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1、Unit 1 My Classroom1、 Teaching aims: Ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : sit down, please.2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder3、 Teaching methods: visual method4、 language focus: use modeled phrases to communicate5、 Teaching period: 61Teacher s activitySs activityremarksPre-task

2、1. ask Ss to introduceStudents introduce以打招呼的方式,引入新themselves to thethemselves to the课,可以激发学生兴趣,class, saying“Hello,class, “hello, I消除学生的紧张。I am_ _ ” am-2. play the cassette从听、看入手,逐步过度tape for the fourSs listen and look到跟读,说、做。循序渐pictures and do the进,符合学生认知规律。actions. Ask the classto look and listen

3、.3.play the cassettetape again and ask theSs follow the tapeclass to follow youractionsWhile-task1. play the tape for“Stand up, please. ”Individual Ss carry outAsk some Ss to act it andthe commandsthe rest of the class toThe whole class judgejudge right or wrong.right or wrong2. repeat the aboveproc

4、ess with ”sitdown, please openyour bookcloseyour book ”让学生在听的同时,指出3. Open the Ss book to相应的图片,使学生建立page 2 and read the起音、形之间的联系。commands for the classSs follow the tape andto follow, or play thepoint to the relevantcassette tape. Ask thepicture.Ss to point to therelevant pictures withtheir fingers.4

5、. give commandsand ask ndividual Ss to repeat and act them.Post-task1. Give commands “boys, stand up, pleasegirls,standup, please thewhole class, stand up, please”2. Repeat the commands and ask Ss to act them.3. Divide the Ss into pairs. One student give commands and the other student act them. Then

6、 et them change roles.4. Divide the whole class into two teams, ask individual Ss to give commandsand to see which team is better.Vary the game by letting Ss to give commands to their own team or the opposite.Individual Ss repeat and actSs carry out the commandsSs repeatSs do pair workSs change thei

7、r rolesSs compete between the two teams.通过游戏,使学生巩固所 学,避免了枯燥。blackboard design:stand upsit downpicturescloseopenpictures2Teacher s activitySs activityremarksPre-task good morning1. use a puppet or a soft toy to model the dialogue. Saygoodmorning” . Repeat several times and shake hands with the puppet

8、 or wave and greet eachSs watch and listen利用玩具引出整个对话, 让学生了解对话的发音和 意思,比较生动有趣。other2. stand in front of a student. Greet the student or use the puppet to greet the student. Prompt the student to return the greeting by saying good morning3. repeat with other students and encourage them to greet each ot

9、her.how are you1. use two puppets to model the dialogue.2. ask the Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue several times.3. ask individual Ss to answer the greeting how are you4. chain drill around the class.While-task1. put up the wall chart on the board do that the Ss can see it.2. tell a story3. pla

10、y the cassette tape for page3 and Ss listen and repeat.4. Ss prepare the dialogue in groups of four.5. select groups to act the dialogue for theclass. Provide them the character masks.Ss greet the puppetSs try to greet each otherSs watch and listenSs listen and repeat the sentencesIndividual Ss resp

11、ond to the greetingS1: how are you S2:fine, how are you? S3:fine, how are you?Ss look at the boardSs listen to the story Ss listen and repeatSs work in groups of fourIndividual groups act for the class通过连锁问答,使每个学 生都有简单交际、练习对 话的机会。利用挂图做图意描述,使 学习比较直观,符合低年 级学生的特点通过游戏做一个巩固,避专心 爱心 用心10Post-taskPlay the g

12、ame: find my friendsSs play the game免枯燥。ConsolidationWork book page2: look listen and respondSs do the exercisesblackboard design: stationary:picturesbookrulerrubberpenpencilbag3Teacher s activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Ask Ss “ what can you see in the classroom?hold up some stationeries Ss hav

13、e2. introduce the vocabulary by carefully pronouncing the words and let Ss repeat several times.3. Ask individual Ss “Do you have a ruler/a rubber/ a book? Prompt the Ss to hold up their personal stationary and repeat the wordsWhile-task 1. play the cassette tape. Ask the Ss to point to the relevant

14、Ss: I can see Ss pronounce the words carefully after the teacher.Individual Ss respond the questionSs listen to the tape and point to relevant联系实际,引出问句,为 卜面的教学做铺垫让学生建立起单词音、形、 义之间的联系。pictures and repeat.2. put the vocabularypictures.objects on your desk.Individual Ss come upSay “a ruler ”arubber” , e

15、tc. Invite a student to come up andand pickpick out the rightobject.3. Saya ruler ” . Askthe class to hold upThe whole class listentheir rulers and repeatand act“a ruler ” . Practiceuntil the Ss can respondquickly.4. put up the picture card for “ruler onSs look at the boardthe board, and put theword

16、 card next to it.Read the word severaltimes and ask the Ss torepeat.5. repeat steps 3 and 4with the other newwords.Post-task1. one the left side ofthe board put up theSs come up and changeword cards for all thethe order.new words and on theright their picturecards but in a differentorder. Point to o

17、ne wordand the picture opposite and ask “Is thisright? ” Have Ss comeup and change the order.2. after the words and pictures are correctlySs read the words againmatched, practice reading the wordsagain.3. ask individual Ss toIndividual Ss come up通过各种不同的游戏来操 练巩固所学的单词,使学 生乐学、好学。come up and put away th

18、e pictures and cards as you tell them.and put away the word cardblackboard design:rhyme:paper, paperI can seepaper, paper for you and me4Teacher s activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. hold up the six vocabulary objects or picture cards and askwhat they are. Remind Ss to put up their hands instead of

19、 simplycalling out the answer. Also call on Ss who do not raise their hands.At times you may wish the whole class to respond, saying the whole class and move your hands to give them a hint.2. put up the picture cards for the new words on the board. Ask ndividual Ss to comeup and choose a certain car

20、d. Then put up the corresponding word card next to it and read the word.3. say “today we are going to learn a rhyme about how students share their thingsWhile-task The first verseSs read the words according to the pictures.Individual Ss come up and choose the certain card and read them通过复习昨天所学的生词 来开

21、始今天的新课,以旧 带新,符合认知规律。1. discuss with Ss what is happening in theSs tell the teacher what先让学生观察图片,讨论picture and then readis happening in the图中发生的事,可以让学the verse to them.2. explain “I canpicture生对即将要学的小诗一 个自己的认识和猜测,为see and For you and下面的学习做了一个很好me with gestures的铺垫。3. play the cassette tape for this ve

22、rse. The Ss look at the pictureSs look at the picturesn their books, listenand listen and repeatand repeat4. play the cassetteagain and encourage theSs to join in andSs practice the rhymepractice several times.5. invite pairs of Ss to act out the first verseThe second verseIndividual pairs actRepeat

23、 the steps aboveout the first verse offrom 1 to 5the rhymePost-task1. ask each student to take out a pen and a book. Divide the class用其他词语来对歌谣进行nto pairs and let themSs take out a pen and a替换,使学生做到学以致compose another versebook用by substituting “ruler and “rubber“ in the second verse with book and pen

24、.Help the less able Ss while you walk around the classroom2. ask individual pairs to act out this thirdverse.3. play the cassetteIndividual Ss act outtape for the whole rhymethe rhyme in pairswhile Ss look at the pictures in their SsSs look at the book andbook and repeat.isten to the tape againblack

25、board design good morning good afternoon good evening good night5Teacher s activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. greet the Ss g oodSs greet to the teacher以问候方式开始本课,激morning to elicit发学生兴趣,消除紧张感their response “good _ _ morning2. point to yourself andSs repeatsay “teacher” . Ss point to you and repeat.

26、 3. put the picture cardand word card forSs read again“teacher on the board and say“teacher Ss repeat.4. ask the Ss what theytake to school everySs: I take.to schoolday. Prompt them to answer the question with the words they have learnt5. say “I take my bag and book to school ”.Explain the meaning a

27、nd ask Ss to repeat.6. ask Ss “ Do you want to learn a song? ” and问学生是否想学歌曲,以then say “all right,Ss: yes引起学生的兴趣let s listen ”While-task1. Play the cassette tape for the song once.Ss listen and look atSs listen and look atthe picture in theirthe picture, clappingbooks, clapping their hands.their hand

28、s.2. play the song again.在唱的同时加入动作,可Encourage Ss to sing以帮助学生有效了解歌曲along with you and theSs sing along with the的内容意思cassette tape. Add actions to the song3. Ss sing the song and do the actionstapePost-taskSs sing the song and do1. Depending on individual Ss abilities, invite themthe actionsto sing t

29、he songIndividual Ss sing the2. Divide the classsong请学生对歌曲进行改编,nto groups. Ask Ss to逐步培养学生的创造能substitute “my bag and力。book” in the song withSs change the song insome other words they have learnt.3. Select groups to sing their modified songs to the classgroupsIndividual groups act before the classbla

30、ckboard design other stationeries: notebook.crayon ballpen6Teacher s activitySs activityremarksFinish workbook1. page 2:listen and circle the correct picture2. page 3:match the pictures to the wordsSs finish the workbook通过完成练习册,巩固学 生听和认读的技巧3. page 3:can you find the words n the puzzle, color the box

31、es4. page 4:circle the words thatyou learnt todayRevision of Unit 1 1.play thegame: Simon says in order to review the commands2. throw atoy to a student and say “How are you?” . After the student respond tothe sentence, he can throw the toy to his friend and ask him the question3. show theSs the wor

32、d cards and ask them to judge. If what the teacher said is correspond to the picture, Ss repeat. Otherwise, don t.4. ask Ss toact the rhyme and the songSs play the game : Simon saysSs greet to each other, using the toySs judge and repeat the right wordSs act the rhyme and the song借由各种各样的游戏,来 复习本单元所学的所有的 知识点,真正做到寓教于 乐。blackboard design:word cardsThis is a/an.I can see a/an教学后记:学生掌握情况良好,除了掌握了书上的基本词汇和句型之外,对于补充知识的接受情况也不 错。另外,学生在情景 中学 习,在任务教学方法中学习,使他们的口语表达能力有所提高。


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