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1、PEP六年级英语总复习及时态的专项训练一、 时态一)一般现在时态一般现在时态表示包括现在时间在内的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态,表示习惯性或客观存在的事实和真理。常与often ,always ,usually ,sometimes ,every day等连用。基本句型分为两种情况: 主语(非第三人称)+动词原形+其他。例句:What do you usually do on the weekend?I usually do my homework on the weekend. 主语(第三人称)+动词的第三人称单数形式+其他。例句:What does Sarah usually do

2、 on the weekend?萨拉通常在周末干什么?She usually does her homework on the weekend.她通常在周末做她的家庭作业。否定句为:主语+dont或doesnt+动词原形+宾语 疑问句为:1) Do+主语+动词原形+宾语? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+do否定回答:No, .主语+dont2)Does+主语+动词原形+宾语? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+does否定回答:No, .主语+doesnt 动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则 一般直接在动词词尾加-s.例如:playplays 以o s ,x ,ch,sh结尾的动词加-es。例如:watchw

3、atches 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加es,例如:flyflies 以元音字母加y结尾的动词,词尾加-s 例: playplays 5 个别不规则变化动词,需单独记忆,例如:dodoes gogoes have-has二)现在进行时态:表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。1. 基本句型:主语+be+动词的-ing+其他。 (be根据人称变为am is are )例如:What are you doing ?你在干什么? I am doing my homework.我正在做作业。2现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。例如:I am

4、not doing my homework3现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。Are you doing your homework?4现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为: 疑问词 + be + 主语 + 动词ing? 如:What are you doing now?你现在在干什么?5.但疑问词当主语时其结构为: 疑问词 + be + 动词ing? 如:Who is playing basketball on the playground? 谁在操场上打篮球 动词现在分词的变化规则一般直接在词尾加ing ,例如;washwashing 以不发音e字母结尾的动词,去掉e ,再加ing.例

5、如:makemaking 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,要双写最后一个辅音字母再加ing.例如swimswimming动词变现在分词规则I 一般情况下,直接加ing1. go-going 去2. stand-standing 站 3. sleep-sleeping 睡觉4. eat-eating 吃5. sing-singing 唱6. drink-drinking 喝7. read-reading 读 8. look-looking 看9. walk-walking 散步10. watch-watching 看 11. draw-drawing 画 12. fly-flying 飞13

6、. open-opening 打开 14. jump-jumping 跳15. do-doing 做 16. paint-painting 绘画 17. pick-picking 捡 18. play-playing 玩19. kick-kicking 踢 20. talk-talking 说话21. cook-cooking 烹饪 22. learn-earning 学习23.look-looking 看24. climb-climbing 爬 25. count-counting 数数 26. clean-cleaning 打扫27. fish-fishing 钓鱼II 以不发音的e结尾,

7、去e加ing1. comecoming 来 2. dance-dancing 跳舞 3. close-closing 关4. makemaking 制造 5. rideriding 骑6. write-writing 写7. take - taking 拿走 8. phone-phoning 打电话9. movemoving 移动/搬 10. havehaving 有III 双写加-ing : 重读闭音节就要双写.重读闭音节即两个辅音中间夹一个元音 注意:重读闭音节三要素:1. 必须是重读音节;2. 最后只有一个辅音字母;3. 元音字母发短元音判断是不是重读闭音节双写,不仅仅要看单词的字母组合

8、符合辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母结尾, 还要看音标是不是符合辅音+ 元音+辅音结尾 只有都符合才可以双写buy 的音标bai 不符合 beat不符合例如1. sit- sitting 做2. hop - hopping 单脚跳 3. swim- swimming游泳4. run - running 跑 5. cut cutting 切 6. put putting 放 7.forget-forgetting 8.get-getting 9.begin-beginning10.hit-hitting 12.stop-stopping三)一般将来时态:表示将来某一

9、时刻发生的动作或状态, 或将来某一段时间内经常进行的动作或状态。常与表示将来的时间如tomorrow ,next weeken ,this afternoon 等连用。基本句型:一般将来时由主语+ shall /will+动词原形,或主语+be going to + 动词原形构成。shall /will 常常缩写成ll ,紧接在主语之后。例如:I”ll=I will Hell=He will例:I will go to Beijing tomorrow.=I am going to visit Beijing tomorrow.我打算明天去北京旅游。肯定句:I/We shall/will go

10、. You/He/She/They Will go. 否定句:I/We shall/will not go. You/He/She/They Will not go. 疑问句:Shall I/we go? Will you/he/she/they go? 简略回答:(肯)Yes,主语shall/will (否) No,主语 shall/will not四)一般过去时态:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,in 1990,two days ago等。基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他 例句:I was a studen

11、t last year. They were students.否定形式 :主语+wasnt/werent;(wasnt=was not werent=were not) You werent a student last year.主语+didnt+动词原型+其他。I didnt know you are so busy 一般疑问句 Did+主语+动词原型+其他?例句:Did he read books? Yes, I did No, I didntWasWere+主语+其他?Were you a student last year? Yes,I was No, I wasnt Was he

12、/ she a student? Yes,he was No, he wasnt 动词的过去式的构成规则有1直接加ed:work worked looklooked playplayed, 2以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加d:live lived hopehoped useused, 3 以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加ed:study studied carrycarried worryworried, 4以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加ed:enjoy enjoyed playplayed 5 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed:stop stopped planplanned不规则动

13、词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)sing sang , eat ate ,see saw , have had , do did , go went , take took , buy bought , get got , read read ,fly flew , am/is was ,are were , say said , leave left , swim swam , tell told , draw drew , come came , lose lost , find found , drink drank , hurt hurt , feel felt五)比较级: 形容词比较级的

14、构成一般在词尾加-er。例如 talltaller以e字母结尾的词,加-r。例如 late(迟的,晚的)later 以重读闭音节结尾的,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,应双写这个辅音字母再加-er。例如 bigbigger 以辅音字母加y结尾的双音节词先改y 为i再加-er.例如:easyeasier 不规则变化goodbetter badworse many/muchmore litterless 形容词比较级的用法表示两者(人或事物)的比较。基本句型:A+be+比较级+than+B.例句:Mike is taller than me.迈克比我高。A+be+数字+单位+比较级+than+B.例如

15、:Zhangpeng is 4 cm taller than Mike.张鹏比迈克高4厘米。二、词:一)代词人称主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称单数复数单数复数单数复数单数复数Iwemeusmyourmineours第二人称youyouyouyouyouryouryoursyours第三人称HeSheittheyHimHeritthemHisHeritstheirHisHeritstheirs二)名词1) 掌握名词复数的变化规则;1. 多数名词变复数直接在词尾加S。例:bookbooks2. 以s,sh,x,ch结尾的一般加es. 例;watchwatches3. 以辅音字母加y

16、结尾的名词,变y为i再加es. 例;familyfamilies4. 以f,fe结尾的名词,大多数情况一般将f,fe变为v再加es.例;leafleaves5. 以字母o结尾的名词变复数,多数情况下加s,但有些加es.例;pianopianos photophotoe radioradios tomatotomatoes 以上情况还有例外,如;有些以f结尾的名词,在构成复数时只加s,读作/s/.例;gulfgulfs2) 不规则的名词复数变化形式需单独记忆。例如:footfeet manmen womanwomen Childchildren sheepsheep peoplepeople 三

17、) 数词数词分为基数词和序数词基数词表示可数名词的数量,例如:one ,two ,three ,four 等。序数词表示顺序,例如:first ,seond .third,fourth等。可以简写为阿拉伯数字加末尾的两个字母组成,例如:1st ,2nd ,3rd .序数词是由基数词转变而来的,表示“第。个”1-3分别是 first,second,third没有规律。4-19通常由基数词加th构成,特殊的有:five-fifth,eight-eight,nine-ninth,twelve-twelfth整十的数词,其后缀-ty要先变为tie再加-th。eg(例)twenty-twentieth.

18、两位数只把后一个数词变为序数词,前面的数词仍保留其基数词形式。Eg(例)twenty-one-twente-first。四)月份的表达月份可单独使用,也可跟年,日连用。月份单词的首字母永远大写。1. 月份前加介词in,表示“在.月”的意思。Eg(例)There are thirty-one days in january.一月份有三十一天2. 月份与年连用时,其前面用介词in,表示“在.年月”的意思。eg(例)The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in August,2008.2008年奥林匹克运动会将在2008年8月举办。 3. 如果表示具体的日期,其前面用

19、介词on。Eg(例)Christmans Days is on December 25th every year.圣诞节在每年的12月25日。I am going to visit the Great Wall on April 1st,2007.我将在2007年4月1日去参观长城。 知识拓展 英语的日期顺序是月,日,年与汉语的顺序完全不同。 月份的缩写月份 英文缩写 英文全称 月份 英文缩写 英文全称一月 Jan. January 七月 Jul. July二月 Feb. February 八月 Aug. August三月 Mar. March 九月 Sep. September四月 Apr.

20、 April 十月 Oct. October五月 May. May 十一月 Nov. November六月 Jun. June 十二月 Dec. December注意英语中五月份May本身就是3个字母,所以无缩写形式。六月份,七月份的英文可缩写为前三个字母,也可以不缩写。九月份的缩写通常都是前4个字母,其他月份的缩写都是前三个字母。五)几个特殊疑问词的用法。 what 用于对未知事物提问。例如:问姓名:Whats your name? My name is Amy.你叫什么名字?我叫艾米。问事物:What this? This is a desk.问职业:What do you do?=Wha

21、t are you?你是做什么的?I am a teacher?我是一名教师。问病情:What the matter? I have a headache. 你怎么啦?我头疼。问爱好:Whats your hobby? I like reading.你的爱好是什么?我喜欢读书。(注:当一个句子里连续出现两个动词时,后一个动词要把它变成动名词形式,即动词的-ing形式。 Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is hot dog.你最喜欢的事物是什么?我喜欢热狗。问时间:Whats the time?=What time is it? Its

22、7:00 oclock.几点了,七点了。问颜色:What colour is the banana?Its yellow.香蕉是什么颜色的?是黄色的。 where 用于提问地点。例如:Where is my pen? Its on the desk. which 用于对二种或多种事物选择其一时,例如:Which season do you like best? I like summer best. 你最喜欢哪个季节?我最喜欢夏天。Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is summer.你最喜欢的季节是哪个?我最喜欢夏天。 why用

23、来提问原因。通常用because来回答。例如:Why do you like summer?Because I can swim.你为什么喜欢夏天?因为我能在夏天游泳。 when 用来提问时间,译为“什么时候”。例如:When do you get up every day? I usually get up at 6:00.你每天什么时候起床?我通常在早上6:00 起床。 How主要用于对方式、手段、方法等进行提问。译为“如何,怎样,用何方式”例如:How do you go to school?I go to school by bus.你怎样去上学?我乘公共汽车去上学。 另外how 还有

24、其他如下用法:表问候:How are you ? Im fine ,thank you .你好吗? 我很好,谢谢。表天气:How is the weather in Beijing ?Its sunny.北京的天气怎么样?很晴朗。问年龄:How old are you ?Im 11 years old.你多大?我十一岁了。问身高:How tall are you ?Im 160 cm tall.你多高?我160厘米高。问重量:How heavy is Mike? He is 40kg .迈克多重?他40千克重。问大小:How big are your feet?I wear 16 size?你

25、的脚多大?我穿16码的鞋。问面积:How large is your classroom? Its 30.你们教室多大?30平方米。问数量:How many books do you have?I have 12.你有多少本书?我有十二本。(how many 后要加可数名词的复数形式)问价钱:How much is the shirt?It30 yuan .那件衬衫多少钱?30元。问感觉:How do you feel?I feel sad.你感觉怎么样?我很伤心。六)冠词 冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词 不定冠词包括a ,an 都表示一个,修饰单数名词,a 用在辅音音素开头的可数名词单数前,例如

26、a book 一本书 ,an 用在以元音音素开头的可数名词单数前,an apple 一个苹果。 定冠词the 用在特指,或者上文提到的名词前,它既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,并且没有单复数的限制。 指示代词this ,that ,these ,thoseThis 和these 都表示距离说话人较近的事物,this 用来修饰单数,these 用来修饰复数That和those 都表示距离说话人较远的事物,that 用来修饰单数,those 用来修饰复数 注:this 和that 还可以修饰不可数名词。三、 句型的转变: 肯定句变一般疑问句的方法。句子中有be动词am, is, are,

27、 was, were的,直接把be动词am, is, are, was, were提到句首。如果句子中人称代词为第一人称的,则将其转换称第二人称,如果人称代词为第二、三人称时,则保持不变。即I, we变成you;my, our 变成your,然后把句子中剩下的单词抄下来。(be动词随人称的变化而变化)例如:I was at home yesterday.(变一般疑问句)Were you at home yesterday?句子中没有be动词只有情态动词can ,may ,must ,will等的,把情态动词can ,may ,must ,will等提到句首,如果句子中人称代词为第一人称的,则将

28、其转换称第二人称,如果人称代词为第二、三人称时,则保持不变。即I, we变成you;my, our 变成your,然后把句子中剩下的单词抄下来。(情态动词后要跟动词原形)。例句:I can play football.(变一般疑问句)Can you play football?句子中没有be动词,也没有情态动词的,就借助动词来变,即在句首加do ,does 或did . 如果句子中人称代词为第一人称的,则将其转换称第二人称,如果人称代词为第二、三人称时,则保持不变。即I, we变成you;my, our 变成your,然后把句子中剩下的单词抄下来。但在抄的过程中,要把动词变回原形。(助动词的选

29、择要根据句子时态和主语的变化而变化。)例句:She did her homework last night.(变一般疑问句)Did she do her homework last night? 一般疑问句的回答规律一般情况下:肯定回答:Yes,人称代词+相应的助动词或be动词或情态动词。即这个一般疑问句是由谁引导就用谁来回答。否定回答:No, 人称代词+相应的助动词或be动词或情态动词和not 。 肯定句变否定句的方法句子中有be动词am, is, are, was, were和有情态动词can ,may ,must ,will等的,在be动词am, is, are, was, were和情

30、态动词can ,may ,must ,will等的后面加not.例句:I can play basketball.(变否定句)I can not play basketball.(can not 可以缩写为cant)。句子中没有be动词,也没有情态动词的,就借助动词来变,即在动词前,主语后加dont ,doesnt ,didnt , 然后把句子中剩下的单词抄下来。但在抄的过程中,要把动词变回原形。(助动词的选择要根据句子时态和主语的变化而变化。)例句:He played football yesterday.(变否定句)I didnt play football yesterday. ther

31、e be 句型与 have 的区别:there be 句型表示某地有某物。基本句型为:There be +某物+地点。并且there be 句型有一个就近原则,即距离be 动词最近的名词是单数时,be 动词用is ,是复数时be动词用are.例句:There is a an English book and two Chinese book on the desk.在桌子上有一本英语书和两本语文书。There are two Chinese book and an English book on the desk. 在桌子上有两本语文书和一本英语书。 注:常用的几个表示地点的介词有,in 在里

32、面,或加在一些打的地点前。例如 in Beijing 在北京on 在上面,例如 on the desk在课桌上under 在下面,例如 under the deskbehind 在后面, 例如 behind the door 在门后面near 在附近,旁边 例如 near the window 在窗户附近next to 与相邻 ,例如 next to the post office 与邮局相邻。在邮局旁边。in front of 在前面,例如 the tree is in front of our classroom.have/has 表示某人有某物,表示所属关系,基本句型:主语(非第三人称)

33、+have+某物。 或 主语(第三人称)+has +某物。例如 I have a new bike.我有一辆新的自行车。She has a new dreee.她有一件新的连衣裙。另外,have 还有其他的用法,例如have lunch 吃午饭 have some coke 喝些可乐 have a headache 头疼 have a good time 玩的开心,玩的愉快 Its time for 和Its time to 的用法 这两个句型都表示“该干什么了”,但是It time for +名词。例如 Its time for lunch.该吃午饭了。Its time to +动词。例如I

34、ts time to get up.该起床了。 表示星期的单词 Monday 星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日(注:在星期前要用介词on ,且第一个字母必须大写) 四季的单词spring 春天 summer 夏天 fall/autume 秋天 winter 冬天 (在季节前要用介词in)一般现在时态基础练习题 选择填空1、I _ a student, and you _ also a student .But he _a teacher.A am/is/are, B is/are/a

35、m, C are/am/is, D am/are/is.2、_these books yours? No, they _the twins. A Is/are, B Am/are, C Is/is, D Are/are.3、-Please _ me with my English homework. Its too difficult. -OK, Let me _ you. A helping/ help, B help/helping, C help/help, D helping/helping.4、-_ you often do your homework by yourself ? -

36、Yes, I do. I always _ my homework carefully.A Are/do, B Do/doing, C Are/doing, D Do/do5、-What can you see in the picture? -I _ see some birds flying in the sky. A is, B can , C am , D are. 句型转换1、Ann and Lingling are in the same class.(改成一般疑问句并进行肯、否回答)2、The cat can catch five mice every day. (改成一般疑问句

37、并进行肯、否回答)3、Mr black always washes his car on Friday. (改成一般疑问句并进行肯、否回答)4、We usually play basketball on the playground in the afternoon.(针对画线部分提问)5、She sings well. (针对画线部分提问) 用所给动词的适当形式填空Mary always _ (get up) at 6 oclock. She _ (need) ten minutes to _ (wash) her face and _ (brush) her teeth, and then

38、 she _ (eat) breakfast at 6:10.She often _ (go) to school at 6:30. It _ (take) her about 20 minutes to _ (get) to school. She _ (have) lunch at school. She _ (finish) her classes at about 4:40. She _ (go) home with her good friends. After supper, she _ (spend) one hour on her homework. After that ,S

39、he usually _ (watch) TV, and she _ (go) to sleep at nine oclock.现在进行时态 专项练习将下列词语变为现在分词study_ make_ swim_ stop_ come_ close_have_ run_ drive_ wash_ begin watch_take talk put一、选词填空1. What are you doing? I_. A. eat B. can eat C. eating D. am eating2. We are _ books now. A. reading B. am reading C. read

40、 D. to read3. Our teacher is _ a red sweater . A. putting on B. put on C. wears D. wear4. That boy isnt _ the teacher . A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listening to5. Its eight oclock. Jimmys parents _ TV.A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch6. My mother is _ a cake _ my birthday.

41、 A. making ; toB. making ; for C. doing ; to D. doing ; for7. They are _ these books in the box. A. puts B. put C. to put D. putting8. _ you _the window? -Yes, I am.A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning二、划线部分提问1.she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _2.The birds are singing i

42、n the tree.(就划线部分提问),who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句) _4.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) _5.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句) _6.You are doing your homework.(用”I“作主语改写句子) _7.they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _8.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般

43、疑问句) _三、改正句子中的错误(1)Amy is catch butterflies in the garden now. (2)Mike flying a kite now.(3)We are going to climbs mountains tomorrow. (4)My parents is going to the library.(5)The tigers are swiming in the river一般现在时态 专项练习将下列词语改为单三drink_read_make_dive_live_look_have_pass_come_plant_fly _carry_study_brush_teach_watch_do_go _一、选词填空1. He often (have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _(be) in Class One.3. We (not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sunday.5. _they _(like)


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