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1、 精品文档四川省 2015 年高职院校单独招生同样考试文化素质(中职类)英语试题一、单项选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)从 A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项填入前边的括号内。()1.Barack Obama isA.an B .afirst black president of the United States.C. the D 不填()2. -Where were you last night? I called you five times!-Sorry, my phone wasA. over)3.B. onthe game means e

2、verything to him.B. To win C. Won D. WinC. inD. off(A. Winning()4. -Which one do you prefer, the red or the green?-Do you have a blue one?A. NeitherB. BothC. Either D. None()5. David is full of secrets. No one knows whereA. does he liveB. he lives C. he had lived D. is he livinghe failed the exam di

3、sappointed us all.)6. The factA. when B . what C . it D. that()7. Thats aA. better; best)8. He is_A. too_ answer. But can you think of a_one?B. better; goodC. good; best D. good; better(short to get the book on the top.B. soC. very D. such)9. Please_A. take upyour book and turn to page 51.B. take ou

4、tC. take off D. take down)10. -3:2! We won the game!-A. Yes, please. B. Congratulations!.C. Im sorry. D. Good luck!二、完形填空题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B, C, D)中,选出最佳选项填入右边的括号内。A man was delivering some monkeys to Chelsea zoo when his car broke down. He wasstanding at the side of

5、 the 11 wondering what to do when he saw a farmer driving by. Hestopped the farmer and 12 him 500 pounds to take the 13 to the zoo. The farmer14and off hewent. Several15 later the man was16waiting for a breakdown truck to come when he saw thefarmer coming back, still with the monkeys on his17 . He s

6、topped the farmer again and askedwhy he hadnt 18 the monkeys to the zoo. I did. said the farmer. We had a 19 time and there isstill some money20,so Im taking them to Alton Towers.()11. A. road B. zoo C. house D. monkey)12. A. saved B. lentC. bought D. offered)13. A. car B. monkeys C. farmer D. man)1

7、4. A. agreed B. cried C. diedD. fell)15. A. minutes B. days C. hours D. weeks精品文档 精品文档()16. A. even B. always C. never D. still)17. A. horse B. truck C. bicycle D. back)18. A. mailed B. added C. taken)19. A. peaceful B. busy C. great)20. A. spent B. lost C. used D. leftD. soldD. dangerous三、阅读理解题(本大题

8、共 15 小题,每小题 3 分,共 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B, C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项填入右边的括号内.AIts time people stopped using the word Dear. to start work e-mails. Thats according toGiselle Barry, a woman who works in the United States Congress(国会).She surprised lots ofpeople by starting an email to a group of journalists(记者

9、)with the words Hey, folks.Ms Barry thinks Dear is too intimate and makes it sound like you have a personalrelationship with the person you are writing to.It seems shes not alone. E-mail and the internet have changed the rules about how to write.In the past, there was no choice, but now you can see

10、a-mails from people starting with hello,hi and even hey.The American newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, wrote Across the internet, the use ofdear is going.But not everyone agrees with Ms Barry. Etiquette( 礼仪)expert Jean Broke-Smith says, Imfed up with people writing Hi Jean when theyve never met me

11、.If youre sending a business e-mail you should begin Dear .like a letter. Politeness andetiquette are important.()21. Ms Barry works in.A. China B. Japan)22. Which of the following can replace the underlined word intimate?A. Private. B. Stupid. C. Easy. D. Old.C. UKD. US)23. Who believes that emails

12、 should start with Dear.?A. Giselle Barry. B. Jean Broke-Smith. C. No one.D. Everyone.D. hi)24. A formal letter usually starts withA. Hey B. Dear“C. Hello)25. The best title for the passage isA. How to write a letter?B. Should we use emails or letters?C. Should a-mails open with Dear or Hi?D. How to

13、 be polite?BWhat should fashionable women be wearing this September? The answer, according to VogueMagazine, is red. Its London Fashion Week. The color of the moment is red-bright and brave.Nowadays, most of us wear what we choose. But things were very different in the past.In 15th-century England,

14、only the rich and powerful were allowed to wear the red. TheEnglish King Henry VIII passed four laws to make sure everyone followed the rules. Why red?According to Professor Lisa Jardine of University College, London, the answer is all about moneyand power. The chemicals that turned cloth red were e

15、xpensive then-so only rich and powerfulpeople could buy red clothing.精品文档 精品文档Red also had other, more negative(负面的)meanings for women. So Queen Elizabeth I oftenwore white as a symbol of her purity( 纯洁)-and Queen Elizabeth II wore a white dress for hercoronation(加冕仪式).But times are changing, and th

16、ese days, women can wear their favoriteshade of red without fear. Even the Queen is wearing red in public, and it is one of Princess Katesfavorite colors.()26. According to the passage, Vogue is most likely a magazine ofA. fashion B. fishing C. cooking D. history)27. In the 15th century, who could N

17、OT wear red?A. The King. B. Rich people. C. Powerful people. D. Poor people.)28. Queen Elizabeth I chose to wear white for her coronation because_.IA. white was a symbol of purityC. the law said soB. white was her favorite colorD. she was rich and powerful()29. Who likes wearing red?A. Queen Elizabe

18、th I.B. Queen Elizabeth II.C. Princess Kate.D. Professor Lisa Jardine.)30. According to the passage, red has NOT been a symbol of_A. richness B. power C. fashionD. the QueenCBefore she appeared on a British TV talent(才艺)show in 2009, Susan Boyle was a shy,middle-aged woman from Scotland(苏格兰 ).Then s

19、he sang I dreamed a dream for heraudition(面试)and she became famous overnight. The YouTube video of her performance hasbeen watched by millions of people and her first album I dreamed a dream has sold over 9million copies.It hasnt been easy for Susan. She was born in 1961 in a small Scottish town, th

20、e youngest ofnine children. She had some learning difficulties and has had just one job as a cook at a college.But singing was always part of Susans life-at school and at her local church and pub. She hadsinging lessons and auditioned for talent shows, but she never found the success she was looking

21、for. It was her mother who encouraged her to enter the popular Britain s Got Talent show. Therest is history.Things have never been the same since that special might in January 2009. She hasperformed for thousands of fans and has must finished a huge tour of the UK and the US. She hasrecorded six al

22、bums and sold millions of copies. But Susan has never forgotten where she camefrom. She still lives in Scotland. She has bought a new house, but she hasnt sold the old one. Shehas never married or had children, but she has said that she would like to adopt(收养)a child. Herpowerful voice has given ple

23、asure to millions of fans all over the world.()31. Susan Boyle is aA. cookB. fanC. touristD. singer()32. Before becoming famous, Susan BoyleA. had never performed B. had a sonC. had had some singing lessons D. had been married()33. Since her success, Susan hasA. performed in UK and US B. adopted a c

24、hild精品文档 精品文档C. sold her old houseD. moved to Scotland()34.What happened in that special night?A. Susan bought a new house.B. Susan performed for her fans.C. Susan auditioned for Britains Got Talent.D. Susan recorded her first album.)35. According to the passage, how many albums has Susan recorded?A.7B.6C.5D.4四、翻译题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,共 20 分)将下列英文句子翻译成中文。36.It happened in the 1970s in New York.37. Lets get together this weekend.38. The park is only an hour away by bus.39. There are about 50 people in the room.40. Ill call you if I find something useful.精品文档


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