新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 12 A Visit to the Great Wall》教案_32.doc

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1、三起五下leeson12.A visit to the Great Wall教学设计一、教学目标:知识与技能目标1. 在老师的帮助下读懂故事、了解有关长城的简单信息。2. 能朗读故事并在老师的帮助下复述表演故事。学习策略目标:在语境中猜测词义,抓重点词句,理解故事文化意识目标:保护周围环境,爱护名胜古迹。教学重点:抓重点词句理解故事。难点:简要复述故事。课前准备:课件、词条。二、教学过程Step 1、Pre-readingGreetingtothestudentsFreetalkReview the Unit2. (设计思路:教师对Unit2 的知识点进行复习。从Lesson7到Lesson1

2、1.在故事课之前充分的复习。有助于孩子整体的掌握本单元的知识。对故事课的理解也会更加的容易。通过对北京名胜古迹图片的回顾激活学生的原有知识,给学生营造了一个轻松愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生的旅游兴趣,激发学生参与课堂活动的热情。)Then,T: Today, we will learn more about the Great Wall.T: WhatdoyouknowaboutBeijing?Can you ask some questions about the Great Wall? (ppt出示长城图片)(设计意图:激发学生在学习之前,能自主提问探究的能力。不只是会回答问题,还能提出一些有

3、意义的问。提高他们的高阶素养。)S:How long is the Great Wall?S: How old is the Great Wall?S: Where is the Great Wall? T: Who can answer the questions?S: Its about 2000 years old. About 6000 kilometres.Its very long/old/beautiful/wonderful(设计思路: 激发学生的原有知识图示,并通过学生的回答了解学生对于长城知识的掌握。教师适当的给与扩充。如:长城的起点山海关,重点嘉峪关。它是世界八大奇迹之一

4、)Step 2、WhilereadingT:Now, lets read the story by yourself. Try to find more about the Great Wall. What do you know from this story? Underline the sentences.学生自读课文,找到关于长城更多的信息。(设计意图:根据老师提出的总任务-找出关于长城的新知识,学生自己默读课文,利用寻读的阅读方法,找到问题的答案。同时突破故事大意。)根据学生的回答,ppt出现关于长城的三点知识。1. S1:In China, we call the Great Wa

5、ll“The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall”(板书词条).Why?Check the answer by showing the lines on the book.(ppt)T: Do you know “Li”. 1 kilmetre is 2 Li. So How long is the Great Wall? 6000 kilometres is 12,000 Li.Its about 10,000 thousand Li. So in China, we call the Great Wall “The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall”.

6、(听原声音,学生仿读。)Listen and imitate. (设计意图:解释万里长城的来源。两个短语用“=”连接,帮助学生明确“万里”的概念,易于记忆。) 2. S2: The Great wall is very old and very long. The oldest part is more than 2000 years old.(板书词条)Check the answer by showing the lines on the book.(ppt)出示oldest,用PPT出示三个不同程度破旧的桌椅,让学生理解old, older, oldest。在出示三个不同年龄的男性卡通人

7、物。帮助学生进一步的理解oldest.Lets see the oldest part of the Great wall. This is the Great Wall of Qin ,its about 2600 years old. Its more than 2000 years old. So “The oldest part is more than 2000 years old.”(设计意图: 把句子中两个不易理解的部分进行分别教学。让学生理解oldest和more than 的含义。然后,可以理解这个句子。)Imitate the sentence “The Great Wal

8、l is very old and very long.”(听原声,进行仿读。)3. S3:He who does not go to the Great Wall is not a true man.(板书词条)Check the answer by showing the lines on the book.(ppt)出示谚语示例帮助学生理解Chinese saying.T:This is the Chinese saying. Just like these. These are Chinese saying.出示不到长城非好汉照片,帮助学生理解句意。Imitate it.学生听音跟读句

9、子,利用语音语调符号,帮助学生更好的读准句子。(设计意图:模仿句子,纠正发音,在阅读教学中渗透语音学习。)句子补充帮助学生能够说出并记住这句话。Can you remember it?He who does not go to is not a true man .He who does not go to is not .He who does is not .He is not .4. T: Danny thinks he is a true man, too. What does he want to do?S: He wants to write his name on the Gre

10、at Wall.T: Is he right? S: No.T: How can we keep the Great Wall clean and beautiful?What does Li Ming say?Lets watch the video. (设计意图: 观看视频学生可以全面的理解故事。并对于前面学习的重点句子在视频中进行复现。帮助学生加深理解。并带着问题进行观看。)S: Dont draw or write on the Great Wall! Lets keep it clean and beautiful.出示长城上乱写乱画、乱扔垃圾的照片。T: What should w

11、e do when we have a trip?出示一些单词,帮助学生说这些祈使句。Spit smoke quiet jump the queue litter pushinline. Stand in order. (设计意图:渗透德育教育,提高学生自身的文明习惯,树立正确的价值观。)Step3.Post-reading1. T:Lets fill the blanks. (设计意图: 整合本课的学习内容,故事内容再次巩固理解,为下学生小组活动,语言输出奠定基础。)2. 设计真实的任务:为外国人介绍我们的长城。(设计思路:涉及开放式问题,通过复述、交流回顾故事,让学生畅所欲言,培养发散思维,提升表达能力,加深理解。)3. 小组展示自己的介绍。(设计思路:给学生更多的机会,进行上台展示。提升自信心,激发学习兴趣。)Class closing.


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