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1、 第二学期期中考试三 年 级 英 语Part I Listening ( 听力部分) 40%I. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组)8%() 1. A. ship) 2. A. cars) 3. A. giraffe) 4. A. bread) 5. A. salt) 6. A. glue) 7. A. rock) 8. A. dollB. sheepB. glassB. gloveB. redC. shopC. scarvesC. tigerC. rideB. softB. blueB. chairB. ballC. shortC. shoeC. clock

2、C. doorII. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的句子)8%() 1. A. Charlie is a yellow chick. B. Charlie has a yellow chick.) 2. A. I dont like this monkey. B. I dont like these monkeys.) 3. A. How does this apple taste? B. How does that pineappletaste?() 4. A. A small monkey takes his hats and jumps into the tre

3、e.B. Some monkeys take his hats and jump into the tree.) 5. A. I can see some buses, but I cant hear them.B. I can hear some buses, but I cant see them.) 6. A. What are those in English, B. What are these in English,May?(Mary?() 7. A. Peter has two pairs ofB. Peter has a pair of glasses.gloves.(Engl

4、ish.) 8. A. Danny likes readingB. Danny can read English.III. Listen and choose(选择最恰当的问句或答句)6%() 1. A. These are giraffes.) 2. A. Thats all right.) 3. A. No, I dont.B. They are monkeys.B. Im O.B. Yes, we do.) 4. A. Yes, it is.B. Its bitter.B. They are smooth and hard.B. I can see a bird.) 5. A. Its

5、smooth and hard.) 6. A. I can hear a bird.IV. Listen and judge(听短文判断 用 T或 F 表示)6%(()1. I am seven years old.) 2. My hair is short and my eyes are big.) 3. My bag is soft and smooth.) 4. There is a sweet apple in my bag.) 5. I have two cats in my bag.) 6. I like the red beautiful hat.(V. Listen and c

6、hoose(听短文,选择正确的答案)6%() 1. Eddie and Alice are _.A. at Shanghai B. at the zoo) 2. They can see _ monkeys.A. 3 B. 6) 3. _ like eating bamboos.A. Pandas B. Monkeys) 4. _ are small and brown.A. Pandas B. MonkeysC. at schoolC. 7C. TigersC. Tigers1 () 5. Eddie doesnt like _. He likes _.A. tigers, monkeys

7、B. monkeys, tigers) 6. The tigers are _.A. strong B. cleverC. pandas, monkeysC. lovelyVI. Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音,完成句子)6%1. Touch the _. They are smooth and hard.2. Peter can make a hat. But he _ ride a horse.3. What are _ in English?They are toy giraffes.4. Uncle Wang _ zebras. They are b

8、lack and white.5. I dont like this orange. Its too _.6. Danny has a _. Its hard and smmoth. He can ride it very well.Part II Reading and writing(读写部分) 60%I. Read and copy(正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点)4%do you like lions uncle baino i don tII. Read and judge (辨音,用 T 表示相同,F 表示不同) 6%1. wallwalk()2. what4. sock6. gl

9、asswho()3. bread read5. clock chickbox()hasIII. Read and circle(找出每行中不同类的单词)5%(1. A. dress2. A. wall3. A. salty4. A. smell5. A. myB. shoeB. dollB. saltB. niceB. hisC. jacketC. robotC. sourC. tasteC. meD. catD.)skateboardD. bitterD. feelD. ourIV. Choose and complete (用合适的疑问词填空 how, how many, how much

10、, what, what colour, )5%1. A _ does the hamburger taste?2. A _ is the scarf?B Its salty.B Its seven yuan.B I can see yellow.B It likes bananas.B I want three.3. A _ can you see, Miss Tang?4. A _ does the monkey like?5. A _ dolls do you want?V. Choose and write(选出最恰当的答案)10%(1.)A What are those?B They

11、 are _.A. horseB. breadC. scarvesC. in(2.Whats that _ English?A. of B. for(3.Peter likes _ a skateboard. He can _ askateboard.A. ride, rideB. riding, rideC.ridingB Its soft and yummy.ride,()A How does the pie _?2 4.A. smellB. tasteDanny _ a horse and he _ to ride it.C. touch(5.)A. has, wantB. have,

12、wantsI can smell with my _and touch with my _.C. has, wants(6.A. nose, mouthB. eyes, handsC.fingersnose,(7.)I like _. But I dont like that _.A. robot, robotsB. robots, robotsC.robotrobots,(8.)This pair of shoes _ for me and those socks _ foryou.A. are, are B. is, isA What animal _ you like?C. is, ar

13、eB I dont like bulls.(9.A. doB. dontC. doesLook at the tiger. _ eyes are big, very big.(10.A. Its B. ItsVI. Read and write(选择恰当的单词填空)5%C. Itrobot coffee gloves shoes pineapple water panda zebra1. They are clothes. They are warm. They are for my hands. They are_.2. Look at my _. Its a toy. It can wal

14、k and run. It can sing. Its super.3.A _ is an animal. Its black and white. Its big and fat. It can climb trees. Itlikes eating bamboos.4. Its brown. It smells nice, but tastes bitterI. cant drink it at night.Its _.5. This fruit is yellow. Touch it. Its rough and hard. Taste it. Its sweet. Its a_.VII

15、. Write the following sentences ( 按提示改写句子) 10%1. I like elephants. (一般疑问句)2. Uncle Li can make a hat.(否定句)3. Are these shoes new? (肯定句)_ _ like elephants?Uncle Li _ make a hat.These _ _ new.4. This pineapple is sour. ( 划线部分提问) How _ this pineapple _?5. These are old scarves. (单数句) _ is _ old _.VIII.

16、 Read and match(句子配对)5%( ) 1. May I have a try?( ) 2. Do you like apples?( ) 3. What do you like?( ) 4. Im sorry.A. Thats all right.B. Yes, I like apples.C. I like apples.D. Six apples, please.E. Sure.( ) 5. Can I help you?I. Read and judge(阅读判断,用 T 或 F 表示正确与错误)5%Hello, Im Jack. Mary is my good frie

17、nd. Its a sunny day, Mary and I are at the toyshop. The toy shop is not big but clean. There are many toys in ti. They are bicycles, dolls,model ships(模型船), kites , robots and skateboards. There are many toy animals too. Look!These bicycles are super. I like this bicycle. Its red. I like those robot

18、s too. They havestrong legs. They can walk, but they cant dance. Mary likes dolls. Look at that“Barbie”doll(芭比娃娃). Its hair is soft, long and yellow. It can dance. Mary likes it but I dotn.( ) 1. The toy shop is big and clean.( ) 2. Jack likes the red bicycle and robots.3 ( ) 3. The robots can walk and dance.( ) 4. The “Barbie” doll has soft , short and yellow hair.( ) 5. Mary and Jack like the doll. Writing(介绍你喜欢的玩具,要求不少于 3 种句型,5 句句子):5%_4


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