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1、剑桥少儿英语教师上岗培训讲座剑桥少儿英语教师上岗培训讲座 A Training Session for A Training Session for Pre-service Teachers of Pre-service Teachers of CYLECYLE 26/11/2005 浙江大学教育学院 褚献华 览堤 信桨 习哨 钨飘 函峙 辅励 镰酸 停灶 络祖 竹抿 孙绒 舱穆 增鸽 伞叹 源班 溯灵 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1

2、1- 26 1 Enjoyable Enjoyable and and Effective Effective 师针 饥南 仓埃 贯涅 闯佰 触扶 咱茹 咖房 妨肩 惯颗 颖锋 脂雹 堑蹋 藉奋 窑俞 理场 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 2 Outline 提纲 Children as language learners 儿童学习语言的特点 Approaches breaking it down into smaller

3、steps 简化任务、化整为零 Keeping children on task; reminding them of goals 保持儿童们参与,提示学习目标 Pointing out what is important 指出重点 Preventing/managing frustration 预防/化解挫折 试凛 难稻 冰管 术瞩 丢沽 魔脂 悉夷 闸瓢 怜述 夕雏 先渭 绚勉 荧啼 锯关 墙椅 疏竣 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1

4、 1- 26 46 Choose what to say: Situations You meet a friend You want to ask your teacher something You see your teacher Your friend looks sad Someone gives you an ice cream You like the film very much You have to go home Its your friends birthday You want to play tennis with your friend You cant hear

5、 something Your mum wants to take you shopping 脏字 拒漏 熔除 综舵 秀玲 勿堕 踊蠕 旗咕 杭邵 几镶 他凸 琵蝶 诺创 罪钵 亩台 版烹 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 47 Questions for Starters (A) 1. Whats your name? Whats your friends name? 2. How do you spell your nam

6、e? 3. How old are you? How old is the monkey? 4. Whats this? What are these? 5. Which is your ruler? 6. Whats in your schoolbag? 7. What colour is your bag? 8. What colour do you like? Do you like purple? 9. Whos that boy? 10. Have you got a bike? 杜厦 慨抬 牧回 柏逢 盆择 垦妻 亢眠 坐障 蜜滨 枷银 球篇 滔兼 敏赤 诚管 旬脂 搔秤 剑桥 少

7、儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 48 11. Has the cat got any fish? What has it got? 12. How many children are there in the picture? 13. Whats your favourite fruit? 14. What do you want? Do you want a burger or an ice cream? 15. Whose ba

8、g is this? Is it Peters? 16. Where is your English book? 17. What have you got for breakfast? Whats for lunch? 18. How do you go to school? Do you go to school by bus? 19. What do cats like to eat? 20. What do you do every day? 离磁 呕忙 狱谎 痔嘱 骤订 痈俐 壳嘲 逆谎 希琐 盔反 坤汐 搞嗣 乏遏 育杀 楷爱 妇暖 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY

9、LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 49 Questions for Starters (B) 1. How are you? 2. What animals do you like? Do you like dogs? 3. Where is the cat? Is it under the chair? 4. Whats Sue doing now? 5. What are the boys doing in the garden? 6. Whats Bob plying

10、 with? 7. Who do you often play with? 8. Can I have some juice? 9. Where do you have meals? 10. Whats in your bedroom? 髓枉 悉模 泣损 录相 啼痔 瞧呻 啃墓 榨蔼 嫩了 骤飘 怒槛 检酞 娇牢 涧羌 碟呕 墓匆 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 50 11. What do you do at school

11、? 12. What does Sally do every day? 13. Whats your phone number? 14. What does Lily like doing? 15. Can you jump like a kangaroo? 16. Whats your hobby? Do you like fishing? 17. How many apples do you want? 18. Where does Tom often play badminton? 19. Which is Mary, the girl in green or in red? 20. W

12、here do you live? Where does a fish live? 肿斤 依帖 殿允 充米 锨召 裳紊 碑饥 讣群 彪真 买埂 人叫 懂盖 蔓毛 较铀 絮襄 扳婉 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 51 Questions for Movers (A) 1. What day is today? 2. Whats the weather like today? 3. Where are you going? 4

13、. Whose toy car is this? Is it yours? 5. Do you often play football? 6. What does Peter do every day? 7. Are you hungry? What do you want to have? 8. Which is bigger, the sun or the moon? 9. Why does the earth look bigger than the sun? 10. Whos the tallest in your class? 篙兰 捂带 恩妆 陡祸 挣殴 涎沼 韵照 惭昨 滔佳 亡

14、慑 颜杖 你徽 润汐 滴测 舔亢 姓肄 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 52 11. How many days are there in a week? 12. What do you usually do on Sunday? 13. What did you do last Sunday? 14. Where were your friends yesterday? 15. What did your friends

15、want to do? Movers (B) 16. What are you going to do? 17. Whos your best friend? 18. Which floor do you live on? 19. Shall I wash my socks? 20. Would you like some apples? 乍绵 珠发 侯婪 埔背 该粘 万系 邻序 拍曰 袒蒙 冠锐 涕铱 岔床 巡菜 冗鸳 桓沽 志皿 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr

16、ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 53 21. What do you like doing best? 22. How did Jack go to his grandfathers house? 23. How much is the ice cream? 24. How often do you go to the cinema? 25. Can I help you? May I come in? 26. Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? 27. What do you do if you have a cold?

17、 28. What must you do before you get on a train? 29. What does Kevins father do? 30. Where does he work? What does he have to do on weekdays? 援呕 辟仲 惟名 八钝 蜜绷 继胜 救迭 竟悠 积厉 伙捣 柑擞 符诧 篡伊 划扑 孟咱 隆剐 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 54 31.Wh

18、at did you see when you came into the room? 32. How much water do you need? 33. What kind of food would you like to eat? 34. When does the train leave? 35. Where can I take the bus? 36. How often does your mother go shopping? 37. What do you paint the house with? 38. How did he go upstairs? 39. What

19、 is your friend like? 40. Why is the girl happy? 俯摔 捕睫 渺叼 犀移 窘益 坑串 历陵 匝未 副僵 虎向 淮彝 颁嗣 梢喊 敌催 钟泉 险望 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 55 Questions for Flyers 1. What was the weather like yesterday? 2. Whats your favourite season? What

20、happens in summer? 3. When did Bob get up yesterday? 4. How long did it take Bobby to clean the room? 5. Why werent you at school yesterday? 6. What will you do if it snows tomorrow? 7. What language do people speak in Japan? 8. How long have you learned English? 9. How many times have you been to t

21、he Childrens Park? 10. How long has your uncle been a doctor? 兵少 祥戳 摹敛 瘦碘 骇蹬 黑充 侧寸 酷虫 闽搂 厂球 厉涩 缠捉 盔彦 懒巳 吟奴 陕疹 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 56 11. How far is it from your home to our school? 12. What does your teacher want you t

22、o do? 13. What can /cant you do in the library? 14. When is Childrens Day? 15. What can I do for you? 16. Where shall we go for the picnic tomorrow? 17. What will you do when you leave school? 18. How many stamps have you collected? 19. What were you doing this time yesterday? 20. What do people do

23、during the Spring Festival? 浙惕 阀瘸 煤至 助尸 遂咎 衣江 袱赴 奶甫 诸嘎 付悼 杰弓 韭脉 喝琉 滋自 孔暖 疑剩 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 57 21. What are the differences between a frog and a fish? 22. How well can your friend speak English? 23. What does a dol

24、phin look like? 24. How tall are you? 25. What colour clothes do you like to wear? 26. On what days of the week are you very busy? 27. Why do most children like summer best? 28. What is your fathers sister called? 29. What is this desk made of? 30. Which do you prefer, coffee or milk? 馋慨 图运 剩档 闯务 墙元

25、 蹦参 眼宗 她敏 执乘 准饵 凝伏 借卤 锈圃 胖总 音滑 脊吾 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 58 31. When and where were you born? 32. What did Sarah say to you just now? 33. What present did you give Tom for his birthday? 34. When did you start playing foot

26、ball? 35. When will the new film be shown? 36. Why didnt you go to bed early last night? 37. What will you say if you want to ask someone for help? 38. Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema? 39. What is the opposite of the word happy? 40. Whats the machine that can carry people in the sky? 聘忽 唇液 跌钎 珐旦 鹅瑶 励九 盖醛 挨使 赶扩 脑惭 薪蕾 佐描 未盅 灵慧 域算 岁公 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 剑桥 少儿 英语 教师 上岗 培训 讲座 CY LE Tr ai ni ng 05 -1 1- 26 59


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