新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 1 Going to Beijing. Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost.》教案_23.doc

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1、lesson 6 Danny is Lost!一.教材分析:本教材强调以学生为中心,鼓励学生积极参与教学活动.教材提供了丰富的贴近学生生活的场景,使学生在真实的语境中学习英语,激发兴趣。本次展示课是新编教材五年级下册第六课,这是一个故事课。教学重点是学生能读懂故事,难点是把故事生动形象地表演出来。二.学生分析我面对的是石家庄市谈固小学五年级的学生,我不知道他们英语的学习经历和水平,只能在公开课前20分钟见面的时候,观察和评估他们的英语学习能力。教学目标:1.知识与技能:(1)学生能读懂故事(2)学生能朗读故事,做到语音准确,语气达意。(3)学生能借助实物教具、板书等的帮助,表演故事。2.学习策

2、略:(1)略读、寻读、朗读、默读等阅读策略相结合,发展学生阅读策略;(2)增强小组合作意识,共同完成任务;(3)通过评价反思,发展自我调控策略。3. 情感态度:(1)提高学习英语的兴趣,乐于阅读,善于表演(2)增强孩子们对生活的热爱。教学准备:多媒体,水果图,人物头像。教学过程:Step1. Greeting and Lead-in.1.Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, 2.Lead-in.T: How are you?Ss: T: Hows the weather today ?Ss: T: Whats the date today?S

3、s: Its May 22.T: Oh, Childrens Day is coming. Do you like Childrens Day?Do you like to go on a trip? Me, too.设计意图:通过日常用语交谈,拉近师生距离,引出与旅行有关的话题。Step2. Pre-reading.1, Talk about the pictures .T: Now, Li Ming is going on a trip with his friends. What happens to them? Do you want to know? First, lets look

4、 at some pictures, discussin groups, then tell me what you want to know.(出示图片,学生看图片小组讨论。)设计意图:用图片激发学生对故事的求知欲,小组讨论,培养学生的小组协作能力,为初读作准备。3.Listen.T: Now, listen to the story carefully, try to find your answers.(播放录音,学生们听故事并试着找出答案。)设计意图:本环节学生带着他们自己提的问题听,有目的的去听,是学生能更好地抓住故事的主要信息。(注:无论他们找出的答案对与否,能否找出答案,老师都不

5、要把最终答案告诉学生,让学生带着疑问进行下一步的阅读。)Step3. While-reading.1.Read and check the answers.T: If you still have any questions, dont worry. Take out your paper, read the story and check the answers.1.Read and check the answers.T: If you still have any questions, dont worry. Take out your paper, read the story and check the answers.(学生读故事,检查已有答案是否正确,找出听故事时没有找到的答案。)设计意图:是学生进一步了解故事大意。2.Role play.T: Ok, now lets relax and play a game.Look at this paper. Who are they?Ss: Danny, Mr. Li and fruit seller.


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