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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全金融英语中级银行业务模拟1金融英语中级银行业务模拟1SECTION ONE (Compulsory) Now listen to a short conversation and a passage on the tape. This will be played once on the recorder. You may make notes while you are listening, but you should not answer any questions until the readi

2、ng is over. Qustion 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Whats the name of the man who is seeking the mortgage loan?答案:Robert.解析 1-10Personal loanA: Good afternoon, Sir, at your service.B: Oh, thank you. My name is Robert and Id like to make some enquiries concerning mortgage loan facilities offered by your ba

3、nk. Am I in the right place?A: Yes, definitely Sir, please take a seat and let me get hold of a mortgage loan application form. Might I know some details about the property you intend to buy?B: I decided to purchase an apartment in Sapphire Court on Stanford Road, south of our town. I have already m

4、ade my down payment last week and now I am trying to get a mortgage loan to finance the purchase.A: Oh, I see. Is Sapphire Court a new development and what is your purchase price?B: No, its a second hand property and as far as I know, it has been 5 years since the building was built. The owner is de

5、manding for 1 million.A: You mentioned that you have paid a down payment. If you dont mind, please tell me how much you have already paid mid the amount of loan you want from the bank?B: I have paid 40,000 to the landlord through the real estate agent and I will just need700,000 from the bank. What

6、interest rates shall I pay if Im approved to get the loan?A: According to practice, we offer our customer mortgage loans on the basis of prime rate plus 1.5 %. At the moment, prime rate is 8 % so your mortgage loan, if allowed, will approximate to 9.5 %. But we might be able to offer you better term

7、s depending on your profession. Let me first try to fill out this application form for you. Can I have your ID card please?B: But I might not want a loan from your bank if the terms are not suitable to me. Should I not fill in any form at this stage?A: Sir, the form is just to record the appropriate

8、 details and in any case, we will have to conduct an evaluation of the property before we can approve a loan. In addition, we also need your signature when we come to the very end of the form. There is absolutely no commitment at this stage and you can rest assured that the bank will not force you t

9、o take up our loan facilities if you dont want to.B: I understand. Here is my ID card. You can take a photocopy if you need.A: Thank you Sir. Now I want the actual address and the size of the property. Do you want the repayment to spread across a 10-year schedule?B: Yes, lets work on a 10-year repay

10、ment schedule, Its Apartment 8A, Sapphire Court, Stanford Road South, so its on the 8th floor. The size is about 750 square feet as the landlord said. There are 2 bed rooms, a sitting mom, a bath mom and a kitchen. The main window faces the south.A: That sounds rather attractive. We will conduct an

11、evaluation to find out the size and other related facilities. That will give us an idea on how much we can lend. Normally we only lend to a maximum of 70% for second hand properties but if you are looking for 700,000, which is only about 66% of your purchase price, I believe there is high chance for

12、 the loan to be approved as the property is quite new.B: Just now you mentioned possible better terms. What exactly are they?A: Well, would you mind telling me your profession, your source of income and whether you intend to live in the apartment you purchase?B: Im an engineer in Arrow 答案:Last week.

13、3. What is the purchase price of the apartment?答案:1 million.4. Through whom did he pay to the landlord?答案:Through the real estate agent.5. What interest rate does he pay if he gets the loan?答案:5%.6. How many years repayment schedule do they work on?答案:10-year repayment schedule.7. Is there any penal

14、ty if he makes early repayment, and how early?答案:Yes. Only for the first year.8. Can Robert get unsecured loans if he applies for a short period of time and for smaller value?答案:Yes.9. People in what kinds of professions are mentioned in the passage that are offered unsecured loans?答案:Engineers, lec

15、turers, teachers, accountants.10. If a loan is granted to purchase a car, what do we call this kind of loan?答案:A chattel mortgage.SECTION TWO (Compulsory)Question 2 Answer all questions below. Read the following statements and decide whether they are True (T) or False (F). If it is a false statement

16、, try to re-write a correct version. 问题:1. The Exchange Fund is responsible for the issuing and redemption of the Certificates of Indebtedness which give authority to the note-issuing banks to issue banknotes.答案:A问题:2. Money is limited to banknotes and coins in circulation.答案:BCorrection: Money is n

17、ot limited to banknotes and coins in circulation.问题:3. A Required Reserve Ratio is a fraction of the deposits of the public that a bank holds in reserve.答案:A问题:4. According to the newly amended Banking Ordinance in Hongkong, the brokers who satisfy the fit and proper criteria will be approved to tak

18、e positions.答案:BCorrection: According to the newly amended Banking Ordinance in Hongkong, only persons who satisfy the fit and proper criteria will be approved as money brokers.问题:5. In Hongkong, compared to the bends market, the equity market appears not to exist at all because of its limited daily

19、 transactions.答案:BCorrection: In Hongkong, compared to file equity market, file bonds market appears not to exist at all because of its limited daily transactions.问题:6. A crossed cheque implies that the cheque can be exchanged for cash at the drawers bank account on which it is drawn.答案:BCorrection:

20、 An open cheque implies that the cheque can be exchanged for cash at the drawers bank account on which it is drawn.问题:7. The target deposit gives the customer greater flexibility in the amount and the time period for the funds being saved.答案:A问题:8. A mail transfer is the most expensive form of trans

21、fer.答案:BCorrection: A telegraphic transfer is the most expensive form of transfer问题:9. SWIFT is a system allowing member banks to settle payments among them.答案:BCorrection: SWIFT is not a system allowing member banks to settle payments among them.问题:10. The relationship between the banker and the cl

22、ient can only be terminated by the client who provides reasonable time to the other party to arrange for any alternative.答案:BCorrection: The relationship between the banker and the client can be terminated by either the client or the banker who provides reasonable time to the other party to arrange

23、for any alternative.问题:11. A bridging loan is a loan agreement under which finance is required in connection with the sale of one asset and the purchase of another.答案:A问题:12. A call option is an option which gives the buyer the right to sell the currency at the stated strike price on or before the e

24、xpiry date.答案:BCorrection: A put option is an option which gives the buyer the right to sell the currency at the stated strike price oil or before the expiry date.SECTION THREE (Compulsory)Question 3 Write short notes on all questions below. Note form answers me acceptable. 问题:1. What are the proper

25、ties of money?答案:a. portability b. divisibility c. homogeneity and identifiability d. durability e. scarcity f. purchasing power stability 问题:2. List any 4 factors included in the approach that HKMA adopted in assessing the adequacy of a financial institutions liquidity.答案:a. maturity mismatch profi

26、le b. ability to borrow in the interbank market c. loan-to-deposit ratio d. diversity and stability of deposit base e. size of intra-group transactions 问题:3. Name any 3 types of syndication facilities that banks provide to business sectors.答案:a. syndicated loan b. revolving credit facilities c. mult

27、iple option facilities d. other types of facilities include: Standard Eurocurrency facilities SNIFS RUFs 问题:4. What are the different types of money?答案:a. token money b. cheque account deposits c. commodity money 问题:5. What are the factors affecting the level of money supply in Hongkong?答案:a. foreig

28、n currencies in file hands of non-bank and non-DTC public b. net amount due from banks abroad c. loans and advances to bank customers d. investments, including foreign investments e. cash holdings in Hongkong dollars f. net balance of deposits abroad 问题:6. List any 3 items that the liquefiable asset

29、s of an authorized institution in HK include.答案:a. currency notes and coins b. gold c. The amount by which the total one-month liabilities of the authorized institution to relevant banks are exceeded by the total one-month liabilities of relevant banks to it. d. export bills e. marketable debt secur

30、ities or prescribed instruments f. eligible loan repayments SECTION ROUR Answer one question only. Question 4问题:1. What is merchant banking? Why does it grow rapidly in Hong Kong?答案:Merchant banking: providing financial advice and a wide range of special services for companies in the area of finance

31、 and management. main functions in merchant banking: -act as both brokers and dealers in wide variety of securities; -provide research services and give consultancy services on all varieties of management problems; -money market instruments are traded; -underwrite the debt issue of government and ma

32、nage the sale of corporate debt and stock; -serve as agents to handle the payment of dividends to shareholders; -handle mergers, acquisitions, interest rate Swaps, leveraged buyouts, and other fee-earning activities; -arrange or participate in syndicated lending/project financing; -provide advisory/

33、underwriting services in IPO/placement. The reasons for the rapid growth of merchant banking in Hong Kong: Institutionalization -Growing importance of institutional investors in the market place has provided a chance for the expansion of merchant banks. -Since 1990s, the main players of the stock ma

34、rket has shifted from individuals to the institutions. Deregulation -Competition across borders becomes available as the relaxation of regulations in the US and some European states and the development of Euro-market. -Because of the capital limitation, individuals must seek for help from the mercha

35、nt banks which have considerable scale in global operations. Securitization and disintermediation -The change of the source of corporate financing from bank loans to merchant banks services has increased the development of merchant banking business. Many corporations like to seek financial arrangeme

36、nt through merchant banks. Advanced technology -Since the communication ability has been intensified by the advanced technology, the information exchange among merchant bankers and other financial institutions becomes more vigorous. Industrial organization restructuring -The environment for file gro

37、wth of merchant banking has been created with the rapid restructuring of industrial organization, such as the breaking-down of conglomerates, introduction of leverage-buy-out, favorable acceptance of junk bond. Globalization -From 1990s onwards, a global market has been laid down by the creation of

38、the Euro-market and the increasing use of commercial papers and other financial instruments and the impetus for the growth of merchant banking business has been provided by this favorable conditions. Question 5问题:1. What are the warning signals to potential bad loans? Explain them.答案:The potential b

39、ad loans can be identified from the following warning signals: Poor management: Poor management of the business and its limited ability to cope with the changing environment is the basic cause of business failure. Indications of potential business failure involving poor management: -insufficient man

40、agerial personnel at various levels of operations; -disharmony within the management team; -chaos caused by major re-organization or relocation; -over-ambitious expansion of operations; -lack of financial or operating controls. Industrial/market conditions: Market conditions, such as keen competitio

41、n among producers, declining market demand and change in the preference of consumers, may lead to business failure: Aspects should be paid attention to: -adverse performance of the company compared to its competitors; -advanced technology which is expensive to keep up with; -change in consumers pref

42、erences, tastes or fashion; -threat caused by new entrants to the market and deteriorating market shares; -monopoly power created by mergers or acquisitions. Economic and political conditions: The economic and political conditions will largely influence the business. Unfavorable situations of a busi

43、ness may be subject to: -economic slow-down or recession; -deteriorating political stability; -adverse conditions due to social unrest and pressure groups campaigns. The implications of a clients bank account Basically show the background and financial statistics which serve as a primary source for

44、detecting possible problems in a clients financial position. Indicators: -static or hard-core overdraft; -growing numbers of cheques with insufficient funds claimed by the clients customers; -excessive number of post-dated cheques; -frequent drawings against uncleared funds; -frequent excesses over

45、agreed credit limit; -deficiencies in loan repayments; -past due import bills; -unusual increase in credit enquiries concerning the clients account from other banks and financial institutions; -frequent cheque kiting. Financial position Financial statements will reflect the deterioration of the companys financial position. Any deviation from the norm or market average would be a good indicator reflecting a business financial position. Indicators: -liquidity ratios; -debt ratios; -profitability ratios; -coverage ratios; -trends over ti


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