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1、精品文档用正确的人称代词填空1、 This is my brother. _are twins.2、 Uncle Joe is a good storyteller. We all like_very much.3、 Miss White is our teacher. _teaches_English.4、 Lucy has a lot of books. But she doesnt read_.5、 _is ten oclock. _should go to bed, Sue.6、 My father is a policeman and _has a gun.7、 Where are

2、my keys? I cant find _8、 _is very cold here in winter.9、 The baby is crying. What does _want?10、 Hurry up! _will miss the train, Nancy.用正确的物主代词填空。1、 Tony cleans _room every Friday.2、 She is our new teacher. _name is Li Hua.3、 Paul is my friend. Paul is a friend of _.4、 The bird can sing. _voice is b

3、eautiful.5、 Look at the dog. _tail is brown.6、 Is this spoon _, Nina?No, it is Judys.7、 Boys and girls, open _books and turn to Page 26.8、 Fred is a friend of _. We often invite him to dinner.9、 We grow an apple tree in front of _house.10、 Tom never wears a watch , s o this watch cant be _.11、 They

4、often have _lunch at home.12、 The green skirt is not _. My skirt is red.根据中文提示,将句子补充完整。1、 这是凯特的书包。_ is Kates bag.2、 这是一张老照片。_is an old photo.3、 那是我家。_is my house.4、 这些是山羊,那些是绵羊。_ are goats. _are sheep.5、 你好,路西!这是我的同学凯西。Hello, Lucy! _is my classmate, Cathy.6、 喂,我是汤姆,你是大卫吗? Hello. This is Tom. Is _ Da

5、vid?7、 喂,请问你是哪位?Hello. Who is _speaking, please?8、 那边的那个女孩是谁?那是莉莉。Who is the girl? _is Lily.9、 这边走,请。 _way, please.1、11、 约翰没有通过这次考试。这令他的老师非常生气。 John didnt pass the exam. _made his teacher very angry.1、1、 这是汤姆丢失的那块表。 _is the watch that Tom has lost.选词填空。1、 _ is your name? What Who Which2、 _is your ba

6、g, the red one or the blue one?精品文档精品文档The red one. What Where Which3、 _is he? He is my cousin. Which What Who4、 _are you reading, Mary? Who, Whose, Who5、 _would you like? A cup of coffee, please. Who, What, Which. 6、_are these crayons? Who, Whose, Who7、 _wallet is this? Who, What, Whose8、 _are you talking about? Who, whose, Whom圈出正确的不定代词。1、1、 He has some any teddies.2、 I got some any gifts on my birthday.3、 The little girl has many much dolls.4、 Please give me a few a little of that drink.1、7、 Few Little of my friends like carrots.1、1、 Both All of his parents are teachers.精品文档精品文档精品文档


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