牛津上海版英语七年级上册《unit 3 sea water and rain water》优秀教案3篇(重点资料).docx

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《牛津上海版英语七年级上册《unit 3 sea water and rain water》优秀教案3篇(重点资料).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津上海版英语七年级上册《unit 3 sea water and rain water》优秀教案3篇(重点资料).docx(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Module 3 The natural elementsUnit 3 Sea water and rain waterTopic Oxford English For Grade Seven- “ Sea water and rain water ”Period The third periodName ChenranI. Teaching aims1. Knowledge objectivesVocabulary build-up a dripping tap , a running tap , a s hower , fix , mugSentence patterns How can

2、 we save water ?We can save water by _ing来网We can save water by not _ing Introduction of different ways of saving water2. Ability objectivesTo develop the students munication skills by learning useful structures andvocabulary.To improve the students petence of working in pairs and groups.3. Emotion

3、objectivesTo enable the students to understand that water is important for us.To tell students how to save water in daily limII. Teaching methodsTask-based teaching methodSituational language teachingMulti-media methodmunicative language teaching1 III. Studying methodEncou rage the students to study

4、 language through “-Imitation-Practice ”.observation-IV. Teaching ProcedurePre-task preparation1. A petition to review the uses of waterDivide Ss into six groups . Ss take turns to say how to use water by using the sentencepattern We use water for _ing. To see which group say the most.Ss think about

5、 the question Do you waste water when you use it?While-task procedure1. Introduce new words.Ss listen to three different sounds and guess where it is from.Then introduce new wordsby pictures a dripping tap , a running tap , a shower2. Show Ss some pictures of people wasting water.Picture One What is

6、 the boy doing ? ( He is brushing his teethHe is brushing his teeth under a running tap.What should we say to him? ( Dont brush your teeth under a running tap.)Picture Two What is the woman doing ? ( She is washing dishes and vegetables under arunning tap.)What should we say to her ? ( Don t wash di

7、shes or vegetables under arunning tap. )Picture Three What is this ? ( a dripping tap )What should we do when we see a dripping tap ? ( We should fix it / Weshould turn the dripping tap off )Picture Four Taking a shower and having a bath , which is a waste of water ?( Havinga bath )2 What should we

8、do ? ( We should take a shower rather than have a bath)Picture Five What is the child doing ? ( He is playing with water )What should we say to him ? ( Dont waste water for playing games )Ss think about How can we save water ?Introduce We can save water by _ingWe can save water by not _ing Show Ss d

9、ifferent pictures. In pairs , Ss talk about how to save water .eg. S1 How can we save water?S2 We can save water by fixing dripping taps.S1 How can we save water?S2 We can save water by not brushing our teeth under a running tap.Encourage Ss to think about more ways to save watereg. We can save wate

10、r by not washing our face under a running tap.Post-task activity1. Ss make a conclusion Where do people usually waste water ?At home At school In the factory2. In groups , Ss choose a place and make a dialogue or a short play about saving water.3. In groups , Ss make a poster about saving water.Assi

11、gnment Oral Read and recite the dialogue on P .44Written Write a report about different ways of saving water教resources on the internet2. To develop the students abilities of listening ,readin g, writing and speaking3. To further understand the importance of saving water and arouse their awarenessof

12、savingwater and protecting environment4. To cultivate the students abilities of cooperation and self-study3 课程标准的有关内容 (英语国家课程标准)1.To stimulate and cultivate the students interests of learning English throughcurriculumstudy and practice;2.To make the students have confidence on how to learng ood habi

13、t tolearn English;English and cultivate a3.To have a good mastery of four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing;4.To cultivate the students abilities of observation, memory, thinking, imaginationandcreation ;5. To help the students to realize the world and tell the differences between t

14、hewesternculture and the eastern culture and then cultivate the students patriotism and dosomething for their future development;学习目标1.To hav e a good mastery of language focus1) Asking How questions to find out means2) Using connectives to express conditions3) Further understanding of the importanc

15、e of saving water2. To learn how to collect some information and resources of the themes of theforming process of sea water and rain water and arouse their awareness of savingwater3. To learn how to discuss a certain topic in English and cultivate their abilities ofcooperation4 能力训练1. To train the s

16、tudents abilities of how to collect the relevant information andresources othe internet2. To train the students four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing3. To cultivate the students abilities of cooperation教学策略Let the students find out their relevant resources on the internet by Google

17、;read somereports onlack of water in some cities in China and saving water in some big cities in China and letthestudents further understand the importance of water and how to use water well andarouse theirawareness of protecting environment. Meanwhile ,let them have a good mastery oflanguage focus.

18、网课程设计1.First,read index of contents about sea water and rain water2.Secondly, let students read some reports on lack of the resources of water in somecities inChina by Google and have a short discussion in groups of three or four and make someconclusion.3.Thirdly,read some reports on saving water in

19、 some cities in China by Google nd have ashortdiscussion in groups of three or four and make some conclusion.4.Then , watch some pictures of sea water without any pollut ion by Google5.Finaly, let the students have a warm discussion about the topic of sea water and rainwater.5 Module 3 The natural e

20、lementsUnit 3 Sea water and rain waterTeaching PlanTopic 牛津 7A Module3 Unit 3 Sea water and rain waterPeriod The first period.School Ye Xie Middle School.Name Zhang Xiaoxia(张晓霞)Teaching aims1. Knowledgable objectives(1) To learn and use some new words about oceans.(2) To learn how to ask How and Wh-

21、 questions to find out various kinds ofspecific information.(3) To have a general idea of the text.2. Ability objectives(1) To improve students listening and speaking ability.(2) To have the awareness of petition.3. Emotional objectives(1) To know about the wonderful world under the water.(2) To edu

22、cate students that people should protect oceans and the lives in water.Teaching difficulties one of , by doing sthStepsxTimeActivitiesPurposeWarming-up2poem Water around together.us (ppt.)topic of this class.6 Pre-task1.Show a picture of 1.Answer what are 1.Introducequarterpreparation.listening and1

23、) How many kinds teacher and answer speaking abilities.of water are there the questions. 3. 3.To makeon the earth ? 2) Work in pairs with students learnWhat kind of water the key words.do people drink?How andWhquestions.Why? 3) Can peoplelive without water?4) How much waterdo we have on theearth? 3.

24、 Give somekey words Howmany ? How1.Ask questions 1) Answer teachers Arouse studentsinterest in learningthis text.water.7 1.Show some1.Learn some new 1. To makestudents learn and2.Work in pairs and speak out the2.Give the dialoguepattern Have youever seen? Yes, Ihave./No, I havent.(Not yet.)animals a

25、nd plantseasily. 2. To showthe paragraph 3 ofthis text.Introduce teachingdifficulty one ofteachers questions students readingcan the oceans give then read theus? 2)How can paragraph4 andpeople get drinking answer theeducate studentsto love all kind ofthe ocean lives. 3.Introdue by5water from seawate

26、r? 3) Are theoceans important toall animals? Why?(ppt.)8 Post-taskactivityIntroduce the rules Answer the1.To makeof the class petition questions andstudents have thepetition. 2. Toeducate studentsto protect oceansand the lives inwater.HomeworkRecite the new words of this text.Read the text at least

27、three time s.Students activitypetition about oceansI. Ask students to get more information from puter before class.II. Divide the whole class into five groups.III.Give them ten questions.QuestionsHow much of the Earth is water?How many oceans are there in the world?What are they?Which is the largest

28、 ocean of the four ?Which is the smallest ?What is the largest animal, both on land and in the oceans?Name two intelligent animals on the earth.Name three beautiful things in the oceans.What can we get from the oceans?9 How can people get drinking water from the oceans?TopicsHow can we protect the e

29、arth?How can we protect the oceans?How can we save water?The importance of the oceans.The importance of sea animals and plants.Sea water and rain water 教学设计说明本教案是 7A M3The natural elementsU3Sea water and rain water 的第一课时. 在学习本课之前我们已经学习了其他两种自然元素火和风,所以在对两者稍加复习的基础上很自然地引出我们今天要学习的第三种自然元素水。我把本课时分为四个部分。在 w

30、arming up 中用以前学过的一首诗歌 Water around us 来让学生对水有一个整体的复习。在 pre-task preparation 中用幻灯片来让学生了解水在地球上的分布。地球上有三种颜色分布:What are the white parts, brown parts and blueparts?(这部分也是对以前所学知识的复习. 地球上有很多的水,讨论水的种类,人们的饮用水,接着讨论水和陆地在地球上的比例,引出 quarter. 在 while-task中,通过问问题:What lives on land? What lives under water? Do you want to knowabout the world under the water? 来先涉及到文章的第三自然段。这一部分主要通过幻灯片让学生熟悉一些海洋生物的名称并就此操练 Have you ever seen? 让学生热爱各种海洋生物,之后就学生们最感兴趣的三种海洋生物 whales , dolphinsand sharks 来讲解本节课的重点 one of. 本课的最后一段主要讲到海洋和人类的关系,这部分让学生带着问题去阅读,然后再回答问题。在 post-task 中,我设计了一个关于海洋的知识竞赛,以培养学生的竞争和保护海洋环境的意识并使学生对本课知识有运用和拓展。10 11


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