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1、小学毕业升学考试真题卷(十六)好同:8 分钟礴分J00分一,选出下歹1各组单词中与其他三项不同类的单词。5分)D. smaller()L. A. heavyR bigC. long罩或I感14三()2. A.ateRflyC.boughtD.did()3. A.runHswimC.walkD.her)*1. A-playRnoChandDJqj()5. A.himBusC.ID.me二、选择正确的连文,将其序号填在震前括号内。(10分)1. some running dicesA.洗脸()2. b10. fiO swimmingJ,努力工作三、按要求写单词。(】0分)1. 6” 宾格)2. c

2、ouniry (复数)3.(现在分词)4. three(序敌词)5. China(形水词)6. K名词牲物主代谒)上t 7. boy(复出)9.photo(是款)四、单项选择。,15分)( )L He doesnt want tu be lace. So he walks8. swim(现在分词)_10. mouixjf 复版)_I A. slowC. quick()2. W!iat did you do laM night?Ilast night.B. slowlyD quickly A. go shoppingB ro shopC. went shoppingD. went 8hoping

3、()3. I standmy father and rny mother. A. inR afC betweenD. during4. your jarrnts wcjrnrd about you?A. DoesB.DoG IsD.Arc()5. The doctor often tclk himmore exercise.A. to takeB.takingC. takenD.take)6. He:en put on her coal and ran the classroom.A. outB. our ofC. out toD. out off()7, How can 1 the cint

4、ma?A. gotB. get onC gel to). get our()8. The posi office is on your right. You can l5t.A. secB. missC. look1). watdl()9. is it frorr: here?一ks about two kilometres nway.A. How ftirIk How nuinyC How muchD, How often()10. lt*5 notshirt,A, she j myR her: ini-ieC. hers: mineD she; me五、情境选挂(12分)()1.小王看见有

5、个包娶,上面写有两个纣弓单词“CSA用Tk心你知道它们的中文含义吗?A.奂国,克B.美国千克C.美国;克D.英国;干克)2.当你去商场买东西时,服务员会对你说:A. How arc you?R What s your name?C. Where are you 笈um?D. Can I help you?( )3.当你想问今天是星期几时,你应该说:A. What time is it today?11Whstday is it today0C. What xhe dare today?D.Whi ihu weailier like iclay?( )4.当你想问同学的爸爸做什么工作时你可以问:

6、A- Wlwi dovs your lacker do?KWhntis your father doing?C. Whai is your father like?D.Whatcan I do for your lacher?()5.当你想跟Bmce通电话时.你应说,A. Hell。,are you Bruce?B. Hello, who are you?C, May I speak to Brucc. please?D. May I speek to Bill, please?)6.当你询问同学有什么不籽服时应问:A. Wbat lupprntd?B. Wlizll wron with yo

7、u?C. What are you going ro do?D. What can J do for you?A. I will not forgei!B I know you can fy ii;(. . Don 1 forget to writeI). You are a gixxJ friend!E, 1 wanT you to remember China六、根据会话情境选出量佳选顼,完成下列对话。(10分, Liu Xing: This kite is for you. Daniel. It a Chinese kite. l I)ank4i Thanks, I Ju Xing! ?

8、 Liu Xing This gift is for you- Jane. Jane; Oh! It is a red dragon. Liu Xing: Ye,口 Jane: Thanks. Liu Xing! _4_ Daniel: Have a gocxl trip! Jane: 5 Liu Xing: Goodbye 七、选词填空,每空一词。(L0分)flrw gave cookrd had washrrl playrd was went watched cltti nedLet me tell you something about my lat weekend. 1 4M week

9、endI very hu?y for me.2 to Johns home on Sitturday morning. It Joh:i birtheky. 13 him a nicepr1. Mrim is from the UK.;(2. Marias wearing Hack pants andwhitesucks.J()3. Moria walks to school.(4. Green is Marias favourite colour.()5. Maria s favourite school work istosingsongs.B)根据短文内容,选并正确答案。(&分)生I h

10、ave a good friend. Her name is Alice. She :s eleven years old. She is from Austrnliu.She is tall and pretty. She like,plying the piano and ringing. She h going to be a singer one day. Bui her sister Linda wants 10 be a duncer. S(ie 15 sliort and linn. Slit Iike5 dancing. We are 之 cl8ssmales用手)at sch

11、ool. We often go to school on toot together.;This Snturdny. we arc going to the bookstorcC 书 店).Alice is going to buy a CD with pisno mnVc, Lnida is going to buy a book. Then we are got ng 1o fly kites in the park. On Sunday;morning, we are going to the museum(博物馆).In the afternoon, we ar? guing to

12、thr cinrrnH.千* How happy we are!:()1.根据短文中周末活动内容的先后将下列地点排序.:. perk bookstore (3)cinrnui 】nuscuin:民D.B. ringing and d mid ngD. listening io musicB. dancerIX workerB. By bike.D. By car.A. 0W) C.()2 Alice likes.A. playing ibe piano and singirjg C dancing and riding ()3. Linda is going io be aA. linger

13、C. teacher (1. How do itiey often go io school?A. They walk to reboot Cw By bus.小学毕业升学考试真题卷(十六)J. J) 2,B 3. D 4 A 5.(-J.l 2.H 3.G 4 J 5.1) 6. A 7.C 8. B 9. E 10. F三、L her 2. count ri vs 3. closing 4. third 5. Chines 6. mine7. boys 8. swinmiitig 9. photos 10. mice四、I D2. C3.(4.D5. A6.B7.C 8/6 9. A 10. B五 JB2.D3. B4,A5.C6,B六、L?2. D3. E4.A5, C七、1, was 2, went 3. gave 4. rooktxl 5. flew 6. watched7. had 8. played9. washed10, cleanedA%L Which one girl 2. How soon 3. Did; go 4. older; Johnny5. Where arc九、A)LT 2.F 3. T 4. T 5. FB)LD 2. A 3.B 4. A


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