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1、高二英语周中练第一节: Multiple Choice1.I can t remember when exactlythe Robinsonsleft _city, I only rememberit was _Monday.A .the, the B. a, the C .a , aD. the , a2. Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to _ a good researcher.A. make B. turn C. get D. grow3. - where is my dictionary? I

2、 remember I put it in the wrong place.- you_ it in the wrong place.A .must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put 4. Is man _ to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A . probable B. likely C. possible D. probably5 . The story was so touching that I could hardly _ my tears.A . hold on B. hol

3、d back C. hold up D. hold on to6. Smoking is a major factor_ lung cancer.A .contribute to B. contributes to C. contributed to D. contributing to7 I have seen the technology _ by many workers_ their jobs. So it must bean effective one.A. applying ; to B. applied ;for C. applying ; for D. applied; to8

4、.After_ seemed hours if waiting in line, finally it was our turn to pass thegatewayA. that B. it C . what D. which9. I can t stand_ with Jane in the same office, she just refuses _ working while she works.A. working; stopping B. to work; stoppingC. working; to stop D. to work; to stop10. He was told

5、 that it would be at least three months _he could recover and return to work.A. when B. before C. since D. that11. - Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.- Sorry, With so much work _ my mind, I almost break down. A . filled B. filling C. to fill D. being filled12 It s difficult to im

6、agine his _ the decision without any consideration.A. to accept B. accept C. accepting D. accepted13. He glanced over at her, _ that thought she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.A having noted B. noted C to note D noting第 1 页 共 5 页14 -I m looking for a house ,I d like _ with a big gardern

7、.- Yes, madam, we ve several of this kind. A that B. it C. one D. this15- I m dead tired, I can t walk any farther, jenny.- _, Tommy. You can do it!No problem B .No hurry C .Come on D. That s ok第二节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分 20分)Live Your DreamWeallhave dreams. Yet so few ofus realizethem. Often,a dream d

8、iesas quicklyas it is born 36 we lack the confidence to keep it. When I was old enough tounderstand the realities of life, I realized that society puts a high37onyouth,beautyand academic achievement. This discoverygave me some ideato developmy dream although I was38 .My dream was39 . I just dreamed

9、of becoming a 40 when I was insecondaryschool.The employmentfieldwas a highly41place.Itgave notonlyfiercecompetitiontoa disabledjob-seekerbut also the unfriendlytreatmentfromthe42 strong and healthy. They see the disabled as the back row of society.43 ,Irefusedtositinthe back row. Idecidedto44 acour

10、sein typingrunby thegovernment.WhenI 45overtheapplicationform totheinterviewer,she lookedat me, thenmoved hereyes to my body. She advisedme to46mychoicefrom typing.ButIwas47 tostaywithit.“ Iwillbea reallygood typist,” Itold her. She48 me.On the fifth month of the sixth-month course, five students we

11、re49 todo some copy typing. I was one of them. I was very efficient and finished halfof the work given to us all.50 work came to me after this test. I could see quite clearly the way to51mydream. Iwas taken on as one ofthetypistsin one ofthe officesimmediatelyafter my graduation. I did not52starting

12、 at the bottom of the ladder. Beinga typist was just the beginning of the53. Having achieved one dream, I setout to achieve others. I worked and studied at the same time, which was no easytask. But all my efforts paid54at last.Dreamers shouldkeep reachingoutfortheirdreams, whateverthe55,untilthey ge

13、t what they want in life and live their dreams.36.A. untilB. becauseC. althoughD. unless37.A. balanceB. viewC. valueD. measure38.A. disabledB. talentedC. excitedD. interested39.A. wonderfulB. complexC. strangeD. simple40.A. teacherB. typistC. scientistD. doctor41.A. competitiveB. valuableC. mysterio

14、usD. admirable42.A. especiallyB. extremelyC. physicallyD. fortunately43.A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Moreover44.A. joinB. giveC. receiveD. take45.A. tookB. wentC. handedD. turned46.A. changeB. protectC. keepD. prevent47.A. devotedB. disappointedC. determinedD. puzzled48.A. receivedB. acceptedC

15、. rejectedD. celebrated第 2 页 共 5 页49 .A. promisedB. forcedC. madeD. chosen50.A. MoreB. LessC. EasierD. Better51.A. achievingB. changingC. readingD. enjoying52.A. preferB. likeC. considerD. mind53.A. experienceB. storyC. climbD. career54.A. downB. outC. upD. off55.A. happinessB. painC. sorrowD. excit

16、ement第三节:阅读理解( A)Shenzhou VII launched for 1st spacewalk By Hu Yinan in Jiuquan and Xin Dingding in Beijing (China Daily) Updated: 2008-09-26(Friday)Chinasthirdmannedspacecraftliftedoffat 9:10 pm on Thursday to accomplishits most ambitious and risky task: spacewalk.Shenzhou VII, carrying astronauts

17、Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng,was launched from the Jiuquan SatelliteLaunch Center in Gansu province,intoa clearsky.As is the case withsuch tasks in China, the first few moments were tense.Butthenthegroundcontrolheardthevoicesoftheastronauts.Theyfeltphysically sound, they said to the joy

18、 of the scientists on the ground.The astronauts will orbit the Earth for three days, 68 hours, to be precise,and one of them will walk in space about 343 km above the Earth on Saturday.That will be Chinas first spacewalk and will make China the third countryto conduct extra-vehicular activity (EVA)(

19、舱外活动 ) in space. The other two tohave achieved that are the former Soviet Union and the US.The timingofthe spacewalkcould,however,be changed,dependingon how longit wouldtake for the astronautsto adjust to all the factors. EVAsare necessaryfor Chinas long-term goal of building a space station by 2020

20、, and possiblylaunching a manned task to the Moon.The astronauts will land in central part of the Inner Mongolia autonomousregion in a re-entry module(返回舱 ) on September 28th(Sunday).The astronautsenteredthespacecraftat6:28pm Thursday,checkedthecommunicationsystem withthe ground controlafterreviewin

21、gthe operationmanualof the spaceship.The spaceshipwillchange itsorbitaround 4 am today.And the astronautswillstart testing and putting onthe EVA spacesuits, which could take up to15 hours.China launched its first manned spaceship(Shenzhou V) in October 2003, and第 3 页 共 5 页followed it up by sending S

22、henzhou VI two years later. But the Shenzhou VII astronauts have a greater task in hand.56. What can we learn from the passage ?A. This will be the third time for Chinese astronauts to have a space walk.B. Three astronauts will walk in space on schedule to conduct EVA in space.C. The Shenzhou-7 re-e

23、ntry module will land on Saturday afternoon in centralpart of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.D. The success of the spacewalk will be one step further towards Chinaslonger-term goal to have a space station by 2020.57. The underlinedwords“such tasks in China”inthe thirdparagraphmost probablyrefe

24、r to.A. the firsthuman spacewalk by the formerSovietUnion astronautAlexeiLeonovin 1965B. American astronaut Neil Armstrongsetting foot on the Moon in 1969C. the first two manned spaceflights of China in 2003 and 2005 D. Chinas launching a manned spacecraft to the Moon58. The main purpose of the pass

25、age is to.A. tell a storyB. provide evidenceC. give a reportD. compare opinions( B)New research says 35 percent of the deaths of children worldwide are caused by hunger. The research is from poor to middle-income countries in Africa, Asiaand Latin America.Robert Black from the Bloomberg School of Pu

26、blic Health at Johns HopkinsUniversity in Maryland was the leading writer of the research. He says more than3.5 millionmothers and childrenunder fivedie in poor countrieseach year becauseof hunger.He says more than two millionchildrendie from underdevelopment,eitherbeforeor after birth. Millions of

27、others who survive face a lifetime of disabilitiesor earlydeath.And the effectsare not justphysical.Poor braindevelopmentcanlimit economic success as children become adults. Then the cycle of poverty and hunger often repeats for their children.Doctor Black says hungry children are also more likely t

28、o have conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease as adults. He says the studies show thatfood programs need to placethe greatestimportanceon the firsttwo years of life.Hungry children can suffer the whole life damage from age two.So it is high time to improve their diets. Diets should in

29、clude foods richin vitamin A and other useful things. The researchers say early help like thesecould reduce child deaths by 25%.The research has faced some criticism(批评 ). A medical aid group says theresearchers underestimate( 低 估 )the number of child deaths from hunger. The researchers say there ar

30、e findings that support this treatment but more studiesare needed to compare it to hospital care.59 What is the main idea of the third paragraph?A. Poverty and hunger have influenced all childrens lives in the world.B. Hunger has some bad effectson childrensphysicaland mental development.C. Ever yea

31、r over two million children die of hunger after birth.第 4 页 共 5 页D. Poverty and hunger can limit peoples success.60 What can we learn from this passage?A. If a child is hungry at childhood, he will be disabled in the future.B. Criticism is the best medicine for hunger.C. The results from the researc

32、h is not satisfactory.D. Generally speaking, hungry children have less chance of catching heart disease when they grow up.61 Which period is the most important for childrens physical development?A. Before birth.B. Between birth and the age of two.C. From age two to five.D. Under the age of five.62 W

33、hich of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?A. Hunger childrens biggest enemy.B. How to prevent hunger.C. A latest survey about hunger all over the world.D. Time to improve our living conditions.1-5DADBB6-10DDCCB11-15BCDCC36-40BCADB, ACBDC, ACBDA, ADCDB,56-62 DCC, BCBA第 5 页 共 5 页


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