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1、 高考常见高级句型结构完美总结(35个)1.be式省略状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致或为it,且谓语含有be 动词时, 从句中的主语连同be动词可以省略。(传统与习惯)It is believed that once (it is) applied to farming, this technique will benefit farmers.When (he is) asked about the secret of his success, he always says it is years of hard work that has made him what he is today.

2、2. There was a time when+ sen3. It is the first/second time that sb has done sth. It was the first/second time that sb had done sth.4. Sb + be + adj(easy, hard, difficult, comfortable, pleasant, etc)+ to do Those air conditioners are our best-selling products because they are easy to handle and work

3、 with little noise. The old wooden armchair looks rather unusual in shape, but it is very comfortable to sit in.5. make / find / think / feel/ consider + 宾语(it)+(for sb)+ adj(easy, hard, difficult, comfortable, pleasant, etc)+ to doOver time some of the characters have been simplified to make them e

4、asier to write. - Honey, this is a present for your birthday.- Ah, a pair of shoes, well-known-brandNike, I think it comfortable to wear. Being injured in the leg makes it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual. 6. A is to B what C is to D.Exams are to students what military trainings are to sol

5、diers. 7. cant / couldnt wait to do sth ; can / could hardly wait to do sth 8. cant / wont have sb doing sthAs a responsible teacher, he cant have any of his students getting away with cheating in the exam.9. was/ were about to do sth when; was/were on the point of doing sth when was / were doing st

6、h when had (just) done sth when10.It took / was + 一段时间+ before It didnt take / wasnt + 一段时间+ before It will take / be + 一段时间+ before It wont be / take + 一段时间+ before 11. the moment / instant / minute / second ; instantly/ immediately/ directly; on + n / doing sth every time / each time; the first ti

7、me, next time, the last timeThe moment he went into the cinema, he began searching the crowd for his mother. Each time he gets his marks, he will regret not having focused his attention on his lessons. 12. do what sb can/could to do sth do everything/all sb can/could to do sth With the 2010 World Cu

8、p a distant memory, the country is doing what it can to bid for (申办)the 2022 World Cup.13. where there beWhere there is a will there is a way.(有志者事竟成)House prices vary from place to place, and are usually high where there are famous schools. The new park will be built where there was a waste pond.14

9、. It is likely that sb/sth sb/ sth is likely to do sth It seems that sb / sth sb/sth seems to do sth It is said/ reported/ believed thatsb / sth be said/reported/ believed to do sth It happened that sb/sth happened to do sth 15. This/ That is why This/ That is becauseThe reason why is that 16. There

10、 seem to be There is no need for sth; There is no need (for sb) to do sth There is no point/ sense (in) doing sth There is no denying the fact that+senThere is no doubt that+sen; There is some doubt whether+senThere is a chance that+sen = The chances are that+senThere is (a, some, no ) possibility t

11、hat+sen17. so + adj/adv + that so +adj + a/an + 可数名词单数 + that so + many/ much/ few/ little(少) +名词 + that such + a/an +adj +可数名词单数 + that such +adj +可数名词复数/不可数名词 + that such a lot of + n + that 18.What + a/an + adj +可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语 What + adj +可数名词复数/不可数名词 +主语 + 谓语 How + adj/adv +主语 + 谓语 How + adj +

12、 a/an + 可数名词单数 +主语 + 谓语 How +主语 + 谓语You can never imagine what great progress he has made in the past three months.How I wish I were in South Africa now, watching the World Cup.19. 祈使句/ 名词短语,+ or / and + 陈述句Some work remains to be done. Wait for twenty more minutes, and I will accompany you to the s

13、upermarket.One more step backward, and you will fall into the pool.One more year, and I will save enough money to pay for a small house in Wuhan.20. the + 比较级,the + 比较级As we know, the bigger our dream is, the stronger motivation we will get. The earlier you get rid of smoking, the more likely you ar

14、e to protect yourself against serious illnesses in later life.21. 倍数表达法:A + be + 倍数 + 比较级+ than + BA + be + 倍数 + as +原级 + as + BA + be + 倍数 + the + 名词(size, length, height, width, weight)+ B22. 原级比较:as + adj/adv + as as + adj+ a/an +可数名词单数 + as as + many +可数名词复数 + as as + much +不可数名词 + as I like the

15、 new Star Wars filmThe Force Awards very much. I hope Chinese film directors will produce a film as interesting / as interesting a film as it.21和22常结合在一起考查My aunts house in the downtown is much smaller than ours, but it is twice as expensive as ours.Much to our surprise, the factory has produced fou

16、r times as many cars as before.It is reported that Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need every day. 23. 比较级形式表示最高级意义(2种)1.比较级+ than +any (other )+ 可数名词单数 It can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world.2.否定词与比较级连用As millions of migrant workers head

17、 home to reunite with their families, nobody is happier than their children.”24. no +比较级 + than B “ 和B一样不”not +比较级+ than B “不如B”As the College Entrance Examination is in sight, we teachers feel no more relaxed than you students.Your proposal is no more reasonable than his. It seems that we will do m

18、ore research to find a really good one. 25. more A than B 与其说是B不如说是AThe little boy sat in the corner, trembling as if he were seriously hurt. But in my opinion, he was more frightened than hurt.注意比较对象一致It is the case that the houses of the rich are generally larger that those of the poor. LiLei has

19、never been to Britain, yet his accent is very similar to that of Englishman.26. cant too; cant enough You cant bee too careful while driving. Traffic safety is related to thousands of households. We cant stress the importance of it enough. 27. Only+状语的倒装句Only in this way can we have a good command o

20、f English.Only by protectiong the earth can we lead a cozy life.一个信号灯:only+状语置于句首两个法则:1.将助动词或者情态动词提前 2.提到主语前28. 否定词提前的部分倒装By no means shoud be left alone./ Under no circumstances could we quit it.(决不)Little did I know the significance of keeping in good health.29. as引导的让步状语从句部分倒装Child as he is,he ca

21、n handle the problem.Try as he might, he couldnt figure it out.Patient as he was, he was unwilling to keep waiting here.30. “一就”系列 No sooner.than. Hardly.when. Scarcely.when.No sooner had I got to the factory than I started to work.备注:no sooner/ hardly/ scarcely后必须用过去完成时,与之对应的than/when 后用过去式。31. 虚拟语

22、气常考的必备句型1. It is high time that +sen( did/ should do) 是时候做某事2. It is suggested/ demanded/ordered/ requested/ proposed that +sen(should do)should 可省3. Without/ but for/ otherwise 含蓄条件的虚拟32. What matters/ counts most is that +sen 最重要的是/ 起关键作用的是What matters/ counts most is that we are supposed to have

23、a good knowledge of English.33. 各种可以置于句首的副词完美总结luckily,unfortunately,admittedly,naturally,consequently,accordingly,undoubtedly,surprisingly,most importantly,generally(speaking),unexpectedly, personally.34. It is +of +n + for sb +to doN:vital significance/ much help / no use It is of vital significance for you to cope with the difficulties and figure out a way of enhancing your English level.35. Gone are the days when +sen .日子一去不复返Gone are the days when we need not worry about anything. 聪明的你,可以自行根据这个思路进行拓展总结,只要肯用心,日积月累,你的英语肯定会更上一层楼!5


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