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1、,village,quiet,beautiful,nature,fields,city,tall buildings,cars,busy,modern,VS,Module 11 Population,Unit 2 It was a quiet country village.,-What was the population of Beijing in 2000? -Thirteen million, eight hundred and nineteen thousand. -What is the population of Beijing in 2012? -Nineteen millio

2、n, seven hundred and twenty thousand.,Revision,Discuss,Why do people move to cities? What problems will it lead to?,Visions of the city,Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: Para 5: Para 6:,b. Parkville was a quiet country village 50 years ago.,c. Changes to Parkville over the last 50 years.,d. Whether yo

3、ur town has the same problem as Arnwick.,Read through the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph,a. Changes to Jos school.,e. Problems with its development.,f. Jos feelings of the changes.,Careful reading,1. Was Parkville a quiet country village 50 years ago? 2. Were there 200,0

4、00 people in Parkville or Arnwick? 3. What was the problem after the people from the countryside began to arrive in Arnwick? 4. What does a big city like Arnwick need to lessen the traffic now? 5. What is the passage mainly about?,What,after,Was,50 years ago,Were 200,000,or,What,quiet,problem,People

5、 from the countryside began to arrive in Arnwick,they needed somewhere to live. However it was expensive to live,3. What was the problem after the people from the countryside began to arrive in Arnwick?,The people had nowhere to live.,Para 2,根据信息进行合理的推断。,4. What does a big city like Arnwick need to

6、lessen the traffic now?,It needs better public transport and fewer private cars.,Para 5,Arnwick needs larger hospitals, more doctors, better public transport and fewer private cars, more shops, offices, clean water and no rubbish in the Street.,5. What is the passage mainly about?,The changes to the

7、 city Arnwick along with the problems.,做“阅读短文回答问题”题时需注意:,1. 找到问题中关键词。 2.根据关键词在文中找相同词。 3.表达要注意问题中的人称、时态和句式。 4. 概括主旨大意要看文章结构,注意全面性。,Summary,lets have a test,Practice (2011) 65Yes,hedoes66Alotofwonderfulwords67It is picture-heavyandthetextisaseasytoread aspossible. 68Three69Thereasonswhywereadbooks./Th

8、eadvantagesofreadingbooks.,Why do people move to cities?,look for jobs,make money,have a better life,What are the problems of cities?,traffic,noise,air pollution,no room/space,crime 犯罪,What was Parkville like 50 years ago? Whats Parkville like now? Where did Jos family use to live? Where do Jos fami

9、ly live now? Where did Jo get education in the past? Which school does Jo go to every day now? What changes have there been to Arnwick?,Changes to Parkville,Parkville used to be_.,It has become _.,Changes to Jos family,Changes to Jos school,Changes to Arnwick,Changes to ,Parkville,Jos family,Jos sch

10、ool,Arnwick,1. it was expensive to live in the centre of Arnwick. It is + adj + to do sth.,language points,eg: 晨读非常有好处。,_ _ _ _ in the morning.,Its useful to read,2.There is no room for small houses any more. room ( u ) 空间 ,地儿,eg: 这个房间没有地方放电脑了。,_ _ _ _ for a computer in the room.,There is no room,3.

11、 It takes Jo an hour to get to school. It takes/ took / will take sb. ST to do sth.,language points,eg: 做这个项目将花费我一年的时间,_ one year _ the project.,It will take me,to finish,4. Its difficult to run a big city, and to protect people from crime. 管理一座城市,保护人们不受侵害是很艰巨的工作 protect sb. from (doing) sth.,eg: Th

12、e raincoat can _ you _ rain.,protect from,5.Does your town have the same problems as Arnwick? 你的城市有和Arnwich 一样的问题吗?,language points,the sameas 和一样,我有一本和你一样的书。,I have the same book as you.,6.It is not her fault.那不是她的过错。,mistake / fault: fault 强调行为上的过失和责任;mistake 由于无心犯下的错。,Eg: It is not our _ that we

13、were late.,fault,在的中心 在的边缘 在远方 离近 开始做 到达 需要住的地方 决定做 成为的城郊住宅区 不再,Useful expressions,in the centre of on the edge of in the distance (be) close to begin to do arrive in need somewhere to live decide to do become a suburb of no/notany more,关闭,关门,歇业 向增加 更好的公共交通设施 更少的私家车 保护免于的危害 为纳税 认为 和相同的问题 最近五十年,close

14、 down add to better public transport fewer private cars protect from pay taxes for think of the same problems as the last 50 years,1.Wearing sunglasses can _ (保护你的眼睛免受阳光刺激). 2. There _ (需要有) a big swimming pool in the villa. 3. He is used to hearing noise because he lives right _ (市中心). 5. We need_

15、(更多的公共交通工具) and_ (更少的私家车). 6. I can hear thunder _ (在远处). 7. The shop has _ (关门) already. 8. She is wearing _ (和我一 样的衣服).,Exercise,protect your eyes from sunshine,needs to be,in the center of the city,more public transport,fewer private cars,in the distance,closed down,the same clothes as I/me,1. 工人

16、们将用两个月时间建造这座大桥。 _ the workers two months _the bridge. 2. 对我们来说,学会与人相处是很重要的。 _how to get on well with others. 3. 妈妈酷爱音乐,所以我决定送她一个MP4。 My mother loves music _. 4. 学会如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很必要的。 _ in our daily life.,Exercise,It will take,to build,Its very important for us to learn,so much that I decide to give away an Mp4 to her,Its very necessary to learn how to deal with the problems independently,


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