新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 10 The Great Wall》教案_28.doc

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1、Lesson10 The Great Wall?教学设计一、学情分析:1.教学内容本节课“The Great Wall”是五年级下册第2单元其中一篇,讲述了Jenny, Li Ming, Danny参观长城发生的事情。学生在学习的过程中,运用英语语言读懂文本、提高了阅读技能,更重要的是学生在学习如何描述长城的过程中,体会到语言学习的乐趣,增强自信心和成就感。2.学生情况分析授课对象为五年级学生,学生心理比较成熟,语感基本形成,理解能力表达能力较强。所以本节课应充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的潜能,发散学生的思维。二、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.掌握词汇:stop, wait, feel, t

2、ired, afraid2.学生能用所学语言介绍长城。(二)能力目标:1.能够用所学知识简单地介绍长城。2.能够简单地介绍其他的名胜古迹(三)情感目标:1.提高学习英语的兴趣,乐于阅读。2.增强孩子爱国意识。三、教学重点、难点:(一)教学重点:能听懂、会说并口头运用句子:How old is the Great Wall? How long is it ?(二)教学难点:能听懂、会说、口头运用句子:How old is the Great Wall? Its about 2000 thousand. How long is it ? About 6000 kilometres. 能够简单地介绍

3、其他的名胜古迹。四、教具准备希沃一体机,PPT课件。 五、教学过程:Step 1.Warming up and revision 1.GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls, Nice to meet you !Ss: Nice to meet you ! too.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you ?T: I am very well . 【设计意图】师生问好,熟练问候语的应用,拉近师生距离。T:. What is the capital city of China?Ss: Beijing.T: Yes, s

4、o the key word is Beijing. What do you know about Beijing?Ss: (Beijing Duck is famous.)(学生运用已有知识,大胆发言,可以从食物、名胜古迹、人口等等方面描述学生所知道的北京,在名胜古迹方面如果学生没有说出The Great Wall,老师可给予提示引出,比如出示一些关于长城的美丽图片,如果学生说出,可直接欣赏一些美丽的长城图片。)T: Today we will talk about the Great Wall.(板书题目并领读)【设计意图】学生畅谈他们印象中的北京,激发兴趣,让学生在愉快的氛围中放松自己并

5、把注意力转移到课堂上。同时游戏内容包含本课的主题-长城。Step 2 New Concepts:1.Lets learn the new words.T: Look at the picture,First,learn the new words: (ppt) stop 1.please listen;2.Follow me,please;3.Read together please;4.Please read one by one .用同样的方法学习wait, thousand, afarid(利用“希沃”一体机的“插入”功能插入四线三格;英汉字典,单词卡片以及声音让学生模仿视频里的纯正发音

6、,培养学生读标准英语的能力,提高学生的英语素养)Introduction (Part 1)(由谈话导入新授)T: Today Li Ming, Jenny and Danny went to the Great Wall. Now lets listen What else do you know about the Great Wall.T: Listen carefully!(播放课文第一部分) 学生听音。【设计意图】让学生模仿视频里的纯正发音,培养学生读标准英语的能力,提高学生的英语素养。2.Read and repeat (电脑领读)【设计意图】让学生模仿纯正发音,提高学生英语朗读能力

7、。3.Read by yourself 4. Read together5.Act out the dialogue with your partner(学生展示)6. Answer the questionsT:How old is the Great Wall? S1:Its about 2000 thousand.T: How long is it ?S2: About 6000 kilometres.T:How do they go to the Great Wall ?S3:They take a bus to the Great Wall.(Part 2)T:Danny Jenny

8、 and LiMing visited the Great Wall.Danny feels tired and hungry.They are on the way back to the hotel.What happened? Now lets listen and underline the phrases.(ppt出示汉语)1.Read the passage and find out the phrases.a.又累又饿1.tired and hungryb.在返回的路上2.on the way back (to)c.太多3.too manyd.当心,小心4.Be carefule

9、.别害怕5.Dont be afraidf.跑向. 6.run tog.乘公共汽车7.take a bus2.T:Choose one to make sentencesSs:I run to the door,She runs to the window.3. Listen and answer the questions. (PPT) How does Danny feel on the way back? Look, this word “feel”.板书(略讲解feel后加s的用法并板书).I feel hot/cold/angry. 【设计意图】让学生做出相应热、冷、生气的样子并且通

10、过造句让学生理解feel的意思。Ss:Danny is tired.T: Who can show me what is tired? Ss: Do the action about ”tired”.T: Is Danny afraid of the cars and buses? Who can show me what is afraid?Ss: Do the action about”afraid”.T: What should we do?Ss: We should stop and wait. T: Show me what is “stop”? Ss: (Do the action

11、 about”stop”.)4. Answer the questionsT: How does Danny feel on the way back?Ss:He feels very tired and hungry.T: Is Danny afraid of the cars and buses?Ss:Yes ,he is5.Group work:Act out the dialogue with your partner(学生展示)Each group choose a student to act.【设计意图】通过分角色读,让学生乐于开口表达。引导学生学以致用。Step 3 Lets

12、do the workbook.【设计意图】 通过让学生做练习题,用希沃助手上传作业以巩固课堂所学内容。Step 4 SummaryT: What did we learn today?Ss: .T: Do you like Beijing? Do you like China? Our country has many beautiful places. We love our country. Say ”I love China!” together. (引出本课的情感目标,爱国)Step 5. Homework(1)Listen and repeat the text for ten minutes.(2)Make a poster about Beijing.【设计意图】 家庭作业是课堂教学的延伸,可以巩固课堂教学成果。通过让孩子们和家长的交流,进一步巩固了句型的掌握,也提高了运用语言的能力。板书设计:Lesson10 The great wall?How old is the Great Wall? Its about 2000 thousand. How long is it ? About 6000 kilometres.


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