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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part B,1,谷风课件#,2,谷风课件#,3,谷风课件#,读一读下列单词和短语,并写出中文意思。 museum shop_ post card_ post office_ send_ ask_ next to_ behind_,4,谷风课件#,park library zoo post office school museum supermarket,near next to behind,5,谷风课件#,6,谷风课件#,翻译句子,Where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.

2、I want to send it today. Ill ask. A talking robot! What a great museum.,7,谷风课件#,8,谷风课件#,餐馆,restaurant,9,谷风课件#,比萨饼,pizza,10,谷风课件#,Where is the restaurant ?,Its next to the park on Dongfang Street .,Italian restaurant,11,谷风课件#,Turn left at the bookstore.,Then turn right at the hospital.,How can we get

3、 there?,12,谷风课件#,turn left,左转,13,谷风课件#,turn right,右转,14,谷风课件#,go straight,直走,15,谷风课件#,crossing,十字路口,16,谷风课件#,Lets review,pizza restaurant turn left turn right go straight crossing,17,谷风课件#,Im hungry now.,18,谷风课件#,Im hungry now.,Go to the,19,谷风课件#,Im hungry now.,Go to the,restaurant.,20,谷风课件#,Excuse

4、me, where is the restaurant?,Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.,21,谷风课件#,go straight,How can I get there?,Turn left at the bookstore, then go straight. Turn right at the hospital.,turn right,22,谷风课件#,Then go straight .,How can I get to school?,23,谷风课件#,Have a match,24,谷风课件#,science Museum,post

5、 office,cinema,hospital,library,Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.,Guess what place it is,25,谷风课件#,Walk south for three minutes, you can see it. Its next to the library.,Three minutes,library,cinema,bookstore,museum,park,hospital,26,谷风课件#,Mike and Wu Yifan want to go to the

6、restaurant .Now please read this dialogue.,27,谷风课件#,28,谷风课件#,Have a check,29,谷风课件#,Look and write. 根据括号里提示的汉语完成句子。 1. -How can I get to the (医院)? -Go , then turn at the post office.(直走,然后左拐) 2. -Where is the school?-Its to the (在电影院附近)。,30,谷风课件#,Read and Choose. 读一读,选一选 ( )1. Then walk straight five

7、 minutes. A. of B. for C. to D. off ( )2. The bookstore is the left. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( )3. Is it far here? A. from B. about C. for D. in ( )4. , is a post office near here? A. Excuse me B. sorry C. Excuse D. No ( )5.I want go to the park. A. to B. of C. by D. for,31,谷风课件#,( )6.The park is fr

8、ont of our school. A. on B. in C. at D. under ( ) 7. -Where did you buy it? -_. A. Twenty yuan B. In the store C. OK. D.Lets go. ( ) 8. -Where is the museum? -_ in front of the hospital. A. It B. There is C. Its,32,谷风课件#,Read and write. 按要求回答 1. Is the bookstore far from here? (改为陈述句) here . 2. I am

9、 near the door. (对划线部分提问)。 are you ? 3.Is there a zoo near the supermarket?(做否定回答) , . 4.John goes to school on foot.(对划线部分提问) John to school? 5.He can see the science museum on the left。(改为一般疑问句) the science museum on the left?,33,谷风课件#,Homework,每天听读30分钟 抄写P7四个单词(4英1中)并默会为止 读P6 课文3遍并电话背诵 抄写P6句子(2英1中)并默会为止 练习册6-9页 表格家长签字(已听、已读、已背。),34,谷风课件#,Thank you for coming !,35,谷风课件#,


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