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1、Unit1 What subjects do you study?你学习什么科目?subjec科目 Scienc科学 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日1、What subjects do you study?你学习什么科目? We study Chinese,English and Maths.我们学习语文,英语和数学。2、Do you have Art?你上美术课吗? Yes,we do.We have Art on Tuesdays.是的,我们上,我们在每个星期二上美术课。3、W

2、hen do you study Computer Studies?你什么时候学习计算机课?Unit2 We have Art in the art room.我们在美术室上美术课。exercise锻炼. sing唱歌. study学习1、We (usually) have Science in the science lab.我们(通常)在科学实验室上科学课。2、We exercise on the palyground on Fridays.我们每个星期五在操场上做锻炼。3、We do reading in the library.我们在图书馆阅读。Unit3 What time do y

3、ou usually go to school?你通常几点去上学?get up起床brush my teeth 刷牙 wash my face洗脸put on my clothes穿衣服 put on my shoes穿鞋have my breakfast吃早餐1、What time do you usually get up every morning?你每个早上通常几点起床?2、When do you have breakfast?你什么时候吃早餐? At 7:00 am.早上七点。3、What do/does you/Li Zhang usually do at 7:00 am?你/李章

4、通常早上七点做什么?Unit4 There is homework time.家庭作业时间到了。lunch time 午餐时间 dinner time早餐时间homework time家庭作业时间housework家务劳动tired劳累的watch TV看电视 1、What do you do at study time?你在学习时间做什么? I read books.我读书。2、Breakfast time is at 7:00 am.早餐时间是早上七点钟。3、All students must have their breakfast in the canteen.所有的学生必须在食堂吃早

5、餐。Unit5 You must come to school on time.你必须准时到校。listen to the teacher听老师讲 do your homework做你的家庭作业be on time准时 be late for school上学迟到 eary早的 sorry对不起1、You must do your homework.你必须做家庭作业。2、You must not be late for school.你禁止上学迟到。3、Do not shout at or push anyone.任何人不能大声喊叫和推挤。Unit6 Is this a shopping ce

6、nter?这是一家购物中心吗?an office building 一座办公楼 a bank 一家银行 a factory 一座工厂 a hotel一家旅馆 a TV tower一座电视塔 a cinema一家电影院1、This is a hospital. Doctors and nurse work here.这是一家医院,医生和护士在这工作。2、Is this a shopping centre?它是一家购物中心吗? Yes,it is./No, it isnt.是的,它是。/不,它不是。3、There were no buildings or streets after the ear

7、thquake.地震之后建筑物和街道都没有了。Unit7 Everyone has something to do.每个人都有他的事要做。a worker一名工人 a cleaner一名清洁工人 busy繁忙的 drive驾驶 street街道 help帮助1、There are workers.They go to work.这些工人他们去工作。2、Look at the cleaner.He cleans our streets.看这个清洁工人,他在清扫我们的街道。Unit8 I will study the moon.我们将研究月球。outer space 外太空 fly飞 a rock

8、et一艘火箭 star星星 the sun太阳 the moon月球1、What will you do there?你将在那里做什么? I will study the moon and see the starts.我将研究月球和看星星。2、I want to fly the outer space.我想要飞到外太空。3、This is a science lab.The astronauts wil do science here.这是一间科学实验室,宇航员们将在这做科学。Unit9 What do you want to do?你想要做什么?a theme park一座主题公园 a r

9、oller coaster一台过山车a merry-go-round一架旋转木马 a bumper car一辆碰碰车slow慢的 afraid惊恐的1、What do you want to ride?你想骑什么?2、I want to ride in the teacups.They are cute.我想到坐旋转茶杯,他们很可爱。3、Whats your favorite theme park?你最喜欢的主题公园是什么?I like water theme park.我喜欢水上主题乐园。Unit10 Its one of the famous mountains in China.在中国它是最有名的山脉之一。a famous mountain一座有名的山 a famous dish一道有名的菜肴 a famous temple一座有名的寺庙 a famous square一个有名的广场 dance跳舞 place地方1、There is a famous mountain in Hunan.在湖南有一座有名的山。2、You must go to Dingting Lake.你必须去洞庭湖。3、You can try some fride tofu.你可以尝试一些臭豆腐。


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