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1、Months(月份) :(月份单词开头字母要大写!)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune1月2月3月4月5月6月JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember7月8月9月10月11月12月How many months are there in a year ? 一年有多少个月?There are twelve months in a year. 可简答: Twelve . Whats the first month of the year ? 一年的第一个月是什么?Its January . 可简答: January. Dat

2、es and Days (日期与日):(星期单词开头字母要大写!)SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六Dates(日期):表示几月几日 What date is it today ? 今天的日期是什么? Its November 18th . What day is it today ? 今天星期几? Its Sunday . How many days are there in a week ? 一星期多少天?There are seven days in a week. 可简答: Se

3、ven . Whats the first day of the week ? 一周的第一天是什么?Its Sunday . 可简答: Sunday .When is the Army Day in China ? 建军节是什么时候?Its on August 1st Seasons (季节)Spring (春天) summer (夏天) autumn (秋天) winter (冬天)How many seasons are there in a year ? What are they ? 一年有多少个季节?他们是什么?There are four . They are Spring , s

4、ummer ,autumn , winter . 有四个。他们是春夏秋冬。Whats the first season of the year ? 一年的第一个季节是什么?Its spring . 可简答: Spring . 序数词和基数词onefirst (1st)eleveneleventh (11th)twenty-onetwenty-first (21st)twosecond (2nd)twelvetwelfth (12th)twenty-twotwenty-second (22nd)threethird (3rd)thirteenthirteenth (13th)twenty-thr

5、eetwenty-third (23rd)fourfourth (4th)fourteenfourteen (14th)thirtythirtieth (30th)fivefifth (5th)fifteenfifteenth (15th)fortyfortieth (40th)sixsix (6th)sixteensixteenth (16th)fiftyfiftieth (50th)sevenseventh (7th)seventeenseventeenth (17th)sixtySixtieth (60th)eighteighth (8th)eighteeneighteenth (18t

6、h)seventyseventieth (70th)nineninth (8th)nineteennineteenth (19th)eightyeightieth (80th)tententh (10th)twentytwentieth (20th)ninetyninetieth (90th) 频率词:(注意频率词使用的位置!)0 never sometimes usually often always everyday 1001I never drink coffee . 我从不喝咖啡。2My mother sometimes does some reading . 我妈妈有时读书。3My

7、father usually surfs the Net . 我爸爸经常上网。4My friend often does his homework after dinner. 我的朋友通常晚饭后做作业。5Kate always goes to school on time. Kate总是按时上学。6Jim brushes his teeth everyday. Jim每天刷牙。How often ? 多经常。?How often do you take exercise ? 你有多经常做运动?I take exercise after class everyday . 我每天放学后做运动。How often does your mother go shopping ? 你妈妈多经常购物?She goes shopping at the weekend . 她周末购物。 句中有频率词,第三人称单数动词后加s,es 或去y加-ies .例子:watch-watches brush-brushes teach-teaches wash-washes go-goes do-does study-studies fly-flies 3基础教育a


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