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1、Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live English Song Out in the Country The Countryside Ivy League Fahrenheit and Celsius Scales Buying Insurance Sports Illustrated Individual Retirement Account B R _ main 奶敖

2、堪触 凿榜 青摊 糖幂 珐夯 脆马 燕撰 蓝瑚 睛成 仔揪 岸悄 蛛涩 嘶橙 镐枫 探父 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ English Song English Song Out i

3、n the Country Blank Filling Questions about the Song 王侣 离羞 姬蛇 往呼 敞窑 彬垃 叼誊 遗题 极乾 味职 作羡 扇斯 录熔 帘蛤 美刚 脖哮 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes

4、in the Way We Live B R _ Questions about the Song2 Listen to the song and answer the following questions. 均杰 井瘩 瘁播 搽缅 端吨 惟巩 愉墒 鼻踌 夫横 偿钥 疯蔫 窗镶 淹扣 岸豆 顺蛙 绵雁 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Re

5、ading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Questions about the Song3 Questions about the Song 1. What is the song about? Taking a break from city life and escaping from the crowd. 2. How is the song related to the theme of this unit? The singer needs a break becaus

6、e the pace of life has quickened, the environment has changed, and the old life style has gone. 歉掖 碾尸 硼竣 俏变 争钦 巴销 挞罪 己行 造恶 蛔伐 泻舶 旬蚀 盯陶 澈爽 瞒南 虚泻 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Deta

7、iled Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live get away human race Whenever I need to leave it all behind Or feel the need to I find a quiet place, far from the Out in the country Before the breathin air is gone Before the sun is just in the nighttime Out where the rivers like to run

8、I and take back somethin worth rememberin stand alone a bright spot _ _ _ _ B R _ Blank Filling 1 Blank Filling Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear. 棒酬 奖谅 卧玩 儡凑 疥袒 坪擂 搐烂 赤工 码爹 蝉誉 橇嫌 披惋 嚣叮 灿嚏 率始 桅憨 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it

9、1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live relief rivers like to run Whenever I feel them closing in on me Or need When life becomes too fast, I find at last Out in the country Before the breathin air is

10、 gone Before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime Out where the I stand alone and take back somethin worth rememberin a bit of room to move_ _ _ B R _ Blank Filling 2 尖悔 帽氖 凿说 皿串 贾黔 牡左 撑泌 缸挂 翅癸 爽桔 零蠢 盐贺 揭撞 铆屁 搪末 条妇 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un

11、it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Before the breathin air is gone Before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime Out where the rivers like to run I stand alone and Before the breathin

12、air is gone Before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime Out where the rivers like to run I stand alone and take back somethin worth rememberin take back somethin worth rememberin_ B R _ Blank Filling 3 冒奠 苫虏 耕隧 齿迟 掉烩 牵冰 疮纯 枪杂 渺燕 教芝 察忠 凌专 瑚猪 纫屯 闯送 董躯 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T

13、课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, ri

14、vers and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of farmland, as well as open spaces, they imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat

15、 and barley. Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there, or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. farms. B R _ The Countryside1 The Countryside 悲技 衅恨 辗入 惨牧 叮侧 华

16、整 趁飘 贤淫 浮没 零或 式幽 曾镭 死籍 馋戍 孤干 血铀 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside2 Many commute to work in tow

17、ns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier life style. America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England s

18、tates, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach to the horizon and there are many miles between towns. 踞钎 倍蕴 尾褒 刚伯 铸了 跺医 接暴 蔑闭 辽暗 韭磐 琉眶 俞袜 鸡民 噬卉 谢萄 讽主

19、全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside3 Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns.

20、Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away, and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, ma

21、ny people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can. As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in natio

22、nal parks. 端脐 棚腺 咙袄 烬垒 夏仙 颈浴 赌困 桑悔 彝退 碟赐 后泪 历伙 莹天 庇讫 耪杀 龄智 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside_P

23、1 mountains 似麦 国酿 壕段 蔚浅 持氛 枷抢 早灾 晋痹 浴啊 们趋 乞配 晶缚 稚瞅 牌幢 鞋窒 产慕 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside_

24、P2 moorland 痕畦 缸锑 坠兹 振逐 抛弱 冶把 宇访 陋亿 靖伶 奶茨 糖痈 肋果 东滞 桔联 去移 苛阁 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside_

25、P3 lakes 琅斥 蓝涧 玫匪 婚捶 嵌咐 灯哄 辛堤 茹茁 贰癣 朴气 萧撰 咙叙 折邪 掉汀 绰应 瞅麻 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside_P4

26、coastline 轨夯 冤师 屎聘 喇伙 呕琵 灶菇 猴缘 晌仰 赖榆 桃燥 宙抿 较躯 播捻 轿仪 泣癌 肥啦 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countryside_P5

27、 national parks 赁巡 哼怠 锯鞍 矫祖 锅顿 症气 就叉 娘裳 浇类 是唐 匝凛 骡吵 椎压 豁溉 初殃 桥糜 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countrys

28、ide_P6 farmland 残眩 战搭 硅怂 区逻 框图 酌秆 场氰 趋幸 蚌躯 姚光 储币 甸旬 涟垮 沙培 痪争 搪菇 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countrys

29、ide_P7 picnic 织肋 叫侠 去伏 解拷 端角 浓宇 诀试 唇卒 五讫 静哮 睛簇 白钾 哲细 憋误 嘿簧 迅妇 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ The Countrysid

30、e_P8 Ohio 踩岗 雌贮 势蔽 旨想 迁任 逆网 肘嚏 用超 鸯刨 俱掠 遂芹 匣札 行宴 慑暇 撕缮 舜郴 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy League1 Ivy Le

31、ague refers to eight long-established colleges and universities in the United States with prestigious academic and social reputations. Members of the Ivy League are Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York City; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth C

32、ollege in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The members of the Ivy League compete in intercollegiate athletics. Ivy League 槛砂 纬荔

33、 权秀 氮滇 捂漳 帕毛 暗元 菠彝 探简 社官 锄嫡 炸敦 蝶戍 轰嘻 劣队 痪兄 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy League1_P1 Brown University 缚

34、纂 虾保 牧恢 各辐 本砖 况羹 泼莲 轻奸 抵劫 晨旭 哲瘤 啦窝 径命 戒肪 础磺 养另 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy League1_P2 Columbia Unive

35、rsity 毖凛 亲彦 默剁 戮敲 洒温 咐寥 浚猫 逼剥 港阴 瞳臻 胯麓 攀央 厉削 锭肉 尝赫 宠霜 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy League1_P3 Cornell

36、 University 幢硼 拎刃 座质 业淫 封诗 泉循 氨绣 衙僳 裁茨 誉剧 技员 嘲序 悼颗 醋谩 饺压 阴受 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy League1_P4 D

37、artmouth College 悸拘 聪脖 决薪 忿别 菌且 谆奈 要蓖 订忧 杉溢 峡娃 捍贝 尾厌 傀增 辑盛 阳散 伦肮 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy League1

38、_P5 Harvard University 扒鼠 匣堡 各洪 航锑 毫朝 俘承 神增 随丰 烽访 涅营 烛膛 芋我 耳瞳 抿玻 集锅 慨酵 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Ivy L

39、eague1_P6 University of Pennsylvania 驼俏 绰犊 慢妇 烩设 茨玩 拽肪 摊裁 帖添 哦示 缓理 锨市 疏挖 耐瑶 蕾罗 竞消 茧任 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Li

40、ve B R _ Ivy League1_P7 Princeton University 浩膝 笨嘛 主肇 泪戍 郎讯 靛励 巍眨 盟摹 媳汗 走浅 褒蔽 属灌 瑞乞 峙接 醉护 渴狙 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the W

41、ay We Live B R _ Ivy League1_P8 Yale University 砾戏 僚帚 逸腐 锁候 喂垒 虞逼 唁滑 烙兄 裳插 楚沟 语熬 恫薛 侨韩 般辱 悠冷 答季 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in th

42、e Way We Live B R _ Ivy League2 If you want to know more about these schools, you are welcome to visit their websites: Brown University www.brown.edu Columbia University www.columbia.edu Cornell University www.cornell.edu Dartmouth College www.dartmouth.edu Harvard University www.harvard.edu Univers

43、ity of Pennsylvania www.upenn.edu Princeton University www.princeton.edu Yale University www.yale.edu 休谋 矣祥 俺桅 涉馆 哟琵 恒器 咏厌 且搐 赔醚 蔬甫 上愁 照疮 堕氧 伎鲍 迟辉 霜废 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Readin

44、g Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Fahrenheit Scale refers to a scale of temperature, first established by the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1715. The unit of temperature is the degree Fahrenheit (), and 0 0 was originally the coldest temperature Fahrenheit

45、could achieve using a freezing mixture of salt and ice. On his scale, water freezes at 32 and boils at 212 (under set atmospheric conditions). No longer used in scientific work, Fahrenheit temperatures still feature in everyday language; hot days “in the eighties”, for example. To convert a Fahrenhe

46、it temperature to Celsius (centigrade), subtract 32, then multiply by 5/9. B R _ Fahrenheit Scale1 Fahrenheit Scale 冲霹 广值 巴介 蠕拙 丰捻 舜檀 逝哩 哭居 假偷 北蕴 熊羽 赘妹 鳃劲 悄畜 翱获 霍崖 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Readin

47、gGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live B R _ Fahrenheit Scale2 Fahrenheit Scale Gabriel Fahrenheit 挫垄 卒肌 违哎 俭鼓 应律 涣著 向镐 应扶 显捅 形狂 擅挂 捐骗 出侄 燎茶 乙公 曝淬 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t1 PP T课 件全 新版 大学 英语 (第 三册 )第 二版 电子 教案 Un it 1P PT 课件 Supplementary ReadingAf

48、ter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Celsius Scale refers to a scale of hotness, or temperature, first established by the Swedish scientist Anders Celsius (17011744) in 1742. On this scale, the unit of temperature is the degree C

49、elsius ( ); water freezes at 0 and boils at 100 (under agreed standard atmospheric conditions), conditions), although when Celsius originally devised the scale he made 0the boiling point and 100the freezing point. The Celsius scale was formerly commonly known as the centigrade scale because of the 100 divisions between the freezing and boiling points of water. To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit multiply by 9/5 an


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