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1、 精品文档第二学期期末检测( ) 3.-What-Iyou do last weekend?my homework at home.B.do; do五年级英语试题(时间:40 分钟 满分:100 分)A.did; did一读一读,根据音标选出单词,写在横线上。(5 分)( ) 4.Five years ago, he_to school.Now he _to school bybus.1. / /2. / /egbed3. / /4. / /afh:dA.walked ; goesB.walked ; went5. /sem/( ) 5.-A.Whoare they? -They are ou

2、r teachers.B.Whosebedegghardsamelife( ) 6.Lets _ to the park.A.go B.goes二根据汉语意思写出英文单词。(10 分)( ) 7.-What does your father do?忙碌的)(星期,周)(马)2.(风)-Hes a _ .4.(找到)(照片)(房间)(尝试)A.drivesB.driver6.( ) 8.I played basketball _ .(地方)(鞋)8.A.last Sunday( ) 9. - _-He made a kite.B. now10.三从 B 栏中找出 A 栏短语

3、的释义。(10 分)ABA.What does he do?B.What did he do?( ) 1.climb a mountain( ) 2.a green bagA.买礼物( ) 10.-What did you have for breakfast yesterday? - _B.去图书馆C.一个绿色的包D.爬山A.I have eggs and sausages. B.I had hamburgers.五根据问句,选择相应的答句。(10 分)( ) 3.go to the library( ) 4.in the north of China( ) 1. Did you go wi

4、th your parents?( ) 2. When did you go to Xinjiang?( ) 3. What did he have for lunch?( ) 4. How do you go to school?( ) 5. Where are you going to go?( ) 5.buy a present四读一读,选一选。(20 分)E.在中国的北方( ) 1.My cousinA. visitsBeijing last year.B. visitedan e-card for Mum .B.to make( ) 2.I wantA.made精品文档 精品文档A.

5、He ate a hamburger and drank some juice.took a red one for me, but it was too short for me. Then I tried a blue one. Itwas nice. We bought it and I will wear it to Hainan tomorrow.B.Im going to go to New York.C.We went there in July.D.By bus.读短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写 F。E.Yes, I did .六阅读理解(20 分)( ) 6. My f

6、ather will take me to Hainan tomorrow.( ) 7. we went to a department store(百货商店) last Sunday.( ) 8. The red T-shirt was too short for me.( ) 9. I bought a blue T-shirt.ADear Mum,How are you? Im very well in Shanghai. Its a beautiful city. I like theplace. And I made a new friend. Her name is Huanhua

7、n. Shes got long,black hair. Shes got big eyes. She is tall and thin. She s clever. But she is abit shy.She likes English and PE. And she works hard. She often helps me.Imiss you. I will be back next month.( ) 10. I will wear a blue T-shirt to Hainan tomorrow.七选出动词的适当形式,写在横线上。(10 分)1.Can you2.He( he

8、lp / helps ) me?(swimming / is swimming) now.3.My father4.We(bought / buys ) a book for me yeaterday.(live / lived) in a small house four years ago.Love from,Belinda5.She(had / has ) fish and chips last night?( ) 1.Where is Belinda ?八.根据课文内容选词填空。(5 分)A.Beijing( ) 2.W hos her new friend? hos her new

9、friend?A. Huanhuan B.Mary( ) 3.Has Huanhuan got long hair?A.Yes. B.No( ) 4.What subjects(学科)does Huanhuan like ?A. English and Chinese B. English and PE.( ) 5.When will Belinda be back home?A.Next month. B.Next week.B.Shanghaiwent ate told laughed was15Marling StreetLondon NW2EnglandDear Daming,Last

10、 week went to a children s theatre.The men wore women s clothes.Thewomen wore mens clothes.The actorslots of jokes. ItBvery funny.Wea lot.English children love the theatre.to a restaurant.We allMy father is going to take me to Hainan tomorrow.So we went to aAfter the show weHamburgers and chips.depa

11、rtment store(百货商店) yesterday. I wanted to buy a T-shirt. My father精品文档 精品文档Are you ready for your trip to America?From,Lingling九连词成句,并按正确书写格式写在四线格内,书写要规范。(10 分)1. bag , blue , the , nice , is ( . )2.she , do , did , what , yesterday ( ? )3. visited , friend , her , she ( . )4.went , he , to , librar

12、y , a , last week ( . )5. are , where , you , going , to , go ( ? )精品文档 精品文档第二学期期末检测五年级英语试题(时间:40 分钟 满分:100 分)答 案一. (5 分)1.egg 2.bed 3. hard 4.life 5.same二. 10 分)1.busy 2.wind 3.week 4.find 5.horse6.photo 7.place 8.room 9.shoe 10.try三. (10 分)1.D 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.A四. (20 分)1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A6.A 7.B 8.A

13、 9.B 10.B五. (10 分)1. E 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B六. (20 分)1.B 2.A 3.A 4. B 5.A6.T 7.F8.T 9. T 10.T七. (10 分)1. help 2. is swimming 3. bought 4. lived 5. had八. (5 分)1. told 2. was 3. laughed 4. went 5. ate九(10 分)1.The blue bag is nice.2.What did she do yesterday?3.She visited her friend.4.He went to a library last week.5.Where are you going to go?精品文档


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