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1、 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 115-116 练习题(无答案)Lesson 115 and Lesson 116一 根据句意填空(10 分)1. Isnt there _ at home?2. We must _ at the door before we go into the teachers office.3. Is _ read for the party?4. We have knocked at the door three times, but _ answers it.5. Its _ for a man to fly without the help of a machi

2、ne.6. You mother and I have decided to go _ in China.7. It took them four days to finish walking _ the forest.8. Thank you very much for _ me to your party.9. Im the only one _ on the bus.10. You must study hard. Dont _ about it.二 用适当的不定代词或副词填空(10 分)1. Is _ wrong with you bike?2. I have _ important

3、to tell you.3. I can see _ at all. There is no one in the garden.4. I went _ yesterday. I stayed at home.5. Listen! There must be _ at the door.6. They have got _ ready for the party.7. Is _ here? Yes, we are all here.8. He is very lazy.He only sits there and does _.9. I have looked for my glasses _

4、, but I cant find them.10. Have you ever been _ in Harbin?三 用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. Come and have _ (anything) to drink.2. It is _ (possible) for man to live without water.3. Thank you for _ (invite) me to dinner.4. There is _ (no) left in the refrigerator.5. What is the _ (expensive) way to travel?6. I

5、m sorry to keep you _ (wait) so long.7. He has played a lot of _ (joke) on me.8. Has any9one got a letter of _ (invite)?9. Well return on the _ (twenty) of December, 2005.10. I have the _ (few) mistakes of us all.四 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. He saw some children _ (play) games in front of the house.2. The

6、 radio is too noisy for us _ (hear).3. Ask him _ (turn) the TV down.4. Im afraid there is nothing _ (leave) for you.5. I dont think the book is worth _ (read).1 / 5 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 115-116 练习题(无答案)6. Do you know how much it _ (cost) to fly to Hongkong?7. It cant be Jim. He _ (go) to Beijing.8. How l

7、ong _ the film _ (be) on?9. If you learn a little English, you _ (find) it very useful.10. My uncle wrote to me last week _ (tell) me to study hard.五 选择填空(15 分)() 1. Do you know _?A. else somethingB. else anythingC. something elseD. anything else) 2. Lots of tourists come to Shanghai because she is

8、_ city.A. quite a beautiful B. so a beautiful C. very beautifulD. very a beautiful) 3. They swim three times a day if it is _ in both winter and summer.A. good B. possible C. impossible) 4. Everythings very quiet. Im sure theres _ at home.D. betterD. nobodyD. inviteA. somebody) 5. Its a good dinner.

9、 Thank you for _ us.A. take B. takingB. everybodyC. anybodyC. inviting) 6. Kate has borrowed a book from the library._ her friends.A. So canB. So doC. So haveD. So did() 7. I dont believe there is no one at home. Lets look _ the window.A. across) 8. Im sorry. There is none _.A. to leave B. leaves) 9

10、. There _ a number of people there.The number of the people there _ over twenty.B. overC. throughD. atC. leavingD. leftA. are, areB. is, areC. is, isD. are, is() 10. One day I saw him in the street._ I met him againA. The next dayB. Next dayC. Next weekD. Last week) 11. I have _ to tell you.A. somet

11、hing interestingC. anything interestingB. interesting somethingD. interesting anything() 12. None of us _ afraid of you, _ we?A. is, arent B. are, arent C. are, areD. is, are) 13. We all wish to do the job better with _ time and _ people.A. few, a little B. a little, few C. fewer, less) 14. Its nice

12、 and warm out here. Here “nice and” means _.A. very B. so C. really) 15. He will not _ asleep until 12 oclock at night.A. go B. do C. comeD. less, fewerD. quiteD. fall六 句型转换(10 分)1. There is nothing in the box.(变为同义句)2 / 5 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 115-116 练习题(无答案)There is _ _ in the box.2. I couldnt find my

13、pen anywhere.(变为同义句)I could _ my pen _.3. You went nowhere yesterday(. 变为反意疑问句)You went nowhere yesterday, _ _?4. Everyone is in the garden.(变位反意疑问句)Everyone is in the garden, _ _?5. Im sure there is no one in the garden.(变为同义句)There _ _ no one in the garden.6. We invited Tom and Carol to have dinne

14、r with us(. 就换线部分提问)_ _ you _ Tom and Carol to _?7. I can see something over there.(变位一般疑问句)_ you see _ over there?8. None of our passenger can change this note.(变为同义句)_ of our passengers _ change this note.9. He doesnt like the film. She doesnt like the film, either.(两句合并成一句)_ he _ she _ the film.1

15、0. If you eat too much, you will get fatter.(变位同义句)The _ you eat, the _ you will get.七 补全对话,每空一词(10 分)A: Whats that?B: _1_?A: Can you hear _2_?B: _3_?A: Behind those trees.B: Sorry, I can hear _4_.A: There must be _5_ wrong with your ears. I think there is _6_ near us.B: No, there is _7_ there.A: Le

16、ts go and see if _8_ is coming with us.B: Yes, you are right. There is _9_ over there.A: What is it?B: Its a tiger. Be quick! _10_ run!1. _6. _2. _7. _3. _8. _4. _9. _5. _10. _八 完形填空(10 分)What do Englishmen usually talk about _1_ their daily life? The first thing they maytalk about is the _2_. When

17、you meet a person and do not know _3_ to start aconversation, you may say, “Its a nice day, _4_?” or “It looks rainy.” or something like that.The English people like to talk about the weather. But _5_? There are perhaps two reasons.One is that the weather is always _6_. So you can see that Englishme

18、n are wearing raincoatsor carrying _7_ _8_ a bright sunny day. _9_ reason is that talking about the weather3 / 5 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 115-116 练习题(无答案)_10_ to be friendly. The weather is a subject which is safe to talk about.() 1. A. onB. inC. for) 2. A. programmes) 3. A. what) 4. A. isntB. restaurantB. w

19、hyC. weatherC. howB. is itC. doesntC. how) 5. A. what) 6. A. fineB. whyB. badC. changingC. umbrellasC. for) 7. A. flowers) 8. A. onB. boxesB. in) 9. A. Another) 10. A. looksB. The otherB. seemsC. OthersC. is九 阅读理解(一)(5 分)Here is Anns invitationDate: Sunday, February 16thAttention: Everyone must spea

20、k English!根据邀请内容填空:() 1. Ann is going to have _ party.A. a Teachers Day) 2. The party is on _.A. Sunday, February 16B. an EnglishC. a birthdayC. Monday, February 16thB. Sunday, February 6thth) 3. Its going to start at _.A. half past fiveB. half past fourC. a quarter to fiveC. Flat 5B) 4. She is goin

21、g to have a party at _ Dongqing Building.A. Flat 5A B. Flat 15A) 5. Anns telephone number is _.A. eight o nine, two one six B. eight o nine, six two one C. eight nine o, six two one十 阅读理解(二)(10 分)When a man is worrying about something, it is _1_ for him to swallow anything_2_ because he has little a

22、ppetite. Many years ago, some judges in England often gave a mansome dry bread to judge whether he was telling the truth. If the man could not swallow the bread,they thought he was telling lies.A 根据所给首字母和英文释义填入一个合适的词,使句意完整。1. d_2. d_hard, not easynot wet, with little water.4 / 5 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 115-

23、116 练习题(无答案)B 写出故事中划线句子的同义句。3. A man is worrying about somethingA man is _ _ something4. some judges in Englandsome _ _5. 句中的 judge 的词性是_,在文中的意思是_。D 根据短文句子翻译句子。6. 当一个人担忧某事时,他很难吞下任何干的东西。When a man is _ _ something, it is _ for _ to swallow anything_.7. 你能判断他是在讲实话还是在撒谎吗?Could you _ whether he was _ the _ or telling a _.8. 你认为吞下一个干面包容易吗?_ you think it is _ to _ a loaf of _ bread?9. 他食欲很小。He _ little _.10. 一个法官通常怎样判案子?How _ a _ usually _ a case.5 / 5


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