新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 1 Hello Again!Lesson 2 Is This Your Pencil.》教案_8.doc

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1、Lesson 2 Is This Your Pencil? 教学背景分 析教学内容分析本课内容符合教材编写宗旨:语言知识螺旋上升。本课的单词在三年级上册作为三会单词出现过,物主代词在四年级上册中学生也初步接触过。在此基础上本课学习Whose_ is this?学习者分析本班学生已经学了一年多英语,而且他们对英语的兴趣很浓,尤其喜欢歌曲、游戏、角色表演。他们英语学习的习惯也很好,每次上英语课之前,都能做到预习新课。教学目标知识 与技能1. 能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写:pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler, crayon, whose, what。2. 能认读、理解并运用

2、:Whose _ is this? Its _.情感态度1. 在介绍朋友的活动中鼓励学生敢于开口,积极尝试用英语表达。2. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣。学习策略1. 在学习交流中注意倾听,积极思考。2. 与同伴合作完成对话并主动向他人学习。教学重点能听懂、会说、认读并书写:pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler, crayon, whose, what。 教学难点能理解并运用 Whose _ is this? Its _.教学准备 学习用品 录音机 课件教 学 过 程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Class Opening and Warm-up(5 min.)Greeti

3、ngs: Say hello to the boys and girls.Lets sing a song.Greet the teacher.简单的交流,让学生进入学习状态。介绍朋友时鼓励学生敢于开口,积极尝试使用英语。New Concepts(34 min.)Step 1:1. There are some things in my bag ,can you guess whats in it ? Lets have a look ,whats in it .Whats in it?(板书)Read the word .Do you have a pencil box ? show me

4、your pencil-box .Do you know whats in it ?Teach the words :pen ,pencil ,ruler, crayon.The teacher put the stationery.Its _s pencil box.利用以下句型介绍pen, pencil, ruler和crayon。Do you have a _?What colour is it?Do you like your _?How many _ do you have?May I use your _?2. Lets read.Whats in Kims pencil box?

5、(评价)3. Lets stick the picture.4. Lets write.(评价)Guess .Spell it together .Yes.The students say the words. OK. 通过猜单词引出新单词,吸引学生的注意力。这些单词都是三年级时的三会单词,通过字母的发音帮助学生记忆单词。与学生的交流进行大量的语言输入。May I use your _?为后面的交流做准备。培养学生听的能力。利用书写比赛吸引学生的注意力,提高学习兴趣。同时这也是新知识输出的过程。Step 2:Mr. Wood finds a pencil. Whose pencil is th

6、is?Step 3:Make a dialogue with your partner.a. Listen to the tape. (评价)b. Repeat.c. Role play.(评价)利用老师刚借给的文具:Is this _? Whose _ is this?(评价)理解情景,分角色朗读既是对情境的理解,也是对语言的再次输入。自己组织对话操练,让学生对知识有一个内化的过程。Step 4: 拓展阅读材料并补充句子。(评价)Step 6:What have you learned?(评价)Miss Zhang: Is this your scarf, Li Hua?Li Hua: No

7、, it isnt. Its Linlins scarf. Miss Zhang: Is this Dongdongs cap? Li Hua: No, it isnt. Miss Zhang: Whose cap is this? Li Hua: Its Taotaos cap.Miss Zhang: Whose gloves are these?Li Hua: Theyre Tiantians gloves.Miss Zhang: _ coat _ _? Li Hua: Its _ _.帮助学生理解Whose _ is this?及his/he的用法。根据学生水平拓展阅读,提升学生读的能力和写的能力。让学生反思,不仅加深了他们对新授内容的印象,更培养了他们勤于总结的学习习惯。Class Closing(1 min.)Homework:a. Listen and read the text 3 times.b. Please write more sentences about the text.Miss Zhang: Whose _ is this?Li Hua: Its _. Word list:chair pencil box ruler pen bottle (瓶子)听读作业可以使学生对所学内容进行整体复习,并提高阅读能力。仿写句子及对话可以培养学生组织语言的能力。


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