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1、体育英语之姚明The NBA is in the throes of its own very special China Syndrome, and its the best thing to happen to the league in years. The man in the middle is Yao Ming, who burned a path from Shanghai to Houston 一 and in the process triggered a meltdown of the NBAs power structure. In a few short months,

2、 Yao Ming transformed the Rockets into a playoff team and became the basketballs most talked-about player.NBA患上了特殊的中国综合症,不过这是NBA多年来要发生的最好的一件事情。中间的这个人就是姚明,他从上海一路冲杀来到休斯敦,并因此激发了 NBA权力结构的崩溃。在短短的几个月里,他将火箭队带入季后赛,成为人们谈论最多的队员。Yao Ming was born on September 12,1980 in Shanghai, China the only child of Fang F

3、engdi and Yao Zhiyuan, his mother and father. Thanks to his parents both of whom stood well over six feet and had enjoyed excellent basketball careers Yao Ming had the genetics and instincts necessary for stardom on the hardwood. Fang Fengdi, a center, was once captain of Chinas national womens team

4、. Yao Zhiyuan made his mark with a local pro club in Shanghai.1980年9月12日,姚明出生于中国上海。他的父亲姚志源和母亲方凤娣,姚明是他们的唯一的孩子。得感激他的父母,他们的身高都在6英尺以上,都有过卓绝的篮球生涯,姚明具有了成为扎实的篮球明星所需的基因和天分。母亲是篮球中锋,曾是中国女篮的队长。父亲曾效力于上海职业俱乐部成绩卓著。Yao Mings mother and father both held good jobs, Fang Fengdi with a sports institute and Yao Zhiyuan

5、 with a harbor engineering company. The family lived in a custom-built apartment. Larger-than- normal door frames accommodated Yao Ming and his fathers unusual height. Their beds were extra long, and their clothes and shoes were also made to order.姚明的父母都有一份好的工作。母亲效力于体育研究院,父亲就职于一家海港工程公司。他们的住宅 是单独设计建造

6、的,特大的门框适合他们的身高,还有额外加长的床。衣服和鞋也都是特殊定做。Though Yao Ming stands 2.26m, he possesses the moves and agility of someone much smaller. He can dribble, pass and shoot from the outside, and has all the fundamentals needed to become a superior shot-blocker and rebounder. Thanks to his parents, he has a feel for

7、 the poetry of basketball, and there are times when its fun just to watch how he moves around the floor and reacts to the game around him.虽然姚明身高7.5英尺,但他具有矮个子的敏捷动作和快速移动。他能运球、传球和从远处投球,所有这些基本的技术使他成为一名跳投和拼抢篮板球的高手。由于他父母的原因,他对篮球有诗一般的感觉,有时当你看到他在场上运球并对身边的运球做出反应时,你会感到巨大的乐趣。Actually, a little less spectating

8、would please the Rockets. Indeed, even Yao Ming admits that he has to become more forceful on the floor. This is where he must abandon his Chinese roots and develop a mean streak. He also has to adjust to the American training table. Raised on low-fat,low- cal cuisine, Yao Ming needs to put weight o

9、n and keep it on. He must also revisit his agreement to play or China during the NBA off-season. Yao Ming looked exhausted at times in the spring of 2005,and could probably use a summer off to refuel his tank and bulk up.实际上,少一点观赏性会使火箭队更高兴。事实上,连姚明都承认他应该在场上表现更强悍。在这里他必须摒弃他的中国传统,具有一种凶狠、泼辣的色彩。他还要适应美国的训练

10、饮食。从小吃低脂和低热量食物长大的姚明,需要增加体重和保持住体重。他也必须遵守合同,在NBA停赛期间为中国打比赛。2005年春,姚明看上去很疲劳,大概可以利用夏季休息一下来充电。Yao Ming could also stand to be a little more vocal on the court. NBA stars dont automatically get the calls they have to let the refs know when theyre getting hammered. McGrady tried to pound thismessage into Y

11、ao Mings head during his first year with the Rockets.姚明还要在比赛场中叫喊起来。向裁判示意有人对他犯规的情况。NBA的明星不是机械地接受裁判,他们还要让裁判知道有人对他们犯规了。在他刚来火箭队的第一年,范甘迪教练就试图把这一想法灌进他的脑子里。As far as his teammates are concerned, Yao Ming has all the right moves. He is unquestionably a team-first guy, and a highly intelligent and likable pe

12、rson. He doesnt point fingers or shoot dirty looks at teammates when the Rockets loses, and he doesnt gripe to the refs when he gets hammered and doesnt get the call. Yao Ming has already made a lot of fans and friends in the NBA, and if he keeps it up hell soon have a whole lot more.就他的队友而言,姚明中规中矩,无疑是个球队第一的棒小伙子。他具有灵敏的头脑,是个令人喜爱的人。在火箭队输球时,他并不指责队友,不给队友脸色看。当受到侵犯却被吹犯规时,他不冒犯裁判。姚明巳在NBA贏得了很多的球迷和朋友。如果他在继续坚持下去,他会越来越好。本文出自cctv9英语新闻 :http:/


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