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1、 精品文档专项复习(一)一、判断每组大小写字母是(T)否(F)正确。1.B d( )5.l i( )9.W v( )2.G c( )6.V u( )10.Y y( )3.E e( )7.N m( )11.Q q( )4. D d( )8. P p( )12. J k( )二、读字母,写出相邻字母的左邻右舍的大小写形式。1._Ee_5._Kk_2._Hh_6._Mm_3._Uu_7._Yy_4._Pp_8._Ii_三、在四线三格中正确书写 26 个英文字母。_四、选出与所给单词同一类的选项。( )1.monkey( )2.Maths( )3.coat( )4.carA.treeA.MusicA.

2、skirtA.capB.lionB.milkB.skipB.bus( )5.swimming( )6.new( )7.watch( )8.rideA.skatingA.nowA.lookA.lineB.rainB.oldB.funnyB.like( )9.short( )10.spring( )11.rice( )1.byA.bigB.bagA.warmA.niceA.onB.summerB.fishB.come五、选出每组中不属于同一类的单词。( )1.A.elephant( )2.A.meat( )3.A.blackB.tigerB.applesB.backC.fishC.noodlesC

3、.blue精品文档 精品文档( )4.A.hotB.coldB.snowB.playB.smallB.goodB.inC.autumnC.brownC.skatingC.that( )5.A.white( )6.A.shopping( )7.A.tall( )8.A.walk( )9.A.behind( )11.A.sleep( )12.A.isC.favouriteC.haveB.passesB.hasC.lovesC.got( )13.A.me( )14.A.dad( )15.A.phone( )16.A.park( )17.A.we( )18.A.banana( )19.A.clothe

4、s( )20.A.trousersB.herC.myB.girlC.mumB.toyC.atB.turnB.theyB.footballB.sweaterB.ArtC.lakeC.usC.morning exercisesC.shoesC.coat六、给下列单词分类,把单词前的字母写在横线上。A.rice B.tiger C.bird D.football E.pearG.tall H.basketball I.Tuesday J.orange K.fish L. lionM.fat N.short O.table tennis P. apple Q. Saturday R.meatF.Mon

5、day动物类:_水果类:_食物类: _星期类:_球类:_形态特征: _七、给下列单词分类,把单词前的序号写在横线上。ChinesebikewinterwhitecoldhatdresswarmredbusP.EspringSciencetrouserscoolautumn orange car季节类: _服饰类:_学科类:_天气类:_颜色类:_八、单项选择题。交通工具: _( )1.Thank you_my teachers.A.toB.inC.on( )2.-Whats your favourite_?精品文档 精品文档-I like spring.A.songB.colourC.seaso

6、n( )3.-What are they?A.Its an elephant.-_.B.Theyre elephants.C.Theyre blue.( )4.-Have you got a book_sport?A.on B.by C.about( )5.Pass me the meat,Please.A.I like meat. B.thank you.-Yes,I have.-_C.Here you are.( )6.Sam _like bananas.He likes pears.A.isnt B.dont C.doesnt( )7.-Is Jack_at home?-_.He goe

7、s to work on Mondays.A.Yes,he is. B.No,he isnt. C.Yes,he does.( )8.Li Ping_basketball on Saturdays.A.play( )9.Lets_skating today.A.go B.goes( )10.Lily likes_her bike.A.ride B.rides( )11._your dad go to work by car?A.Do B.does( )12.That man is tall_thin.A.or B.and( )13.I dont like winter,Its too_.A.h

8、ot B.sunnyB.playsC.goesC.toC.riding-No,he doesnt.C.DoesC.tooC.cold( )14.Lets put on the funny clothes_the party.精品文档 精品文档A.with( )15.She _a kite_her sisiter.A.fly;with B.flies;toB.toC.forC.flies;with( )16.-What do you do _Sundays?-I walk in the park.A.atB.onC.in( )17.-What do you do_the afternoon.-I

9、 read books.A.toB.inC.on( )18-.What do you have at school?-I _classes.A.doB.haveC.has( )19.-What does Lingling have at school today?-She_Chinese,Maths and English.A.is( )20.-Has he got a blue pencil-box?A.No,he hasnt B.Yes,he have.( )21.Its_today.We cant fly kite.A.warm B.sunny( )22.We put on_in win

10、ter.Its very cold.A.dress B.T-shirt C.coat( )23.Its warm today._its raining.A.and B.but( )24.I have got_orange skirt.A. a B.an C.the( )25. I have.Ive got a new dress. -Have you got a new dress_?A.and B.also C.tooB.doesC.hasC.No,he doesntC.windyC.too精品文档 精品文档( )26.-_ Sam _a white trousers? -Yes,he ha

11、s.A.has;getB.has;gotC.has;gets( )27.-Has Amy got a nice dress?-Not,she hasnt._shes got a good skirt.A.but( )28.Here is_big elephant.A.a B.an( )29.look_my big shoes.A.in B.on( )30.I _school on Mondays.A.come B.backB.ButC.tooC.theC.atC.come back( )31.Mum likes shopping_her friends.A.with B.in C.on( )3

12、2.Mr.Li_to school on Tuesdays.A.goB.goesC.go to( )33.-Is Daming at in the park.-_He is at homeA.Yes,he is.B.No,he is.C.No,he isnt.( )34.They go fishing_the tree.A.underB.inC.behind( )35.-Where is my toy?-It_your bedroom.A.toB.inC.on( )36.Tom is only two_old.A.yearB.YearC.years精品文档 精品文档专项复习(二)一、选词填空。

13、A.DoB.doC.DoesE.haveF.HasG.IsH.areI.am( )1._you like lions?( )2._Sam like table tennis?( )3.What do you_in the morning?( )4._Amy got a brown T-shirt?( )5.I_got a new bed.( )6.They_monkeys.( )7._Ms Smart at home?( )8.I_ten years old.二、选词填空。A.ridingB.walksC.ButE.AutumnF.hotG.go fishingH.has got I.by(

14、)1.He likes_his bike.( )2.Sam _to school?( )3.My mum goes to work_bus.( )4.Lets_.( )5._is my favourite season.( )6.Its_in summer.( )7.I have got a yellow hat._I havent got a red hat.( )8.My grandpa_black trousers.三、从右栏中选出左栏中的答语,并将填入括号内。( )1.Is it a panda?( )2.Whats this?A.Five.B.Yes,it is.精品文档 精品文档(

15、 )3.Wheres the bag?( )4.How many pears?( )5.How old is Meimei?C.Shes seven.D.Its under the desk.A.Its a toy car.四、从右栏中选出左栏中的答语,并将填入括号内。( )1.Whats you favourite sport?( )2.Do you like skating?A.No,I dont.B.Yes,he does.( )3.Where are my shoes?C.He has classes.( )4.Does your dad go to work on Saturdays

16、? D.Theyre in the bag.( )5.What does Wang Yong have at school ? E.I like skipping.( )6.Whos that?F.We go swimming in the lake.G.Yes,it is.( )7.What do you do in summer?( )8 .Is hot in summer?五、情景交际。H.She is Amy.A:Look at the elephant,Sam.B:Wow1._A:Yes,it is big and fat.Do you like elephant?B:2._.And

17、 like monkeys, too. Do you like monkeys,dad?A:No,3._B:Look!The lions are over there.(那边)A:How many lions?A.TwoB.Yes,I do.B:4._C.No,they arent.D.I dont.A:Are they fat?B:5_.hey are thin.E.Its a big elephant.精品文档 精品文档六、情景交际。A:Mum,wheres my football?B:I dont know1._A:No,it isnt.B:2._A:Its white and blac

18、k.B:Have you got a white and black football?A:3._.B:Has your brother got a football,too?A:4._B:Here you are.A:5._七、阅读理解。Hello.Im Lily.Im nine years old.My favourite colour is orange andred.I have got a new bike.I like riding my bike.I go to school by bike everyday(. 每一天)My father has got a car.He go

19、es to work by car.My motherhasnt got a car.She goes to work by bus.My sister is only two yearsold.She cant go to school.She plays her toys at home.I love them.Andthey love me,too.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)否(F)。( )1.Lily is eight years old.( )2.Lily likes riding her bike.( )3.Her dad hasnt got a car.( )4.Her mum goes to work by bus.( )5.Her sister can not go to school.( )6.Lily likes orange and yellow.精品文档 精品文档精品文档 精品文档精品文档


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