新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 1 Going to Beijing. Lesson 3 Who Is Singing.》教案_6.docx

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《新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 1 Going to Beijing. Lesson 3 Who Is Singing.》教案_6.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 1 Going to Beijing. Lesson 3 Who Is Singing.》教案_6.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 3 Who is singing?一、教学分析 1、 学生分析在此之前学生已经学习过现在进行时,并且基本能够应用现在进行时,再加上学生还掌握了一些表示动作的动词和短语。这些知识都为学生对本课的学习和理解奠定了基础。 2、 教材分析本节课是本册书第一单元的第三课“Who is singing?” 。本课将进一步通过文本的学习加强巩固对于现在进行时的灵活应用,容量适中,难度适宜,易于学生学习。 二、教学目标1、 知识与技能目标(1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写以下单词man, woman ,baby ,cry ,talk ,sleep (2)学生能够熟练运用现在进行时“Who is

2、 .ing? The man/woman/baby is .ing.”对人物正在发生的动作进行问答。 2、情感态度目标培养学生与他人友好相处、热爱家人,朋友以及生活的良好品质。 3、 学习策略通过创设情境,帮助学生在情境中理解词汇和文本,引导学生在情境中应用语言,逐渐培养学生语言的综合应用能力 三、教学重难点学生能够熟练应用“Who is crying? He/She is crying.”句型的正确表达和应用。 四、教学准备 多媒体5、 教学过程1、Greeting2、Review出示图片进行What is she or he doing? What are thy doing?的复习3、N

3、ew concepts and practice (1) T: What is Li Ming doing? Ss: Li Ming is listening to music.T: Who is singing?Do you know?Listen carefully. S.:The woman is singing. 教授womanT:If you are Jenny how do you answer this question? S: The woman behind me is singing.(2) T: Who is in the womans arm? S.: Baby. 教授

4、baby通过出示课文中 woman 和 baby 的两幅图,进入 The baby is crying. The baby is sleeping.句型的学习。并针对 The baby is crying. 引导学生对婴儿哭的原因进行猜测,最后回归课本找到答案。(3)教授talk,man(4)看书,安静地听录音(5)同声读课文(6)分角色朗读课文(7)Lets sing a song.(8)T:The woman is singing a song on the train.And a girl is singing in the park. T:Who can tell me who is crying?(看课件)Talk with your partner.4、 Class closing(1) Sum up: let the Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson (2) Homework: Listen and read the text after class.Blackboard design:Lesson 3 Who Is Singing? Who is _ing? The woman is singing. The baby is crying /sleepingThe man is talking.


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