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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全高级写作分类模拟题模拟4高级写作分类模拟题模拟4写作题问题:1. PART ONEQuestion 1 An international survey has recently been conducted, asking whether companies plan to alter their spending on information technology next year. The pie charts below compare planned expenditure on IT by

2、European and South-East Asian companies in the coming year. Using the information from the pie charts, write a short report describing the differences between Europe and South-East Asia. Write 120-140 words. 答案:Short report: IT expenditure in Europe vs. Asia The overall result of this international

3、survey on planned IT expenditure for next year shows significant differences between Europe and Asia. According to the survey results, European companies are almost equally divided between increasing their IT spending, keeping it at this years level or decreasing it. The situation in Asia is quite d

4、ifferent. Almost 60% of the surveyed Asian companies plan to increase IT expenditure next year, compared to just over a third in Europe. Finally, the percentage of companies who are planning to keep IT expenditure at the same level is also lower in Asia, although not to the same extent.解析 这是一篇非常优秀的图

5、表习作。首先作者能够运用简洁的语言,充分地利用图表所提供的信息,出色地完成写作任务,针对欧、亚两地电子产品消费进行了详细的对比分析。其次,该习作作者在语言运用方面也有着良好的把握,语言简洁有力,自然流畅,语法错误极少。例如:第三段的最后一句话,作者能够使用比较复杂的句式充分表达亚洲电子产品的消费不同于欧洲方面。这就很好地体现了作者良好的语言能力。再次,该习作思路清晰,结构严谨,能够恰当地运用各种连接手法。例如:according to;compared to;finally;although等。最后,文章语言正式,符合商务报告写作特点,且并未出现主观性词汇。 PART TWO Write an

6、 answer to ONE of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words on a separate sheet. 2. Question 2 Your company opened a new branch a year ago and the Managing Director at Head Office has asked you to prepare a report on its progress. Write your report for the Managing Director,

7、 including the following information: the reasons for opening the branch, its successes, problems experienced, plans for the coming year. 答案:REPORT ON THE FIRST YEAR OF ACTIVITY OF OUR POLISH SUBSIDIARY It has been a year now since our new subsidiary called alpha opened its doors in Warsaw. Before p

8、ointing out its successes, the problems faced and the plans for the coming year, let me remind you the reasons for its opening. REASONS FOR OPENING In fact, there was only one main reason for choosing to settle down in Poland: reducing labor cost rates. Indeed, our activity as cosmetics producers re

9、quires a lot of staff, and labor costs are much cheaper in Poland than in Switzerland! SUCCESSES Knowing this aim, we decided to go on. We managed to build a brand new factory on time, and the line works! That was our greater success: being able to respect the opening date and to produce efficiently

10、. PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED But, however, we met difficulties in two areas: -transportation: the roads network in Poland is not so good and time spent on transportation is higher than predicted. -staff: we still have a lot to learn about staffs culture and expectations. PLANS FOR THE COMING YEAR Our plan

11、 for the coming year is mainly to improve the above mentioned points (as production is running quite well). Therefore, we will study the opportunity of buying a few lorries (not to depend on others for delivery). We will also organize seminars for both local staff and overseas managers, to understan

12、d each other better. Finally, I would like to take the opportunity of this report to invite the top management for a visit of alpha, whenever they want. manager in charge of the Polish subsidiary解析 这是一篇比较出色的文章。首先能够较好地完成写作任务,内容包括了题中所要求的基本内容。其次,该文章作者能够运用比较流畅的语言来进行较为准确的表达,但其中有少量的语法错误和结构错误,例如在词语搭配、名词所有格

13、的使用以及表达的准确性、时态等方面。此外,作者拥有良好的语言组织能力,注重逻辑性,结构严谨,并能够运用较为复杂的句子。例如作者采用总分的结构来使文章更加清晰明了,尽管在文章的最后运用了“I would like”这样的主观词汇。 3. Question 3 Your department recently moved to a new building. You are not satisfied with the way the removal company dealt with the move of your furniture and equipment and have decid

14、ed to write a letter of complaint to the removal company about it. Write a letter to the removal company, including the following information: details of the move and what was moved, what was unsatisfactory, what you had expected from the company, what you expect to happen now. 答案:Dear Sirs, I write

15、 to you as a result of the complaints of our companys employees regarding the last weekends move. As you well know, the move took place last Saturday and Sunday, the 16th and 17th of November and it involved the movement of 125 pieces of office furniture (including 10 filling cabinets), 80 computers

16、, 10 printers and a fax machine, along with 56 boxes of documents and personal items of the employees. Unfortunately we are not at all satisfied with your work due to the fact that on Monday morning we found that some of the furniture was damaged and two filling cabinets were missing. Also, most of

17、the boxes were handled incorrectly and, as a result, we found 12 boxes of documents opened and the files placed in the wrong order and some of the personal items got damaged, lost or misplaced. I find myself very disappointed with the work of your company, especially since you were highly recommende

18、t to me as one of the most important removal companies, and I had high expectations regarding the quality of your services. As for now, I expect your company to try to find the missing items and deliver them as soon as possible and to provide financial compensation for the items that got broken or m

19、isplaced. I also expect a reduction on the invoice value since the quality of your services was poor. Waiting a prompt answer from your company, we remain. Yours Faithfully解析 这篇习作完成得比较出色。首先作者能够运用语言较为全面地表达文中所提供的信息,较好地完成了写作任务。其次,在语言的运用方面,我们可以看出作者拥有良好的语言运用能力,但有少量的拼写错误。例如正文第三段和第五段中,“misplaced”应为“misplac

20、ed”等。作者能够运用各种连接手法,使文章更具有逻辑性。例如:as a result; also等。再次,文章结构比较严谨,安排比较合理,尽管最后未写署名。最后,文章中作者的语气过于强硬,略有不当之处。 4. Question 4 The international organization you work for is considering the possibility of producing a promotional brochure to publicise the company abroad. The Managing Director has asked you to w

21、rite a contribution for this brochure. Write your proposal for the Managing Director, including the following information: possible contents of the brochure, ways to make it attractive, benefits the brochure could have for the company. 答案:To: The Managing Director This proposal is for the possibilit

22、y of producing a promotional brochure to publicise the company abroad. With globalization and living in the new IT age we have to make known our company in the international market. The following contents are recommended for the brochure. brief introduction of the company history, range of existing

23、and possible new products, web site address, list of our clientele and business associates, addresses of our offices located worldwide, sales email contracts/customer services emails contact for interested parties who has inquiry about our products. We could incorporate more colours and pictures of

24、our products, factory, offices etc in the brochure. To further enhance its attractiveness we could also attached a CD which will also contain the same information as the brochure and ends with a video clip of the company product-factory processes. We could also consider offering discount or free sam

25、ples for interested parties who will visit our website address. This brochure will have a good publicity for the company and most importantly it will create awareness of the companys existence and our range of products and services. I hope you could kindly consider the proposal recommended. Thank you.解析 这是一篇比较优秀的文章。首先,能够按照要求,比较出色地完成了写作任务,较为全面地表达出了题目中所要求的信息。其次作者具有良好的语言表达能力,语言自然流畅,但有少量的错误,例如表达的准确性以及词语的搭配等方面。再次,作者能够比较恰当地安排语篇,运用了较为复杂的句式,使文章具有良好的逻辑性和严谨性。最后,该习作总体来说也是一篇中性得体的商务写作,尽管在文章中作者使用了“I hope”这样的主观词汇。 9 / 9


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