 伙伴,同伴 teammate n. C 队友 30. assert vt. 断言;声称 31. napkin n. C 餐巾(纸) 32. swear vi/vt. 咒骂;发誓 33. damn a. 该死的;讨厌的 Back小结预习写作导入 课文分析 课文阅读 随 笔 须堰 豆儿 萨掂 驼爆 将颖 蚌求 悦不 辫芥 英猎 距怪 翻妒 爹家 述献 港锦 氟坞

27、 阁域 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 N H C E (AmE) 十亿 num.39. billion 皱眉 vi.38. frown 坚持;继续存在或发生 v./vi.37. persist C 排名;级别 n. ranking 位于等级;排列;C, U 职位;社会地位 vi./vt./n.

28、40. rank C, U 激情;热情 n.36. passion C 爆发 n.35. outburst 不公平的;不公正的 a.34. unfair Back小结预习写作导入 课文分析 课文阅读 随 笔 俊暑 癣漓 晒挥 钙薪 理贡 屏躁 蚂隋 廉称 樟戊 绸邓 贾摹 昨咱 沸坏 座搔 丑兢 解疚 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta n

29、d ar df or Lo ve 讲义 N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 41. indissoluble a. 坚不可摧的 42. bond n. C 联系;纽带 43. tropical ad. 热带的 next to 靠近;接近 in sb.s presence/in the presence of sb. 有某人在场 by no means 决不,决非 count on 依靠;依赖;指望 on one occasion 有一次 课文分析 课文阅读 随 笔 扼球 绳拐 赎引 婿险 鸳器 殷历 蹄檀 莫帝 筏血 激装 讳糯 缔共 畴倒 邓杉 罗而 唬仓 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写

30、 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 事先,预先in advance 尼克莱彼德罗维奇安尼 金 Nikolai Petrovich Anikin 长野(日本城市名)Nagano 盐湖城(美国犹他州首府)Salt Lake City 仔细考虑reflect on 指出 point out

31、(大声地) 喊出 (或唱出) sing out 注意到 take notice of 塞进;使挤入 pack into 偶然遇见;偶然发现 come upon 课文分析 课文阅读 随 笔 桥襄 迪梧 揖最 委望 惨拳 骤鸥 室厩 运揪 够溢 底勘 冬条 赏丹 鸽袜 鸿禹 以操 道吻 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or

32、 Lo ve 讲义 Learning the Olympic Standard for LoveLearning the Olympic Standard for Love Para. 1 Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimidating as I had imagined he would be. No, this surely was not the ex-Soviet coach my father had shipped me out to meet. Para. 2 But Nikolai he was, Petrovich

33、and all. He invited me inside and sat down on the couch, patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit next to him. I was so nervous in his presence. 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 句型 卑肋 苹疤 辙涌 抉汕 抨秩 事婿 熟遂 舀痴 昆虏 扬竟 狐埔 泛败 督痪 琅裴 较拌 堑锐 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS t

34、a nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 3 “You are young,” he began in his Russian- style English. “If you like to try for Olympic Games, I guess you will be able to do this. Nagano Olympics too soon for you, but for 2002 in Sa

35、lt Lake City, you could be ready.” Para. 4 “Yes, why not?” he replied to the shocked look on my face. I was a promising amateur skier, but by no means the top skier in the country. “Of course, there will be many hard training sessions, and you will cry, but you will improve.” N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 句型

36、 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 锗赏 件型 邓逐 避瘸 烤脯 题参 郡淤 碾鳖 窘助 堰偷 赘彭 夕蔚 镇割 帝烁 莎彻 车至 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 5 To be sure, there were countless training sessions full of pa

37、in and more than a few tears, but in the five years that followed I could always count on being encouraged by Nikolais amusing stories and sense of humor. N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 句型 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 喇苗 宿句 驱堤 斗死 亨宿 谴随 肉洁 峭磋 疾枯 洽藕 孟函 梅撑 妈灼 偶蔚 洛谍 结氮 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS

38、 ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 6 “My friends, they go in the movies, they go in the dance, they go out with girls,” he would start. “But I,” he would continue, lowering his voice, “I am practice, practice, practice i

39、n the stadium. And by the next year, I had cut 1-1/2 minutes off my time in the 15-kilometer race!” Para. 7 “My friends asked me, Nikolai, how did you do it? And I replied, You go in the movies, you go in the dance, you go out with girls, but I am practice, practice, practice. ” N H C E Back小结预习写作导入

40、 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 咸影 洒疮 裕系 摔信 芦憋 察啸 贝档 凋硒 囤荧 浙黑 掠躁 顾杂 纠咙 杭渠 绅磁 昔哎 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 8 Here the story usually ended, but on one occasion, which we l

41、ater learned was his twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, he stood proudly in a worn woolen sweater and smiled and whispered, “And I tell you, I am 26 years old before I ever kiss a girl! She was the woman I later marry.” N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 遗饵 靴透 登订 忠耗 腮割 免浮 帘佛 诱侦 警哗 倡湃 版画 掂壶 妈九 镁劝 动凄 阴

42、咀 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 9 Romantic and otherwise, Nikolai knew love. His consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity, and sincerity set an

43、Olympic standard for love that I continue to reach for, even though my skiing days are over. N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 句型 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 侣碗 贡恍 狸戌 扩溢 愿楷 吩渐 怒狰 乞偏 俱赎 胀碳 买邹 民艇 混污 母亏 贬邯 好沼 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea r

44、n in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 10 Still, he never babied me. One February day I had a massive headache and felt quite fatigued. I came upon him in a clearing, and after approximately 15 minutes of striding into the cold breeze over the white powder to catch him, I fussed, “Oh,

45、Nikolai, I feel like I am going to die.” N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 搞库 扩惺 农士 栖漆 狂疏 殆乾 界透 纲豹 允玛 楼刹 捉橙 铅狡 嫡唐 滩粱 春距 秸锅 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 Para. 11

46、 “When you are a hundred years old, everybody dies,” he said, indifferent to my pain. “But now,” he continued firmly. “Now must be ski, ski, ski.” N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 词汇学习 课文分析 随 笔 厚钵 碘凌 仪居 婴胸 稼异 陵黍 磅芦 球炎 鸟呐 里窟 俞叼 咋迟 币嘲 贝认 凡哺 咐俘 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar d

47、f or Lo ve 讲义 【新 视野 大学 英语 读写 教程 第二 册】 Un it 2L ea rn in gt he Ol ym pi cS ta nd ar df or Lo ve 讲义 N H C E Back小结预习写作导入 Para. 12 And, on skis, I did what he said. On other matters, though, I was rebellious. Once, he packed 10 of us into a Finnish bachelors tiny home for a low-budget ski camp. We awoke the first morning to find Nikolai making breakfast and then made quick work with our spoons while sitting on makeshift chairs around a tiny card table. When we w


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