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1、Chapter 4 What Should I Do?-Reading一、章节分析( Chapter Two Reading section)(一)阅读地位( Reading Position)本篇阅读是节选自三封学生写给学校咨询师的三封信。主要表达了学生对于由于生活中常见的三件琐事而引发的关于个人和社会道德标准的困惑。通过对本课文的学习和讨论来提升学生的道德水准。1通过对本课课文的学习,扩大学生的词汇量,拓展学生的阅读范围,提高学生阅读的能力。通过对本课文的学习,使学生能更好地掌握现在分词这一重要语法点。2 阅读章节结束后,可以通过Speaking-up, listening and Mor

2、e language Input等部分的学习,来巩固和加强学生所学到的知识。(二)阅读目标(Reading Target)知识通过对本课课文的学习,扩大学生的词汇量,拓展学生的阅读范围,提高学生阅读的能力。通过对本课文的学习,使学生能更好地掌握现在分词这一重要语法点。能力 通过对课文三个故事的阅读理解,学生能更好的面对日常生活中一些道德问题,从而提升个人的道德水准。情感创设情景,使学生在宽松愉悦的学习气氛中,释放情感,主动学习,从而激发起学生对英语学习的兴趣和爱好。(一)教学方法以学生为中心,采用任务型教学方式,并结合适当的小组讨论。(四)阅读重点和难点(Important and Diffi

3、cult Points)1.词汇学习1)核心词汇accidentallypresenttoughclose,closelynarrowlyquestion(v.)用心爱心专心- 1 -(2) 拓展词汇teasebullycarriagegrumble( 3) 组和短语 by chance make fun ofguilty conscience,at this pointa five-hundred-dollar notea clear conscience2.句型学习 Returning home later that night.Frightened of losing her job i

4、n the civil service,Sitting down beside a young boy who was traveling alone , they began to tease and bully him.At this point, I got off at my station and walked home, feeling sorry for the boy.On discovering the error I want back to tell her about it.二、教学设计( Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1pre-re

5、ading在这篇课文中所提出的问题很贴近学生的生活,所以在正式进入主题之前,教师可以创设几个相似的生活场景,让学生讨论,充分吸引学生对课文的关注度,以及提高他们对于课文学习的兴趣。2while-reading 由于本篇课文来自 于三封不同的学生来信,所以内容相对独立,因此我建议采用分段教学的方式。建议先分段的听课文录音, 然后可以用 P60 上,READANDTHINK和 P58SKIMMING部分的问题提问,以确定学生对于课文内容的掌握用心爱心专心- 2 -程度。 其次,可以要求学生分段阅读课文,然后完成 P60 页上 B 项练习。基于以上的两项练习的完成,学生已基本掌握课文内容和扫除生词障

6、碍,教师可以对课文和一些常用词汇作进一步的讲解,建议在讲解的过程中,可以通过中英互译的练习,来加深学生的掌握。这篇课文的主要语法为现在分词,在三封信中都有涉及,我建议就这语法部分可以联系起来一起将,可以引出下一部分-语法部分 链接 2 可以给出具体的建议,如课件或教案3post-reading提供学生相关主题的拓展阅读材料,然后给出响应的话题,让学生进行分组讨论,然后阐述他们的观点。 链接 1教师可以充分利用课本57 页上的那幅图。最好把它扫描进电脑,然后投影出来。1 就图片内容请学生进行描述。Thiscartoonintroducesthechaptertopicindirectly,by

7、showing a man gettingup to allow two old women to sit down. This is a small moral question many ofus face everyday : should we give up our seat on the undergroundor bus to allowan older person to sit down. The humor is in the fact that the uncle is so gatthat two thin people can sit down when he sta

8、nds up.2 提出相应问题:Will you give up your seat to someone old ,disabled or carryinga baby, when you are on a bus? Why?3.如果时间允许,还可以进行以下的Pre-chapter Activities;Ask the studentswhat sortof problems people might take to the schoolsocialworker.What are the moral problems that many students may face? The answ

9、ers may include the following situations:Family problemBoy-girl relationshipsPressures of workFailing examsBullying in schoolTrouble-makers from outside the school threatening the students for moneyKnowing about friends who have done something wrong or dangerous用心爱心专心- 3 -DepressionTell the students

10、 this chapter is going to look at some of these problems 链接 21. Listen to the tape record of story one.2. Answer the following questionsa. Why did you say nothing before you left for the movies with your friend?b. Why did your friend say nothing to the police?c.Why did the police take a tenantsson a

11、way and question him?d. Why did you write to me?3. Read story one and find words in the story that can replace these wordsa. with many storeysb. almost hittingc. the part of your mind that tells the difference between right and wrong4. New words and useful phases in story oneClose: v.adj.adv.Close t

12、he door please.They try to close the gap Between rich and poor.Our school is close to a new cinema.She is close to her father.They live quite close.The shy girl stood close by her Daughter.They close up to each other.Closely: in a close manner用心爱心专心- 4 -Listen closely/carefullyThese two events are c

13、losely connected.The police are watching a Spy closely.accidentally: without deliberate purposeOn my way home I met with a friend Accidentally.We are shocked at the news of his accident death.A woman was killed in a road accident yesterday.I only found out the truth by accident.He shot at the bird a

14、nd missedIt.The house is on the cornerand you cant miss it.She missed the point of my joke.When did you first miss your bag?I miss you that much while you are away.smash: smash sth (up), smash sth openSmash a windowSmash (up) the glass to piecesSmash the door to openShe smashed up her new car in the

15、 fog.I will smash you in the face.smash the ball在教授第二和第三个故事的时候,可以重复上面的教学步骤。用心爱心专心- 5 - 链接 3Honesty-Best PolicyWe say that honestyis thevirtuesmuch greaterthan allthe others.First,honestyis a must , with which we can successfully live in the society. As a famous Chinesesaying goes well. ” Ifone isdis

16、honest,allthe people , includinghis belovedfriendswill surely cheat him.” It is true that the farther one stays away from honesty mthe more he willsuffer. Second, honestyistheveryqualitythatone needs in almostall his circles. If one does cheat, how can her achieve true progress? How can hehave acces

17、storealsuccess?Finally,honestyservesas a way of handlingbothdomesticand international relations. If one keeps tell lies to his friends, they will feelcheated. It is believed that honesty eventually leads to the true friendship. Thesame policyisalsoappliedto therelationsbetweenthe countriesas well. D

18、iplomacyrequires honesty. If one country is dishonest with others no county whatsoever will get along will with her, and surely enough, her reputation will crash completely. For the friends , Honesty is the best policy to survive relations.Topic for discussion:诚实在人的一生中很重要,世界上没有绝对的诚实,谈谈你对诚实的看法。用心爱心专心- 6 -


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