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1、英语邀请函的格式一、dear sir/madam:im delighted you have accepted ourinvitation to speak at the conferencein city on date.as we agreed, youll be speaking onthe topic from time to time. therewill be an additional minutes for questions.would you please tell me what kind ofaudio-visual equipment youll need. if y

2、oucould let me know your specific requirementsby date, ill have plenty of time to makesure that the hotel provides you with whatyou need.thank you again for agreeing to speak.i look forward to hearing from you.sincerely yours,nametitle二、dear sir/madam:thank you for your letter of date.im glad that y

3、ou are also going to placenext month. it would be a great pleasureto meet you at the exhibition/trade fair.our company is having a reception athotel on the evening of date and i wouldbe very pleased if you could attend.i look forward to hearing from yousoon.yours sincerely,nametitle三、dear sir/madam:

4、organization would very much liketo have someone from your company speakat our conference on topic.as you may be aware, the mission ofour association is to promote . many ofour members are interested in theachievements your company has made in .enclosed is our preliminary schedule forthe conference

5、which will be reviewed inweeks. ill call you date to see who fromyour company would be willing to speak tous. i can assure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker.sincerely yours,因为你坚信: “ 人生的道路不会一帆风顺,事业的征途也充满崎岖艰险,只有奋斗,只有拼搏,才会达到成功的彼岸。 ” 所以,经历了两次大考的失败,你没有垮下,磨练得更加坚强又回到了 “ 第一 ” 。相信在冲刺阶段的

6、一年中,困难挡不住勇敢者的脚步,你会靠实力做一个出类拔萃的人。name1、树立综合的、开放的课程观综合的课程观要求我们走出以往的学科教学模式尤其是说教式德育模式,尊重学生的生活,根据其实际需要组织教学活动,引导他们在生活中饶有兴趣地学习、探究、体验,在学习中愉快地生活、成长,获取对社会的整体认识,形成自己的价值观和道德观。title们的权利 和个性发展,在基本的式非标准基础上,允许他们在多元价值中做出不同的选择;我们要尊重学生的差异,关注“边缘儿童”,对学生进行开放性的、发展性的、鼓励性的评价,帮助他们感受成长的逾越!3、梳理与时俱进的教师观新课程理念下的教师,是学生自主学习和探究活动的首先是

7、主人(邀请人)的姓名(要用全称)或头衔;第二部分是“requests the pleasure (或者honor)of,相当于汉语的“恭请”第三部分是客人(被邀请人)的姓名(要用全称)(加s)或用your (泛指);第四部分是“presence at . 相当于汉语中的“光临。”第五是日期;第六是钟点第七是地点给你的例子: mr. xxxx requests the pleasure of mr.xxxs presence at party on friday, the 18th of january at 7 oclockp.m. at huaxing hotel xxxx road答案补充

8、dear mr brown, we take pleasure in inviting you to present the annual gathering of import and export corporation in tianjin. on november 20th XX, in huaxia hotel. we are looking forward that you can make a report on potential for economic development in tianjin. please fax the date of your arrival, enableing us to make the necessary preparations. yours faithfully,limingpublic relations manager


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