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1、雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 24(总分: 80.00 ,做题时间: 90分钟 )一、 Listening Module( 总题数:10 ,分数:80.00)1. Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time)解析:Complete the form below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.HOUSE SERVICE INFORMATIONExampleAnswerName Barbara HillLocation 1LondonPostcode SW105Rooms two 2bed

2、roomsThe other room used as an 3Downstairs kitchen-diner, consevatory and 4Pets 2 dogs and 3 catsComplete the form below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.HOUSE SERVICE INFORMATIONExampleAnswerName Barbara HillLocation 5LondonPostcode SW105Rooms two 6bedroomsThe other room used as an 7Downstairs k

3、itchen-diner, consevatory and 8Pets 2 dogs and 3 catsSouthwest ) double) office ) lounge)(分数: 8.00 )填空项1: (正确答案:填空项1: (正确答案:填空项1: (正确答案:填空项1: (正确答案: 解析: 解析: lounge 本题文中直接有并列陈述, 即使不确定, 随后所列的每项内容都有分开进行描述: thekitchen-diner) 应为并列的内容,即为答案。(分数: 2.00 ),其中A选项中的change与replace意思相同,应(分数: 2.00 )the conservatory

4、 the lounge ,所以可以确定 lounge(大厅、 Choose the correct letter, A, BorC (分数: 6.00 )(1) .Which of these extra services does the agent agree to do?A.change bed linen VB.do some gardening workC.clean the glass解析:解析:A本题考查替换,原文中有replacing the bed linen 为正确答案。(2) .What does the customer want cleaned every three

5、 months?A.curtainsB.carpets VC.mats解析:解析: B 本题属细节题,原文: I think we should have the carpets cleaned really well every quarter 由此可知, B 为正确选项。(3) .What does the customer want done with clothes? (分数: 2.00 )A.wash and iron the clothes8.1 ron the clothes VC.clean and dry the clothes解析:解析:B本题A选项为干扰项,但是原文为:N

6、o,just ironing .该句作为补充和强调,因此 B为正确选项。Complete the sentences below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (分数: 6.00 )(1) .The agents address is 12, 1Road. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案:Amyes)解析:解析:Amye抹题考查街道名称,具体原文中有拼写。比较简单,容易拿分。(2) .Her house will get cleaned next 1 (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确

7、答案: Thursday )解析:解析: Thursday 本题不难,根据原文next Thursday ,我们可以得知答案为Thursday。) 2.00 (分数: (3).The maximum time of cleaning service is 1填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: 3 hours )解析:解析:3 hours本题属细节题。maximum time意思为最长时间,原文中我们能听到one to threehourstake three hours at most .因此最长时间填写3 hours。注意,根据题目要求,此处形式只能写3 hours ,填写 three h

8、ours 将不得分。Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. (分数: 14.00 )(1) .The main purpose of the service is to (分数: 2.00 )A.educate people. VB.persuade people to fly.C.provide people with comfort.解析:解析:A凡遇选择,必碰陷阱。本题根据 Were not here to try ,though - and comfortable .就能排除B

9、 C 选项,该句明显含有否定信息。所以A 选项为正确答案。(2) .The number of people working at Sydney Airport is (分数: 2.00 )A.200.B.360.C.440. V解析:解析:C本题中,A为千扰项,该选项的200人是指在2号航站楼工作的员工人数,而非员工总人数。B选项是参观人员所猜测的总人数,也可排除。所以C为正确选项,它与题千意思匹配。(3) .Dogs are chosen according to (分数: 2.00 )A.their ability to stay calm.VB.their friendliness.C

10、.their skill at locating narcotics.解析:解析:A本题A选项为正确答案。因为后面紧跟着一句话: This is the precise reason .与题干中according to 相匹配。(4) .The number of postal items processed last year amounted to (分数: 2.00 )A.4,400.B.52,000. VC.72,000.解析:解析:B本题A、C选项有干扰作用。A选项说的是每月的数量,而 C选项则是预测今年的数量。因此,B选项才是去年的数量,和题干内容匹配。选择题因为有混淆、有干扰,因

11、此要特别注意题干的一些特定限制词,比如本题中的last year 。(5) .People carrying items that are not allowed (分数: 2.00 )A.will get arrested.B.will be refused on board.C.will be given a warning. V解析:解析:C本题题干及选项和原文相比变化不大,能比较容易辨别出 C选项。A选项存在一定的干扰性,但其中含 否定内容: We will not arrest you ,借此可以排除。(6) .Which of the following is not allowe

12、d to be taken on the flight? (分数: 2.00 )A.carry-on itemsB.plant seeds VC.parcels解析:解析:BA C选项为强烈干扰。但A、C这两样物品是有特殊条件限制的,并非是都不允许携带的。B选项前有一个we must prohibit来表示必须禁止,语气强烈,与题干中的not allowed 一致,所以正确答案为 B选项。(7) .What is the proper security protocol for a pocket knife found in a carry-on suitcase?(分数:2.00)A.It

13、is returned to the passenger after examination.8.1 t is thrown away in a safe receptacle.VC.It is passed on to higher level authorities.解析:解析:B本题B选项为正确答案。其实根据常识我们也能判断出,在安检的时候,如果发现包里或兜里有小刀, 一般会将其放到生物危险品罐里。A、C选项原文也有听到,为干扰项,但是 A选项说的是安检后包裹将归还给乘客,而 C选项则说如果是武器之类的物品,则要报告上级来调查。Complete the sentences below.W

14、rite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.(分数:6.00 )(1) .The acceptable material for packing goods in Australia is 1(分数:2.00)填空项1: (正确答案:正确答案:paper)解析:解析:paper本题中,is没有变化,直接顺势写出paper。(2) .The belongings most of time are refused due to problems with the 1(分数:2.00 )填空项1: (正确答案:正确答案:package labels )

15、解析:解析:package labels通过观察,可以判断此处应填写具体的problem ,也就是一个名词性的词汇。文中提到problem 时,就应该提笔准备填写答案了。此外,冠词 the也未发生变换,遵循冠词不换原则,答案为 package labels。(3) .The customs must be given notice of the goods from 1days before it arrives in Australia.(分数:2.00 )填空项1: (正确答案:正确答案:two to ten )解析:解析:two to ten 本题为数字题,无需解释,必拿下。此外,该题填

16、写数字形式将不得分。,Write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 21-26.A Video Resource CentreB ReadingRoomC Food Service CentreD Periodicals SectionE Inquiry DeskF Satellite TV StationA Video Resource CentreB Reading RoomC Food Service CentreD Periodicals SectionE Inquiry DeskF Satellite TV Station(分数:1

17、2.00) 填空项1: (正确答案:正确答案:B)解析:解析:B D C A F E地图题是纸老虎,貌似图形复杂或者线路方向混乱,但我们只要把握一个原则:题目顺序。就可以非常轻松地全做对!本题又给了备选答案,所以只要把备选答案根据录音中的描述进行排序即可,录音中首先提至U的是 Reading Room 其次分另Ll是:PeriodicalsSection,Food Service Centre , Video Resource Centre , SatelliteTV Station and Inquiry Desk填空项1:解析:填空项1:解析:填空项1:解析:填空项1:解析:填空项1:解析

18、:因此正确的顺序应该是 B D CAF E(正确答案:正确答案:D)(正确答案:正确答案:C)(正确答案:正确答案:A)(正确答案:正确答案:F)(正确答案:正确答案:E)Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.(分数:8.00 )(1) .If you need to find information on a certain book, you can use 1check-out cards.(分数:2.00)填空项1: (正确答案:正确答案:pink and yellow )

19、解析:解析: pink and yellow 本题难度不大,题目比较直观,文中出现了 pink and yellow check-out card 。注意信息要写全。(2) .If you want to find information in a specific field, use the 1guides. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: subject )解析:解析:subject本题根据空格前后的内容,可判断出此处很可能要填写形容词。此外,原文byusingone of our subject guides 与题干的内容基本一致,所以答案为 subject

20、 。(3) .Computers in some 1cannot be linked to the network. (分数: 2.00 ) universities (正确答案:正确答案: 1: 填空项解析:解析:universities本题原文中有转折词however,之后的句子要注意搜索。原文: However,thereareuniversities which are not part of network 这句话中只有universities 作为名词可以填写,并且紧跟着有否定词。注意填其复数形式。(4) .You can find more information in a 1o

21、n my desk. (分数:2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: blue folder )解析:解析: blue folder 本题难在单词上,原文和题目变化不大,但是不容易写对。正确答案为 blue folder 。如果单词不熟悉,或第一时间未及时反应,一定要落笔记下发音,这样folder 这个词有机会拼写正确。Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. (分数: 10.00 )(1).The student thought there were no crocodile

22、s in Northern Africa because (分数: 2.00 )A.North Africa contains very little wildlife for the crocodile to prey on.B.she found no mention in the literature of their existence there.VC.there is very little water in North Africa.解析:解析:B本题听到To start , Id like to address a great question posed to me by a

23、 studentthere wereduringyesterdays office hoursno crocodiles in the Northern Region crocodiles in the North of Africa(2).Crocodiles live in groups of aboutand found no mention in the literature of theexistence ofB 为正确选项。2.00)A.20. VB.38.C.46.解析:解析:A本题C选项容易成为干扰,但那是 Mauritania地区的数量,后面一句usual number al

24、ittleless than half that表明其实常规数量比46的一半还要少点。因此 A为正确选项。(3) .African crocodiles usually live in areas with (分数: 2.00 )A.hot, dry climates.B.hot, wet rainforests.C.warm, wet climates. V解析:角不析: C原文表示气候的内容是:In general , crocodiles are more highly concentrated in wet, subtropicalenvironments , sub-tropical

25、为亚热带的意思,也就是暗指 warm, wet climate 。所以C为正确选项。(4) .Crocodiles in dry areas live in caves located (分数: 2.00 )A.underground. VB.in mountainsides.C.underwater.解析:解析:A本题 A为正确选项。原文说: Some African crocodiles have made dens by digging holes inthe ground , 就是 live in caves located underground 的意思, 对 A选项进行了解释。2.

26、00)(5) .What change caused changes in crocodile populations in North Africa?A.They were driven away by a fierce predator.B.Crocodiles evolved from desert creatures to wetland creatures.C.North Africa used to be wetland but slowly turned to desert over time.V解析:解析:C本题题干与原文相比变化不大,原文: Over time , thoug

27、h , the area dried out and thewetlandslowly turned to desert , leading the African crocodile to migrate south to the marshlandstheycall home today .与 C选项相呼应。Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answe r(分数:10.00)(1) .Desert crocodiles sometimes live in pl

28、aces with dry periods that last up to 1 months. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案:8)。此类数字题应是稳拿题。 up to 8 months 本题无特定技巧,文中明确提到 8 解析:解析:(2) .A hole dug by a female crocodile in which to lay eggs can have a 1of up to 60 cm. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: depth )解析:解析: depth 本题有一定的难度,原文: Afterwards the femal

29、e digs a hole up to 60cm in depth 而题干是A holecan have a depth of up to 60cm .形式有所变化,但意思未变,所以只能填写 depth一词为答案。(3) .Local people do not 1crocodiles. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: fear )解析:解析: fear 通过预判词性,我们获知答案应为动词。而 local people 与文中 residents 相一致,此外如果填写be not afraid of 不符合题目要求,所以fear 为答案。(4) .Crocodile

30、s 1out of fear when humans populate their habitat. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: attack )解析:解析: attack 本题答案也应该为动词,在听到主语 crocodiles 的时候,其后有: They attackwhenhumans populate the crocodileshabitat 所以此处应填写动词 attack 。(5) .Researchers want to study more about population size, 1and relations to other populationsof crocodiles. (分数: 2.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:正确答案: migration patterns )解析:解析: migration patterns 本题原文中对列举的每项内容都进行了细致的解释,我们通过关联词also 可以把握住接下来的内容。原文: There is still also much to learn about migration patters 所以 为正确答案。migrationpatterns


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