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2、成英语。三、考试结束后,再次检查是否在录音磁带的A面标签上正确填写了自己的姓名、考点和考号,检查完毕,离开考场。请勿将磁带和考试用纸带出考场。录音稿Certificate of English Interpretation: Level 3Now please listen to the instructions about this exam. Ill give you a brief introduction before each part of the exam begins and leave you enough time to do the interpreting.This e

3、xam is divided into 3 parts. Each part is divided into a number of segments and at the start of each segment youll hear this tone (TONE). At each pause where you are expected to start interpreting, youll also hear this tone (TONE). Youll hear each segment only once.Lets start with Part 1, the dialog

4、ue.Part 1DialogueThis dialogue is about a visit to the Great Wall. Please interpret the English speakers remarks into Chinese and the Chinese speakers remarks into English. Lets begin.(/表示停顿)TONEDavid:Whats happening today, Xiao Wang? TONE / TONEXiao Wang:今天我们去长城,然后在那里午餐,回来的路上顺便去看看十三陵。TONE / TONE 你听

5、说过长城吧?来北京,别的地儿不去,长城是一定要去的。TONE / TONE 十三陵是明朝13个皇帝和皇后的陵墓,15世纪建造的,虽然说和长城相比,名气没那么大,看一看也很值得。怎么样,咱们一起去吧。TONE / TONEDavid:Oh, that would be great. Thank you very much. You know Ive heard a lot about the Great Wall. In fact it is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the world. You know I saw the show

6、in TV and it showed how it is the only man-made structure anyone planned on the earth that you can see from the moon with a naked eye. TONE / TONEXiao Wang:我们中国人叫它“万里长城”,实际上总共全长6000多公里,一开始建造的时候是2500年前的战国时期。TONE / TONE 那时候中国没有统一,是分为7国。北方的几个国家修建起城墙用来防御北方的侵略。TONE / TONE 也就是在公元前221年的时候,秦始皇统一中国以后他把各段长城连接

7、起来,并把它加长。根据历史记载差不多有100万人参加过这个工程,工程总共花了十年的时间。TONE / TONEDavid:Hes the First Emperor of China. Was he the one where they found all those terra-cotta warriors in his tomb? TONE / TONEXiao Wang:对呀。秦始皇除了修建长城以外,也作过其他不少事情。虽然他统治的时间不长,但是他对中国历史的影响可是不小啊!。TONE / TONEDavid:Yes, its really amazing when you think

8、about it was over 2000 years ago, there was no machinery, and they had to do everything with their bare hands. TONE / TONE But they managed to build a spectacular wall like that and of course those amazing terra-cotta warriors. You know, Ive heard people describe those terra-cotta warriors as the Ei

9、ghth Wonder of the world, so that means you have two here in China. TONE / TONEXiao Wang:今天我们去的那段长城叫八达岭,是保卫北京的一个战略要地,离北京约75公里。现在有了高速公路,开车不到两个小时就到了。TONE / TONE 你要是有什么有关长城的问题,路上再问,什么时候问我都行。TONE / TONEDavid:Thanks a lot for the invite. Thanks for all that historical context. Im really looking forward t

10、o it. Sure well have a great time. Thanks. TONE / TONEPart 2Consecutive interpretation: English to ChineseIn this part you will hear a presentation delivered in English about possible policies that could be used to stop uncontrolled urbanization in developing countries. Please interpret this present

11、ation into Chinese. Lets begin.TONEThank you. Id like to take this opportunity to share with you three possible policies, that I think could be used in developing countries to stop this pattern of uncontrolled urbanization weve been discussing. TONE / TONEThe first policy would be to promote a more

12、equal land distribution. If the land was distributed more equally, farmers would be more motivated to stay on the land, not going to the cities. They would be able to work more land, and be able to feed their families more adequately. TONE / TONE Often the reasons why farmers want to go into the cit

13、ies is because they are not able to grow enough food on their farms in order to feed their families on the one hand and to earn a living on the other. So a more equal land distribution is one kind of policy that could be used to stem move into the cities. TONE / TONEThe second policy would be to imp

14、rove the supply of social services in the rural areas, especially in the areas of health and education. TONE / TONE Country people often move into the city because they feel that these services are better in the city areas, and if they could compare the services and notice that perhaps there was not

15、 much difference between the two, then that would be another reason for them not to move. TONE / TONEA third possible policy would be for the government to give financial assistance to farmers, especially to the small landowners. TONE / TONE Now obviously the problem of uncontrolled urbanization and

16、 all the consequences of that, which are not good, is a difficult problem to which there is no easy solution, but I think these three kinds of policies could really help to reduce the problem,and this is a problem which is felt especially now in developing countries. TONE / TONE Part 3Consecutive In

17、terpretation: Chinese to EnglishIn this part you will hear a welcome speech delivered by the general manager of a Chinese company while receiving a delegation of foreign guests. Please interpret this presentation into English. Lets begin. TONE 布朗先生,女士们、先生们:TONE / TONE现在我愿意为我们的贵宾,美国强生进出口公司经理布朗先生祝酒。TONE / TONE孔夫子说过,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”这次布朗先生从大洋彼岸不远万里光临我们公司,我非常高兴。TONE / TONE 在过去几年里我们两家公司已经建立了卓有成效的合作关系。我相信通过布朗先生的这次访问,我们的合作还会得到进一步的加强。TONE / TONE现在中国刚刚入世,必将进一步对外开放。这给我们两家公司都带来了非常好的机会。因此,我坚信在未来的岁月里我们双方都会取得极大的成功。TONE / TONE最后,我建议:为我们双方的合作干杯,为布朗先生的健康,为在座的先生们女士们的健康,干杯!TONE / TONE


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