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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语初级模拟64剑桥商务英语初级模拟64READINGPART ONE问题:1. Would it be possible to bring the day of your meeting with Mr. Jackson forward by a day or so?A.Can you make the meeting with Mr. Jackson any shorter?B.Can you start the meeting with Mr. Jackson any earlier?C.

2、Can you have the meeting with Mr. Jackson any sooner?答案:B问题:2. Order any stationery from this catalogue in June and receive aspecial free pen.A.Ask for our June catalogue and get some free stationery.B.Buy a product in June and youll get a gift.C.Order a pen before June and get another one free.答案:B

3、解析 本题意为“在六月份购买本目录中的任何文具将免费获赠钢笔。”选项中只有B符合题意。故选B。问题:3. Sales were good but distribution problems led to a slight drop in profits. The company had problems with A.producing enough goods.B.delivering enough goods.C.selling enough goods.答案:B解析 此题的解题要点是要明白distr|bution的意思,distribution是distribute的名词形式,意为分配、

4、配送,与B中的deliver的意思吻合。故选B。问题:4. Emily,Re our new catalogue, just received, Vanters want to see Primavers cloth. Please send samples urgently. (Theyve got prices.)Vanters needA.samples of material.B.the latest catalogue,C.a current price list.答案:A问题:5.A.Of the sales dollar, more than 8% goes to Adminis

5、tration.B.Taxes and Selling Expense make up 26%.C.Compared with Profit, less goes to Materials.答案:C由图知,用于管理方面的费用占总数的8%,而非高于8%,故A错;税务和出售的花费分别为17%和 10%共27%,故B错。PART TWO TABLE of CONTENTS AChairman and CEO Overview BResearch and lnnovation CInvestment Highlights DStatistics EBoard and Committees of the

6、 Board 2007 FCorporate Governance GOrganisational Structu re and IDA offices H Financial Statements 1. Sarah Lee would like to know the strengths in research in lreland答案:B“Sarah Lee想了解爱尔兰在研究方面的优势。” 爱尔兰的研究情况的介绍应该出现在“Reseatch and Innovation”(研究与创新)部分中。因此应该选B。 2. Barrie Watson needs a list of the boar

7、d members答案:E“Barrie Watson需要一份(爱尔兰工业发展署)董事会成员的名单。” 对发展署董事会的介绍应该在“Board and Committees of the Board 2007”中。报告中的这个部分通常包括对董事会成员的介绍,也包括对各个委员会功能及其成员的介绍。所以E为正确选项。 3. Tim Longman wants to have a general knowledge of the development of Ireland.答案:A“Tim Longman希望大致了解一下爱尔兰的发展情况。” 对发展情况的简略描述一般包含在公司或组织的年度报告中“C

8、hairman and CEO Overview”中。这个部分一般包括公司发展概况。因为本题涉及的目录是爱尔兰工业发展署的年度报告,所以这一部分应该是对爱尔兰工业发展情况的概述。如果读者希望了解更加详细的数据信息,可以在“Statistics”这一部分中查阅,因为该部分会提供很多具体的数据。本题只说要得到“general knowledge”,所以A项正确。 4. Scott Forrest needs to know the locations of the agencyS offices答案:G“Scott Forrest需要了解发展署的各个办事处的地点。” 年度报告会在“Organisa

9、tional Strueture and IDA Offices这个部分中对该机构的构成情况做简单介绍,并提供IDA在各地的办事处的地址及联系方式,所以G为正确选项。 5. Joshua Golder wants to find out which companies have invested in Ireland答案:C“Joshua Golder想知道哪些公司已经在爱尔兰投资了。” 本题可把关键词“invest”作为解题线索,用排除法即可找到C项。年度报告在“Investment High-lights”这一部分列举了爱尔兰投资的主要企业。因此C项正确。 PART THREE1. In

10、this year, the GDPs of USA and GER showed an increase, while that of JAP was just the opposite.答案: C先找符合第一个条件,即美国和德国呈现增长的项,为C、D、E、F、H;再用第二个条件,即“日本刚好相反”,也就是日本呈现下降这个条件去排除干扰项。因此C项正确。2. The GDPs of GER and JAP increased steadily and USAs GDP reached its peak in this year.答案: F通常情况下,题目中只要提到了“reached its

11、peak”,仅用这一条件就可找到答案。在本题中,找到美国达到峰值的选项就可以了。因此F项正确。3. USA demonstrated a fall while GER and JAP continued to rise.答案: G利用第一个条件,即“美国出现了下降”便可以完成此题,因为只有G项中美国是下降的。然后再用第二个条件“德国和日本继续增长”进一步确定。因此G项正确。4. GER and JAP experienced decrease in this year, but USA increased slightly.答案: B德国下降的只有B项,再看B项中的日本是否也下降,这时可以基本

12、确定为B,最后用第二个条件“美国出现略微增长”来确认。因此B项正确。5. In this year, USA regained a rise and the other two countries continued to increase.答案: H在本题中,正确理解“regain”一词非常重要。“regained a rise”表示在下降之后再上升。本题中是说美国重拾升势,所以H项符合。再用第二个条件“其他两国继续增长”做进一步确认。因此H项正确。PART FOUR CRM-Marketing in the 21st century With over 1,000 published ne

13、wspaper articles, three successful books and his current job as Chairman of his own marketing consultancy, Swan Partners, Richard Swan is well qualified to lecture on marketing. At the industrys recent annual conference, he focused his talk on Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM). According to Swan

14、, existing customers are between three and eight times more likely to buy than a non-customer with the same profile, so increasing customer loyalty is important: if you record the measurements of someones jeans, next time you can offer them a pair that fit exactly; note which hotel guests ask for ic

15、e in their drinks and produce it next time they visit. Although it is essential for effective CRM to record customer information on a good computer database, the real skill is in interpreting what your customers tell you and knowing what promises they think you have made. Swan believes that success

16、requires an equal mix of market research, delivering what the customer expects, finding any weak areas in the system and asking customers for their after- sales opinions and suggestions. But, he warns, approach CRM with care. If you cant measure customer response, then its better to keep to more tra

17、ditional marketing methods. 1. In addition to being an author, Richard Swan is actively involved in the business world.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A2. Swan Partners are the market leaders in delivering CRM.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C3. One aspect of Swans talk was to explain the advantages of de

18、veloping a solid customer base.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A4. Swan believes the CRM approach is best suited to service industries.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C5. Having the right technology is the most important component of successful CRM.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B6. In Swans opinion, achiev

19、ing company growth depends on a combination of several factors.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A7. Swan thinks all companies should move from old-fashioned marketing to CRM.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:BPART FIVE Put Down That Tool The British work longer hours than anyone else in the European Union (E

20、U), which may account for Britains faster rate of economic growth in the past decade. But the European Commission wants to put a stop to it. In a recent report it notes disapprovingly that, The UK is the only member state where weekly working time has increased over the last decade. The commission b

21、elieves that British companies may be systematically violating the EUs Working Time Directive . This demands that Europeans should work a maximum of 48 hours a week on average. Under the directive, workers can sign an opt-out, agreeing to work more than 48 hours. Some 33% of British workers have sig

22、ned such opt-outs, although only 16% are believed actually to be working more than 48 hours. Anna Diamantopoulou, the European commissioner for employment and social affairs, has a doubt about that. Firms in other European countries have not made much use of opt-outs. But, she thinks, some British b

23、osses may be forcing workers to sign opt-outs as a condition of taking a job. (Some Americans may actually want to work more than 48 hours, but surely no European would be so silly, seems to her reasoning.) Citing reasons ranging from health and safety to the need to maintain minimum social standard

24、s in the EU and to strike a better balance between work and family life, the commission is launching a consultation of interested parties on possible changes to the directive. The commissioner hopes that Britain will be able to come up with solutions on a voluntary basis. This sounds innocent enough

25、. But, in reality, if it does not, the commission will probably devise a new directive. The commission is likely to push for tighter definitions of the conditions under which opt-outs can be used. This will inevitably reduce labour-market flexibility and may introduce yet more burdensome corporate f

26、orm-filling and regulation. The British government claims to welcome the commissions review. Privately, however, it hopes that the appointment of a new commission next autumn will ensure that Mrs Diamantopoulou does not have enough time to revise the directive. She will certainly need to work long h

27、ours to get it done. Fortunately, being classified as a manager, at least she has an automatic opt-out from the Working Time Directive. 1. What is the attitude of the European Commission toward Britains longer working hour?A.It firmly supports it.B.It pays no attention to it.C.It wants to get rid of

28、 it.答案:C2. British companies may be against the EUs Working Time Directive by asking their employees to workA.52 hoursB.48 hoursC.45 hours答案:A3. Which of the following is Annas belief?A.French firms have made much use of opt-outs.B.British bosses may force workers to sign opt-outs.C.American corps d

29、ont need any opt-outs.答案:B4. What will be the outcome of the commissions push for tighter definitions?A.Labour-market flexibility will be reduced.B.Corporate form-filling and regulation will become simple.C.A new directive will be devised.答案:A5. What do we learn about Annas revision of the directive

30、?A.She will appoint a new commission to revise it.B.She will have to give it up due to lack of time.C.She will make use of opt-out to revise it.答案:C6. Which of the following is true of Britains practice?A.Most of British workers have to work more than 48 hours a week.B.British government doesnt want

31、 to change its policy voluntarily.C.Britains faster rate of economic growth is owed to its longer working hour.答案:BPART SIX SANDWICH SUCCESS Britains sandwich business is expanding fast. Half the population buy sandwiches at least twice 1 week, and they are spending more 2 them 3 sandwiches are made

32、 at home, while 4 from shops are selling in growing numbers. One reason is that packaging keeps sandwiches fresh for up to 48 hours, making 5 possible to mass-produce them centrally and distribute them widely. 6 reason is that petrol stations, wanting to expand the range of 7 they sell, have quickly

33、 become major outlets for sandwiches. The increase in sandwich sales has also been helped by changing social trends. Many people have stopped 8 family meals at home, and 9 choose the time and place to eat. Time has become more important than price, 10 convenience is the most important reason 11 all.

34、 Taken together, these changes are making the sandwich industry 12 into a very valuable business. 1.A.theB.aC.this答案:Ba常常用在价格、等级和速度等前面,意思相当于each, this week意思是“这周”。2.A.onB.atC.in答案:ASpend.on sth.是固定的搭配,意思是在某事方面花费3.A.eitherB.muchC.fewer答案:C由于越来越多的人花钱购买三明治,那么,在家里做的三明治就越来越少了。因此,这里应该使用否定意义的词fewer。4.A.the

35、yB.allC.those答案:C参看上题,这里指的是从商店里出售的三明治,that用于指代所指、暗示、提及或被理解的事物,它的复数形式是those。5.A.itB.themC.that答案:A在这里只有it可以做形式宾语,代替真正的宾语“to mass-produce them”。意思是“使得批量生产成为可能”。6.A.AnotherB.OtherC.Next答案:Aanother常常指“一个不确定的一些或一组中的一个”,other后面要跟名词复数,next前面需要加上冠词。7.A.whichB.thatC.what答案:C在“介词十关系代词”或“名词(或数同)+of+关系代词”的结构引导定

36、语从句的时候,要使用which,一般不用that。8.A.haveB.havingC.had答案:B谓语动词stop后面需要一个宾语,只有having可以做宾语。9.A.alsoB.insteadC.alternatively答案:B从意思来讲,这里是转折的意思,不是递进的关系,冈此应该使用instead,意思是“代替,改为”。10.A.unlessB.whetherC.although答案:C时间比价格更重要,但是便利才是最要的原因。这是个对比关系的句子。因此,使用although,意思是“但是,然而”。11.A.ofB.forC.by答案:Aof all常常用在最高级比较的句子中,表示“在

37、所有的中”。12.A.growB.growingC.grown答案:A在谓语动词make后面的宾语补足语的动词不定式应该不带“to”。PART SEVENMemorandumTo Linda BamberFrom Walter HarrisonLindaIt is said that Sun Express is a good travel agency, and they offer a 10% discount for groups of more than 20. Can you please fill in the tour information card and pass it o

38、ver to members of our team? We may decide on our tour venue at the meeting of 16 April.Thanks.WalterSun Express takes you to MexicoThis year Sun Express is organizing the best Mexican holiday ever! Youll have a chance to see the Aztec Mexico, the Mayan Mexico and the Spanish colonial Mexico as we ta

39、ke you from Mexico City right down to the south. For further details of the places youll visit see pages 8-9.Prices are per person and include accommodation in a superior class hotel and all meals. All rooms have private facilities.Departures every Saturday. All flights with Pekar Airways direct to

40、Mexico.Price: 1.200.Supplement for a single room: 200Please quote tour No.5210 when booking.20 GLOUCESTER PLACE, CROYDON,CR1 2DH TEL 081 241 9273 FAX 081 243 1945Tour Information FormNAME OF COMPANY 1 _DESTINATION MexicoPRICE 2 _DEPARTURE 3 _DISCOUNT 4 _CARRIER 5 _1.答案: SUN EXPRESS2.答案: 1,2003.答案: E

41、VERY SATURDAY4.答案: 10% FOR OVER/MORE THAN 205.答案: PEKAR AIRWAYSWRITINGPART ONE问题:1. You are going to be out of the office. Write an E-mail to customers: Reminding them that you are out of the office Saying when you will be back in the office Suggesting who should be contacted for urgent questions. W

42、rite 30-40 words. Write on your Answer Sheet.答案:I am currently out of the office. I will be back: on Thursday 23rd July. If you have any urgent questions or problems before then, please contact my colleague Robert Johnson in our office.PART TWO问题:1. Read the letter. Dear Ms. Daley, I am writing to i

43、nquire about your latest photocopiers. We are renting a model from you but now we want to purchase one. Id be very grateful if you sent us a copy of your brochure, and some product literature. Would you please send us a price list as well? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Marco F

44、rancone Write a reply to Marco Francone: thanking him for his enquiry; enclosing a brochure and price list; telling him about a new special offer; asking him to contact you if he has any questions. Write 60- 80 words on your Answer Sheet.Do not include postal address.答案:(for reference only)Dear Mr.

45、Francone: Thank you for your letter dated 5th April. As requested Im sending you a copy of our brochure and some literature about our range of photocopiers. I am also enclosing an up-to-date copy of price list which includes details of discounts available for customers who rent our machines. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. LISTENINGPART ONE (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Wh


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