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1、精品教学课件设计| Excellent teaching planLesson FourDie as You ChooseText:Para.1law on在方面制定法律(正式)dodge: v. avoiddodge to left and right东躲西闪Youd better setoff earlier in order to dodge the rush-hour.dodge the rush-hourdodge military servicedodge awkward questionseuthanasia: mercy-killingPara.2establishment:

2、organizationcome to light: expose to public, reveal, uncover暴光languish:缺乏活力,憔悴,饱受煎熬v. languish in/under sth. = suffer fromlanguish in poverty饱受贫穷的折磨languish under an iron controlforbid: ban; prohibitgo over重新Para.3bizarre: strange, uncommon, odd, ridiculous, peculiarclaim to do sth.声称做某事This is an u

3、nclaimed dog.这是一只没人认领的狗。at one s request在某人的要求下vote on/for/against sb./sth.polemical: controversial, arguable有争议性的proponent支持者 opponent 反对者in circumstancesPara.4yet=howevermacabre: gruesome adj.可怕的in privateon purpose: deliberately, intentionally有目的地,故意地consent ( agree )同意 /dissent不同意price: cost代价Q

4、1: Yes.Q 2: Because its not permitted, it is taboo.Para.5prolong the throes延长痛苦精品教学课件设计| Excellent teaching planthroes pl. severe pain or suffering痛苦in the throes of(doing ) sth.distinction between A and B A与 B 之间的区别hold out: remain ; go on ; continueQ 3: The distinction between killing and letting

5、die. Yes.Q 4: A living will is a will in which the dying patient requests to die by refusingany medical treatment to prolong life.Para.6Culpable:受指责的 - blameless无可责备的omit 省略 v. omission n. neglectThis sentence can be omitted in this text.take sth. as example把作为一个例子stand: be in a position处于位置gain fro

6、m sth.=benefit from sth.从获利No pays ! No gains ! 不劳不获beat痛揍 / 跳动 / 打倒某人beat sb. black and bluegive sb. a good beatingMy heart is beating fast.hit瞄准一点打I thrown a stone at the bird, but I didnt hit it.hit sb. on the head打中某人的头blow 打击My father s death is a big blow to me.strike撞到strike a match(划火柴)The c

7、lock strikes twelve.The village is stricken by an earthquake.fall unconscious: faintwithhold: v. hold sth. back, restrain拒绝给予,保留withhold ones consent/agreement拒绝同意condemn: blame责备terminal: destinationformulate: stipulate规定swear one s oathrule out把明确排除在外,禁止做rule out: forbid, ban划去 ,排除 ,取消The possibil

8、ity cannot be ruled out.be appointed被任命为She is appointed class president.她被任命为班长。put the clock back: shorten阻止,缩短intrude on/upon sb. /sth.: be involved in sth.干涉精品教学课件设计| Excellent teaching planframework : outline框架permit sb. to do sth./allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事comply with sth.: follow, obey, obse

9、rve遵循pose dangers构成危险 /a challenge构成挑战 /a threat构成威胁set a precedent for sth.: set an example for sth.开创先例resist pressure to do sth.抵制压力tenacious顽强的Para.10by contrast对比之外set some rules制定规则usher sb. to someplace引领某人到某地Exercises:A.Q 5: Yes. No. To support his view.Q 6: Killing.Q 7: The shadow of the pa

10、st.Q 8: The author has a preference for euthanasia.D.1.The warrior managed to( dodge) the arrow that came flying through the air.2.The speakers last few words were( drowned out ) by the audiences thunderousapplause.3.Would I be( intruding) if I joined in your discussion?invade武力入侵4.The( omission ) o

11、f a full stop at the end of the sentence is a deliberate actby the writer.5.The newly-recruited soldiers swore an( oath ) of loyalty to their country.6.The suspectwas accusedof ( withholding) some importantevidencefromthe court.withhold保留,隐瞒be accused of被起诉7.Whether or not he is the best person for

12、the promotion is( arguable) .debatable, discussion讨论arguable figure/people/topic8.He has established himself as a(credible) businessman.credible信誉好的You can buy it on your credit.F.现在 at present time迫切地 urge禁止 ban/forbid多数国家的医生只能偷偷地给病人实施安乐死most countries where doctors could only精品教学课件设计| Excellent teaching planpractice euthanasia secretly合法性 legality长期遭受suffer from没有治愈的希望without any hope of cure继续痛苦prolong suffering结束 put an end to sth.存在危险there is a danger利用 take advantage of / make use of不可回避的问题that is a problem that can not be dodged


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