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1、 -上期五年级英语期末测试题(时量:60分钟 满分:100分)班级:_姓名:_得分:_ 听力部分(40分)一、听音,选词。(10分)( )1.A.good( )2.A. coke( )3.A.round( )4.A.thick( )5.A.borrowB. oldC. youngC. tomatoC. basketC. thinkB. potatoB. rabbitB. thinB. beefC. fish二、听音,选择正确的单词填空。(10分)( )1. Do not.A. fish. A. plants. A. beefB. talkB. flowersB. soupB. 7:30B.(

2、)2.My father waters the( )3.You can have some( )4.I can go to school at( )5.My hobby is collecting. A. 6:30. A. old picturesstorybooks三、 听音,给下列图片标序号。(10分)()()()- -()()四、听音,给句子排序子。(10分)()I have my computer lesson at 9:00.)My hobby is collecting stamps.)Can I use your dictionary, please?)They light fi

3、recrackers.)Ling lings father makes the bed.II笔试部分(60分)五、独树一帜。(选出不同类的单词) (10分)( )1.A.happy( )2.A.PEB. sorryB. cinemaB. dogC. hamburgerC. art( )3.A.beef( )4.A.rabbit( )5.A.redC. parrotC. dinnerB. breakfastB. tigerC. yellow六、 看图选词补全句子。(10分)happy violinvegetables mobile phoneChinese1. My hobby is playi

4、ng the.- -2. -How do you feel?-Im _.3. This sign menas “ Do not use a_”.4.Can I use yourbook ,please?5. Lingling helps her mother wash the _.七、 给问句选择合适的答语。(10分)( )1.Are you happy?A. Sure.( )2.What do you like?( )3.What do you do at home?B I help my mother.C. Its fifteen.yuan.( )4.How much is this ra

5、incoat?( )5.Can I hold it?D. Yes, I am.E. I like collecting storybook.八、抄写练习。(10分)Can I use your pencil, please?What time do you get up?- -Lingling helps her parents.Im sorry.Whats your hobby?九、请用手写体写出下列字母相对应的大写或者小写字母。(10分)A( ) G( ) j( ) r( ) I( )N( ) q( ) t( ) f( ) e( )十、阅读理解,将正确的选项填在题前的括号里。(10分)My

6、 name is Sam. I like playing chess. I often get up at 7:15 and go to schoolat 7:30. My mother is a teacher. Her name is Julia. She is short and has shorthair. She likes sandwiches. She often cooks a meal. I help her. My fatheris a worker. His name is James. He is tall. He likes taking photos. He oft

7、encleans the windows. I help him.( )1.My mother likes_.A. playing chessB. taking photosC. JamesC.sandwiches( )2.Who often cooks a meal?A. SamB. Julia( )3.What does my mother looks like?- -A. short( )4.What time do I get up?A.7:15 B. 7:30( )5.What my mother is?B. tallC. oldC.7:00A. workerB. teacherC. meal-


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