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1、 期末综合检测(时间 100分钟 满分 120分).听句子,选出与所听内容相符的选项。每个句子读两遍(每小题 1分,共 5分)1.A.stampB.standC.sound2.A.530 p.m. B.530 a.m. C.630 a.m.3.A.put up B.pic up C.too up4.A.I dont now.B.I have a good idea.C.I dont thin so.5.A.Its time for school.B.Its time to have lunch.C.I want to have lunch.听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍(每小题 1分,

2、共 5分)6.A.Ms.Li.B.Geography.C.Jeans and blouses.7.A.Yes,I am. B.No,I didnt. C.Yes,I do.8.A.Than you.B.It doesnt matter.C.Dont say so.9.A.I lie gardening.B.I have many hobbies.C.Its a great hobby.10.A.Its my pleasure.B.Dont than me.C.Than you,too.听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话及问题读两遍(每小题 1分,共 5分)听第一段对话,完成第 11小题。1

3、1.A.B.C.听第二段对话,完成第 12小题。 12.A.听第三段对话,完成第 13小题。13.A.Math. B.English. C.Physics.B.C.听第四段对话,完成第 14至 15小题。14.A.The hotel.B.The video shop.C.The bus stop.15.A.Bus 2. B.Bus 3. C.Bus 4.听短文填空。短文读两遍(每小题 1分,共 5分)16.Im thining about my dream job18.I want to meet19. often wor late,but I dont mind that.20.Maybe

4、I can be a .Its eciting and dangerous. .单项填空(每小题 1分,共 15分)21.Who is man in blue?Its Tom Green.We often playA.an,a B.a,/basetball together in our free time.C.the,a D.the,/22.It is importantA.for,learn B.of,learnseverybodyEnglish.C.for,to learn23.The Changjiang River is one ofA.long B.longestD.of,lear

5、ningrivers in the world.C.longer D.the longest24.We went therecar but had to come bacfoot.A.in,on B.on,byC.by,on D.by,with25.A.Hundred of B.Hundreds ofC.Five hundreds D.Hundredtravelers come to visit our city every year. 26.Your sister isnt a nurse,is she?.She teaches English in a middle school.A.No

6、,she isntC.Yes.she isntB.Yes,she isD.No,she is27.Your football is under the des.Wheres?A.herB.you C.usD.oursin the28.Everyone wasnews.A.interesting,interestingB.interested,interestedC.interesting,interestedD.interested,interesting29.Could you tell meto do net?Nothing.Lets have a rest.A.whatB.whenC.w

7、hyD.how30.Johnthe school basetball team last month,and hea basetball match net wee.A.joins,taes part inB.taes part in,joinsC.joined,will tae part inD.will tae part in,joined31.Thans very much for your hard wor.A.Me,too.B.Dont than me.C.Its my pleasure.D.What do you say?32.Jim is asA.tall B.talleras

8、his brother.C.tallestD.the tallest33.I thin youd betterA.not to go B.not goC.not go to D.not goingthere.34. Mom,which sirt shall I choose?.I wont mae a decision for you.A.Its up to youB.It doesnt matterC.Thats all rightD.Youre welcome 35.Ecuse me,sir.Could you tell me?Of course.Go down this street a

9、nd turn right at the second crossing.A.how can I get to the banB.where is the banC.whats the ban lieD.how to get to the ban.完形填空(每小题 1分,共 10分)A little boy wanted to meet God,so he started his trip with some caes and orange juice.On his way he sawan old woman 36in the par.The boy sat down net to her.

10、The old lady looed 37 ,so he gave her a cae.She38 it thanfully and smiled at him.Her smile was 39 pretty that the boy wanted to see it again,so he gaveher a bottle of orange juice.Once again she smiled at him.The boy was very happy.They sat there all the afternooneating and smiling,but they never sa

11、id a word.As it grew dar,the boy got up to leave4.0 he left,he gave hera iss.She gave him herWhen the boy 4241smile ever.home,his mother saw the loo of joy 43his face.She ased him,“ 44made you sohappy?” He replied,“I had lunch with God.Shes got the most beautiful smileIve seen!” The old woman alsore

12、turned to her home 45 .Her son ased,“Mother,why are you so happy?”She answered,“I ate caes in the parwith God.You now,hes much younger than I thought.”36.A.cryingB.sitting C.eatingD.jumping37.A.hungry B.angry C.happy D.tired38.A.wentB.gave39.A.veryB.tooC.hadD.refusedC.so D.Quite40.A.Before B.After C

13、.Since D.Until41.A.big B.biggerC.the biggest D.biggest42.A.got to B.gotC.reachesD.arrived in43.A.in B.with44.A.Which B.Where C.What45.A.happily B.angrilyC.at D.onD.WhyC.immediatelyD.quietly.阅读理解(每小题 2分,共 30分)ABill and his friends go hiing(徒步旅行)on the weeend.He is afraidhes going to be hungry and buy

14、s a lotof food.So his bag is big and heavy.They start at nine in the morning and five hours later they get to the city.Theyare all tired and his friends get on a bus,only Billcant.His bag stics in the door and he has to get off.Thebus leaves and hedoesnt now wherehes going to meet them.He wals in th

15、e street and whenits eight in theevening,he goes into a restaurant.He ass for some drins and soon begins to sleep. When he waes up in the middle of the night,hecant find any people in the restaurant.The door is closedand he cant go out.He finds a telephone number on the paper and begins to call Mr.J

16、acson,the owner主(人)ofthe restaurant.“Hello,” says the boy.“When do you open your restaurant,Mr.Jacson?”The telephone waes the man up,so he isnt happy.So he says,“Dont as me about that.I cant let you in.”“Oh,no!I want to go out!”46.Bills bag is big becauseA.therere a lot of clothes in it.B.he puts to

17、o much food in it.C.he lies his bag.D.he taes many boos47.,so hes still at the bus stop.A.Bill cant carry his bag on to the bus.B.Bill doesnt see his friends.C.Bill doesnt now which bus to get on.D.Bill wants to tae another bus48.Bill goes to sleep soon becauseA.hes very hungry.B.he eats too much in

18、 the restaurantC.he doesnt now where to goD.hes very tired49.All the people leave the restaurant,soA.Bill cant go out.B.Bill waes upC.it is openedD.Bill has no food50.The owner thins Bill.A.wants to sleep in his restaurantB.wants to go into the restaurantC.leaves his bag in the restaurantD.wants to

19、pay (付款)for his supperBHeight162cm Weight44gHobbyTravelling Height167cm Weight50gHobbiesSinging,swimmingBirthdate1991-8-22Weight44gHeight162cm Weight41.7gHobbiesDrawing,acting51.hou Dongyu was born onA.August 5,1997.B.August 22,1992C.December 11,1992D.January 31,199252.What hobby does Yang i have?A.

20、Travelling. B.Drawing.C.Swimming. D.Reading.53.Who is the tallest of the four girls?A.heng Shuang.B.Yang i.C.u Jiao.D.hou Dongyu.54.How much does u Jiao weigh?A.44g.C.43g.B.41.7g.D.50g.55.Which of the following is TRUE?A.hou Dongyu enjoys reading.B.None of the four girls lies drawing.C.Yang i is sho

21、rter than hou Dongyu.D.u Jiao is the youngest of the four girls.CHappiness (幸福),Wealth (财富),now-ledge,Love and others lived on an island (岛).One day,someone told themto leave because the island would sin下(沉)soon.So they built boats and left ecept Love.When the island almostsan,Love decided to as for

22、 help.Wealth passed by Love in a boat.Love ased,“Richness,can you tae me away?” Wealth answered,“No.There istoo much money in my boat.There is no place for you.” Then Love called Happiness,but Happiness was too happyto hear Love. Suddenly,an elder (长者)said,“Come on,Love.I will tae you.” Love was eci

23、ted and thaned her.When they arrivedat a dry land,the elder went away.Love ased nowledge,“Who helped me?”“It was Time,” nowledge answered.“But why did Time help me?” ased Love.nowledge smiled and said,“Because only Time can understand how valuable Love is.”56.They built many boats becauseA.they disl

24、ied the island.B.they lied the outside worldC.the island would go downD.dangerous (危险的)animals were on the island57.Love when the island almost san.A.jumped into the seaB.turned to others for helpC.left the island aloneD.decided to stay there58.What did Wealth do when Love ased for help?A.She didnt

25、help Love.B.She didnt hear Love.C.She too Love away.D.She didnt reply.59.Who helped Love at last?A.Wealth.B.Happiness.C.Time. D.nowledge.60.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Love built a boat for herself at last.B.Wealth bought a boat for Love.C.Happiness might help Love if she heard Love.D.nowledge

26、told Time to help Love.根据短文内容完成下列各题(每小题 3分,共 15分)Mary is my best friend.But one day,I nearly ended our friendship.I remember that day clearly.We were sitting in class.The teacher was giving us our results for a Chinesetest.I had done badly.I felt so sad that Iwouldnt tal to anyone.At lunchtime,I eve

27、n stayed in the classroomalone.Suddenly,I heard a voice.It was Mary“. You loo very unhappy,” she said.“Whats wrong?” I looed up ather,but said nothing.I new Mary had a good mar in the test.I thought she was maing fun of me.She ept asing mequestions,“Is it because of the eam?Do you want me to show yo

28、u the right answer”s?I looed away from her.WhenI looed up again,Mary had gone.And so my eam paper! Ididnt now what to do.I looed everywhere for mypaper,butcouldnt find it. In the afternoon,Mary came up to my des and gave me my eam paper bac.I looed at it and got a big surprise.Maryhad written the ri

29、ght answers net to every one of my mistaes.My face went red.Mary had been trying to help meall along.How mean I had been to her when she was sonice.I wanted to hug her,but all I did was tohold her handsand say,“Than you.” That afternoon,Mary and I waled home together.I felt so happy that I had to th

30、an her again.Wewere still best friends.61题判断正误(T表示正确,F表示错误);62题完成句子;6364题简略回答问题;65题将文中画线句子译成汉语。61.The writer new the result of the test in the afternoon.62.The writer got a big surprise because Mary_ .63.Why did the writer feel sad?_64.Were the writer and Mary still best friends?_65. _.词语运用(每小题 1分,共

31、 5分)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Hello!My name is LiuMing.Im a student of No.2 Middle School.To be a good student,I thin one of the mostimportant things is 66 (study)hard at school.We are s 67to listen to the teachers carefully in class.Afterclass,we should go over what we have learned. 68 (get)g

32、ood grades is just part of becoming a good student.Besidesit,we should also be friendly to our classmates and help each other.In our s 69 time,we should tae part indifferent inds of activities to improve.基础写作70 (we).A)连词成句(每小题 2分,共 10分)71.well,the,fits,blouse,girl,the(.)_72.describe,in,can,eperience

33、,your,Germany,you(?)_73.shelves,are,in,many,library,there,school,our(.)_74.foreign,have,to,you,a,ever,country,been(?)_75.music,mae,listening,us,to,relaed,can,the(.)_B)书面表达(共 15分)你对自己的未有何打算?你有什么远大的理想吗?为了理想你应该怎么做呢?请以“My future”为题写一篇 70词左右的英语短文,和同学们交流一下。提示 1.What do you want to be in the future? 2.Why

34、do you want to be a(n) ?3.What will you do to mae your dream come true?【参考答案】.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B.6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A.11.A 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A.16.in the future 17.write stories 18.interesting people 19.Actors 20.policeman.21.D 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.C 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.D.36

35、.B 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.A 41.D 42.B 43.D 44.C 45.A.46.B 47.A 48.D 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.D 56.C 57.B 58.A 59.C 60.C.61.F 62.had written the right answers net to every one of her mistaes 63.Because she had a bad mar in thetest. 64.Yes./Yes,they were. 65.我感到如此伤心以至于我不愿和任何人交谈。.66.to study 67.supp

36、osed 68.Getting 69.spare 70.ourselves.A)71.The blouse fits the girl well. 72.Can you describe your eperience in Germany? 73.There are many shelvesin our school library. 74.Have you ever been to a foreign country? 75.Listening to the music can mae us relaed.B)My futureI want to be a good doctor in th

37、e future,because my father is a famous doctor in our town.He helped lotsof people.All of his patients than him very much.I hope to be a good doctor lie him.I want to tae good care ofmy patients.So Ill study hard from nowon.Ill try my best to improvemyself.Im sure my dream of being adoctor will come

38、true one day.附听力材料.1.I need a stamp.2.Ms.ing gets up at 530 a.m.every day.3.I too up my first hobby when I was a id.4.I have no idea.5.Its time for lunch.6.Who is your favourite teacher?7.Do you still remember our last party?8.Im sorry to eep you waiting so long.9.What is your hobby?10.Than you for

39、your help.听第一段对话,完成第 11小题。WI have three pictures.Which one should I use?MI lie this one.You are wearing a dress.You loo beautiful.Q11Which picture does the boy lie?听第二段对话,完成第 12小题。WDo you now Mid-Autumn Festival? MYes,I do.In the lunar calendar,its on August 15th.We eat moon caes on that day.Q12What

40、 do they eat on Mid-Autumn Festival?听第三段对话,完成第 13小题。MMiss Yang,Im not good at English.I always mae mistaes.WDont worry.Everyone may mae mistaes.Q13What isnt the boy good at?听第四段对话,完成第 14至 15小题。MHow can I get to the video shop,Mary?WLet me see.Loo at this map.Can you see the hotel where we are?Wal al

41、ong the street,and then turn right at thethird crossing.Wal down the street.At the end of thestreet,youll find the videoshop.Its across from theban.MHow far is it from here?WIts about si ilometres away from here.MHow can I get there?WBus 2 will tae you there.What are you going to do,Jim?MI will see

42、a movie and buy some boos.Q14Where does Jim want to go?Q15Which bus can Jim tae to the video shop?.Im thining about my dream job in the future.Maybe I can be a reporter.That sounds interesting.Reporterstal with people and write stories.I can be a magaine or newspaper reporter,or I can wor for a TV station.I wantto meet interesting people and go to many places.Or maybe I can be an actor.Actors sing and dance,and they worwith young people.Actors often wor late,but Idont mind that.Or maybe I can be a policeman.It is eciting andit is also dangerous.Ill try my best to mae my dream come true.


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