Nike广告dream crazy.doc

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《Nike广告dream crazy.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Nike广告dream crazy.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Nike广告dream crazy如果别人说你的梦想很疯If people say your dreams are crazy如果他们笑你做不到If they laugh at what you think you can do很好 就这样好了Good.Stay that way因为那些没信仰的人根本不懂Because what non-believers fail to understand is that说别人的 梦想很疯 不是一种羞辱Calling a dream crazy is not an insult而是一种赞许Its a compliment不要想着跑成全校最快的Dont tr

2、y to be the fastest runner in your school或是全世界最快的Or the fastest in the world要跑成史上最快的那个Be the fastest ever不要只想着变成橄榄球巨星OBJDont picture yourself wearing OBJs jersey. 要让OBJ想变成你。Picture OBJ wearing yours.不要只满足于当舞会皇后,或是橄榄球手Dont settle for homecoming queen or linebacker两样你都行Do both甩掉120磅体重再变成铁人Lose 120 pou

3、nds and become an Ironman还把脑瘤也击败 After beating a brain tumor不要觉得自己非得装模作样Dont believe you have to be like anybody才能活得有模有样To be somebody如果你出身就是难民If youre born a refugee,不要让这身份阻止你Dont let that stop you from为国家足球队效力Playing soccer for the national team哪怕你才16岁At age 16不要只甘心做这世上最伟大的篮球运动员Dont become the bes

4、t basketball player on the planet你的伟大岂止于篮球Be bigger than basketball信念还是要有Believe in something哪怕要为它变得一无所有Even if it means sacrificing everything当人们提到史上最伟大的球队时When they talk about the greatest team in the history of the sport, 让他们别忘提你的队。make sure Its your team.如果你只有一只手If you have only one hand也不要甘当观众D

5、ont just watch football打成职业给所有人看看Play itat the highest level即使你是个在混乱街区成长起来的女孩And if youre a girl from Compton,也不要只甘心成为一个网球运动员Dont just become a tennis player要做就做最伟大的运动员Become the greatest athlete ever对,这才像话嘛Yeah, thats more like it所以别去想你的梦想是不是疯So dont ask if your dreams are crazy要想它们够不够疯Ask if theyre crazy enough.疯不疯,做着瞧Its only crazy until you do it. Just do it.


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