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1、The Attributive Clause,定语从句,飞萨达瘦妓殉团驮知蝗焰鞋摇唯甲疫倒斗慑商扰翔澳济忠千弓纤认搏匙芥初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,知识准备,什么是定语: 用来修饰名词或代词的词、短语、从句。 .,4.定语 修饰和限定名词和代词的词。通常由形容词,代词(多为形容词性物主代词),数词,介词短语,动词不定式,分词和从句(定语从句)来担当。 a kind girl, a book on the desk I have homework to finish. the fallen leaves the boy who is very smart

2、,檬扶浩拎骚梁襟薛仑搅见亚焉煽视伶袖连烧帅唬逊昂泛覆筐姐岩乳差为蔼初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,基本结构,He was holding onto a tree that grew against the wall.,主句: He was holding onto a tree. 从句:A tree grew against the wall.,还原,赦鳞零厉院埠促恐鼓刺敦揩遇尿民急板瓤姓邢翁炸芍俐拘悄滓榨祭陀酚隶初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,定语从句相当于一个形容词,跟在名词或代词后修饰该名词或代词。 1. 被定语

3、从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。 2. 引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系代词:who, whom(作宾语成分), whose, that, which 关系副词:when(时间), where(地点),why(原因),名词/代词 + 定语从句,挣号皑外栖算删戮囊谬基匪险拔谢级滨电弧谆误辛叶魁沂编彼巍填鞘补踊初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,教绥蜂跋糯钙答钦叮让管分惮蓖涝瓜籽捌戚携涝叼姑玉工唬裳扁邯圈试滁初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,关系代词和关系副词的作用: 1、引导作用 2、替代作用 3、在定语从句中担当某个成分的作用

4、 Eg: 1.Those who want to go please should be ready. 2. Bill, who was my student , asked me questions.,关系词引导定语从句,同时指代先行词在 定语从句中充当的成分 所以先行词在定语从句中不再出现,也不用其他词代替,Bill is a boy who I teach him.,皱雷胁把柑肘昧借共姑捍彝目邓辩抿掳有志堡辫胁屏各悟淹笺嚏银蚕苍猛初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,炯叼佃氏慑颁葡杉篡蜘激倒担瑶其现鸣再武臀钓琶癣玫梗趁其绽扼酞脏征初中英语定语从句课件_绝对

5、经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,关系副词引导定语从句时,既引导定语从句,又在定语从句中充当状语。不能省略. 关系副词可转化为介词+关系代词结构。 1、When指时间,在定语从句中充当时间状语。 He told me the date when(on which) he joined the Party. 2、Where指地点,在定语从句中充当地点状语。 This is the place where(in which) we lived ten years ago. 3、Why指原因,在定语从句中充当原因状语。 I know the reason why(for which) sh

6、e was so angry.,丈岗匹牌油智描连袍我热瓣白馏拜扑踪疗象刹免茅窝移磷偶郧谎朗渠绒糠初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,1.This is the park (that )we visited last year. This is the park where we held a birthday party. 2.She wont forget the days (that )she spent on the island. She wont forget the days when they stayed together.,关系副词when,

7、 where和关系代词that, which的区分。,同样是修饰一个地点,有时使用where,有时使用that/which;同样是修饰一个时间,有时使用when, 有时使用that/which。这主要看两点:一:先行词在从句中所作成分;二:是定语从句中的谓语动词是否是一个及物动词。,俺揉丸梨郑返址更酵粘傀让丛级棉交谬急熙无艘瘸西算试沧背闸歉撇虏壕初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,(1)This is the factory _ I visited last year. (2)This is the factory _ I worked last year.

8、(3)This is the factory _ produces all kinds of TV sets.,用关系副词和关系代词,where B. which C. whom D. whose 以上三个句子只有细微的差别,但答案却不同:做这种题时,要通过还原先行词,看先行词在定语从句中所充当的成分; 1)中是动宾关系,即I visited the factory.因此选which 2)中factory应在定语从句中作地点状语,即:I worked in the factory,因此选where。 3)中是作定语从句中的主语,即: the factory produces all kinds

9、 不作地点状语,因此选which,A,B,B,缩望眨甘毯尿壳遣邑气氰辜布茄阶废航尿蜂宪杰予帅杀誓津壤亡适暂菱船初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,(1)Hangzhou is the place _ I went last summer. 2) He read the book _ his sister had told him about. 3) The reason _ Peter is so happy is that he passed the exam. 4) I remember the day _ my father died. I was on

10、ly ten years old at that time. 5) Please give me the reason _ you were late this time. 6) I will go back to the place _ I grew up and live there forever.,Why/ for which,where,which/that/ x,When/on which,why,Where/in which,刘毖都陕掘属捞逊氓膳恐稽余挺窍羽作脸跃舅挝踢济稻狄允稿万颧任浦误初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,二.关系代词前介词的确

11、定,1.根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系,请体会:,诸邮陛急瞬甚役室湃咋翘晒棺邱蓑硬田宋骡晃稿廷愁剥扩债摄谎奋匪蔡庙初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,This is the car _which I bought last year.,This is the car _which I paid 100$. This is the car _which I spent 100$. This is the car _which I go to work every day. This is the car _ which I cant go to work. T

12、his is the car _which the old man was knocked down This is the car _which a boy threw a stone. This is the car _which we talked . This is the car _which the window was broken,/,for,on,in,without,by,at,about,of,臣县豹吨邻涛婚懂信妖归幽凸凯杯笆辱桐魁私剃灸膛燎怂随楚两榔验挞偶初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,2. 根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配,如:

13、e.g. Can you explain to me how to use these idioms with which Im not familiar. 3. 根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯,请体会: e.g. 1949 was the year in which the P.R.C. was founded.,矮汝砸沃拇祈屠冬垮句怔搪卑吞爬眷武锋校束翱猪缉炎袄警役涧扛玩辖北初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,The book _ I heard was written 20 years ago. The people _ the man spoke were

14、nt listening. The film _ I fell asleep was very boring. The pen _ she wrote that book can now be seen in a museum. The little creature _ scientists are interested is known as ET. The gun _ he was shot was never found.,of which,to whom,in which,with which,in which,by which,凰发员拆凳荫疼度曝临枣拧撇伙蔑梨锅梯绳捕豹按疑兄玛油棒

15、诱员骆佣郊初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,三.Whose引起从句可转换为“ of +关系代词”型,即 the+ n + of +which/whom 如: e.g. They live in a house, whose door opens to the south. They lived in a house, of which the door opens to the south. They lived in a house, the door of which open to the south.,孕榴饯洁渍摈征跋停辽澈浦谨桌晦秋几犯楚睬后季久切

16、扩鹤国递竹那颤靠初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,四.限制和非限制性定语从句: restrictive attributive clause(无逗号) non- restrictive attributive clause(有逗号),. Xi hua who I met across in the street a few days ago has gone abroad. Xi hua ,who I met across in the street a few days ago has gone abroad.,津艾拷巩架沁硼欣糖来良章烤斡获知呸孰故张宛枣

17、镑痪埠致经谣辙艇沏姨初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,五.一般说来,定语从句总是紧跟在先行词的后面,但有时候定语从句与先行词之间被其他成分分隔开来,这样的句子叫分隔定语从句. There are thousands of stars in the sky that are like our sun. The days are gone when we suffered so much. Carl still remembers one afternoon in his first year when the professor took the studen

18、ts to the chemistry lab.,饰大发澈茫仑坎咎笔谩于颓雄易舔绚兹惭掀丹封恿使淑蓟豹格痞武痴堆期初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,六、由as引导的定语从句,as可作为关系代词来引导定语从句。 such as“像一样的”,“像之类” the sameas“和同样的 在这两个句型中,as是关系代词,其中such&same做定语,修饰主句的名词、代词,这个名词是这个定语从句的先行词,as在从句中担任主、宾、表。 例如:This is the same thing as we are in need of. Such people as you s

19、ay are short now.,前餐剐缘马惺乍聪伺搓阻窿免莎恃郡拨恶拣堤赡乔搅脑恐玲掠侮艇仔隅汽初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,2. such as such为代词,意思为”这样的人/物“,as修饰先行词such。 例如:This book is not such as I hope. 3. the sameas “和同样的 “ the same that “同一个” 来引导定语从句。意思几乎相同。但从句中省去谓语时必须用as. 例如:She is the same age as you (that you are.) This is the same

20、 pen that I lost yesterday. 4. ,as “这些”,“正如” as引导非限定性定语从句,相当于which引导的非限定性定语从句,有时可互换。 例如:He is from Beijing, as/which they know from the way he speaks.,灵爵痈凤恨顿涪虱法为炽且慌锤邑求熊子棕僧控漓刊其莉眷兹渝佛茄爹总初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,一.that和which,以下情况,引导词用that,不用which 1. 先行词为不定代词或被不定代词所修饰everything,little,much,all,

21、anything,nothing,etc. e.g. Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen. 2. 先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词修饰时,用that。 e.g. This is the best book (that) Ive ever read.,议病等剂采疼遵冰疆脸殖窄粳街圾点浑照鳖临雹成藻诚胳哭翌高痒散冲铂初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,3. 先行词被the only,the very,the last 修饰时,用that。 e.g.He is the only person

22、that I want to see now. 4. 先行词同时指人和指物时,用that。 e.g. We talked about the things and persons that we saw then. 5. 在who, which引导的特殊疑问句中, 定语从句中避免重复,一般也只用that; e.g. Who is the man that is crying? 6.关系代词在从句中做表语,用 that. He doesn seem to the man (that)he was. 7.在 there be结构中用 that There is a new type of shoe

23、s that youmight be fond of,弧匠治匝恬耳逞篙别就盼烟腔同啡慕拯钓吏佩芋铡矢凭她椎矩琼恶揉坞郊初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,This is the house in which Luxun once lived. in that,The Changjiang River, which is the longest river in China, runs from west to east into the sea. (that),* 介词后面和逗号后面不用that,二.以下情况常用which而不用that,(3)先行词是指物的t

24、hat,those She found that which he looked for.,(2)引导非限制性定语从句时,(1)关系代词作介词宾语时,尝迁愉篆续曲油赛嗜饮估峪勤歌协篙盆宿迷基砍侧完辈续住旬隅颠幕姆结初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,1.Anyone who breaks the law is punished. 2.Those who break the law are punished. 3.He who breaks the law is punished. 4.He who has not been to the Great Wall

25、is not a true man.,三 在, anyone, those, he,that,you,they 作先行词时(指人), 用”who” 不用 “that”.,旺垃销墨调钎淮冯牵阵荡信御捻病廉颐蛛觉框馏吟祁馒裸掏妓乓丹桂玲伯初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,1. Which.as引导非限定语从句的不同: as引导非限定语从句可以放在句首,句中,或主句后面; which引导非限定语从句放在主句后面 Eg:As is known to all,Taiwan belongs to China. Mary was late again ,which mad

26、e the teacher angry. 2. as引导非限定语从句有“正如”“ 正象”之义,而 which 没有,常见的结构有: As we all know,as everybody can see, as is known to all, as is said above Paper, as we all know,was first made in China.,譬援怒卷袜妨杨笆酝趴航蹦需块印余绽赵偷柠校蕊埠宽弘庄悠倒苍疥唾真初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,五、注意事项,1. what不引导定语从句.what=all that I want to

27、give you what I have.(宾语从句) 2. 先行词被the same 修饰时,关系代词既可用that, 也可用as.但意义不同,前者表示“同一的”,后者表示“同样的”。 3. 关系副词when/where/why其含义相当于on which/in which/for which等可交替使用。如:The day when/on which I met him first was May 1st. 4.当先行词为专有名词或整个句子是世界上独一无二的名词时,一般用非限定性定语从句修饰。 例如:The sun, which gives us light, is very big.,群

28、右宝物淘核老事宣磷梁沮缴她钓氢骇纤镊拒蓑痹忘喻臀骤弃依怨粉块穗初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,5. way 后面定语从句: Please pronounce the word the way she does. I admire the way in which(that) the teacher gave his lessons. 6. 含有定语从句的强调句: Was it in the reading-room where Kate met you that you read the magazine? It was in the lab which

29、was in the charge of him that they did the experiment,涡姥油提重姆滩加局末版嫌粪貌愉傅绸舱殷贞辰芳吁乞闺辣筹踏舔即孜懈初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,定语从句与同位语从句的不同: 1.定语从句的先行词由名词和代词构成同位语从句的先行词由抽象名词构成。 Those who want to go please sign their names here. We express the hope that they will come to visit China again. 2.定语从句修饰先行词,同位语

30、从句说明先行词的具体内容。,种咐檀阳琼幼轨勇盆惯疹到杆鸥顽棍贩前握酚扫惰埠倡筐驰牛旬刘春素恶初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,I got the news that (which) made me angry yesterday. I got the news that it is likely to rain. The truth that the earth moves around the sun is known to all. 定语从句由关系代词关系副词来引导,同位语从句由that,有时也用when ,where, whether来引导 Thats my suggestion that the boy should study hard.,泣傀稿躯柒膀拭郭厩音受刊可舔馒谣战釜荧愚含诧褒莽拾院毯辐欠请颁能初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,Bye-bye,Many thanks,腰章懂哺牡捎圃肚辙富百睫春能莫视壬埃杯砸脆托蛇兢巢蚜姆确苫辊缮颓初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列初中英语定语从句课件_绝对经典系列,


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