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1、Module 41. be similar to resemble vt. 与相似 be familiar withsb熟悉sth be familiar to sth为sb所熟悉2. (in the) south of China in:包括 on:接壤 to:相隔 South China : 方位名词修饰专有名词时前不加the on/off the coast 在海岸线上/在离开海岸的地方3. live with live on 以.为生 live through 度过4. recently / lately 与现在完成式or过去式连用5. on the land / farm / flo

2、orin the suburbs 6. be made of / from / in made out of 用制成be made up of = consist of 由组成7. Its been six years since we last saw each other.It is / has been + 段时间+ since + 一般过去式It will / can / may be段时间+ before It was +段时间+ before 过了才8. This/ That / It is the first time + clause (现在完成式) This/ That /

3、It was the first time + clause (过去完成式) The last one to arrive pays the meal. The first time I saw you, I fell in love with youI went to Beijing in 1998 for the first time.9. quite / rather/ pretty + adj pretty hot/ quite cold/ rather hungry quite a difficult question rather a difficult question / a

4、rather difficult questionrather too rather better10.seem + to do/to be doing/to have done It seems that / as if n There seems to be + 主语 adj 11 I feel very fortunate living here. have fun doing sth have a good time doing sth12.Whats the climate like? = How is the climate?What do you think of/about s

5、th?= How do you like/find sth?13. can 可能性,有时会,可能会14. Sounds OK to me. sound, look , taste, feel ,等感官动词无被动语态15.put up 建立(set up),张贴,举起, 为某人提供膳宿 put up with 容忍 stand (doing) sth bear to do / doing (多用于否定)16. high-rise buildings 摩天大厦 shopping malls购物中心17( a ) few + pl. (a) little + u18. approach vt/ vi

6、 / n.( + to doing sth)19.across the water prep.(表面)穿过 cross vt. through a forest prep.(空间)穿过20.for a while / minute / moment21. park 停车 a parking lot 停车区22. a nice little fish restaurant23. at first at last firstly secondlythirdly ly in the beginning at the beginning of 24. so far, up to now, till n

7、ow+ 现在完成时25. get away from run away from26. disappear/ appear/ exist / happen / occur / take place vi.27. a number of +pl.+Vpl. the number of pl.+Vsing.28. reason for cause of 29. remain vi.& Linking v. remain seated = be seated remain +adj./adv./介短/v-ing/v-ed/ to be done(sth有待被做) It remains to be s

8、ettled/ seen.30. go up/down rise vi.31. afford sth/to do sth32. make money raise/collect/save money33. fight to survive 为生存而斗争 34. survive vi/ vt /escape survive the accident 幸免于车祸35 Am I right in thinking that.?36. a great / good many + pl. many a + sing.37. do well (in sth ): succeed in doing sth

9、/ make it 38. as a result ( of sth ) = as a consequence ( of sth ) because of due to owing to thanks to result in =lead to 导致 result from 因.而起39. congratulate sb on sth celebrate sth Congratulations ( on sth) !40.make it : succeed in doing sth We make it 1400 means we think the answer is 1400.1. Tha

10、ts a _ building, and we lived _.A. five-storeys; in the fourth floorB. five-storey; on the fourth floorC. five-storyed; on the fourth floorD. five-storys; in the fourth floor2. - Would you like a cigarette? -No. Its several years _ I gave up smoking. A. after B. since C. when D. before3. -Do you kno

11、w my town at all? -No, this is the first time I _ here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming4. Its time that _ to pick up my little daughter at school. A. I went B. for me to go C. I go D. for my going5. -_ was your recent visit to Qingdao? - It was great. We visited some friends, and spent last

12、 few sunny days at the seaside. A. How B. What do you like C. What like D. How do you think of 6. -_? - He is kind but strict. A. What does your new head teacher look like B. How is your new head teacher C. What is your new head teacher like D. How much do you like your new head teacher7. Sorry, I c

13、ant go to the theatre with you. I am _ tired. A. not a bit B. pretty C. little D. too much8. Even skilled workers _ make such mistakes. A. should B. must C. can D. need9. As I _ the little grass house in the forest, my heart beat more and more quickly. A. approached B. walked C. ran D. stepped10. -A

14、rent you going to buy that house? Its modern and comfortable. - Yes, it is. But we are nearly broke and cant _ such an expensive house. A. buy B. afford C. spend D. pay11. Please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A. to seat B. to be seated C. seating D. seated12. At the meeting t

15、hey discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways13. _ to be no time for checking the answer before handing in the papers. A. There seems B. It seems C.We seem D. What seem14. _ number of books have been given to the library. As a result, _ number

16、 of books becoming larger and larger. A. A; a B. A; the C. The; a D. The; the 完成句子1. 能与你一起度过这个夜晚,我觉得非常幸运。I feel very fortunate _ you _ me this evening.2. 听起来就像是火车正从楼底下通过。It _ _ a train passing under our building.3由于房价上涨,许多人买不起房子。As the price of houses _ _, many people cant _ a new house.4.西欧的很多村庄正为他们的生存而斗争。A _ many villages in western Europe are fighting to _.5. 事实尚待证明。The fact remains _ _ _.


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