新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 17 Danny.s Email》教案_22.doc

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1、冀教版小学英语五年级下册Lesson 17 Dannys Email教学设计教学目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:kind,us2、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:Hows the weather in Canada?Is it snowy?Its sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip!教学重点:1、词汇:kind,us2、基本句型结构:Hows the weather in Canada?Is it snowy?Its sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip!教学准备:教学光盘教学过程

2、:Step 1: Warm up 告诉学生,今天他们将阅读Danny发给史蒂芬的电子邮件。T:Everyone is going home, and the trip to China was great fun. lets see how they say goodbye when it is time to go home after a good trip together.Step 2: Presentation 1. Danny writes an Email(1)让学生看教科书part 1 ,讨论这封电子邮件。Who is this Email from?Who will rece

3、ive this Email?What is the subject of the Email?What does Danny say to Steven?播放录音,学生聆听。再播放一遍。(2)在黑板上画一封大的电子邮件,填写空白处,让学生提供帮助。What is Stevens Email address?在学生说出来的时候,教师把地址写在正确的位置。What is Dannys Email address? 把地址写在正确的地方。What is the subject of the Email?What does Danny say to his friend?(3)填满所有的空之后,读一

4、遍电子邮件。然后让不同的学生大声读出来。提问学生:Danny 告诉了Steven 关于中国的哪些内容?指出电子邮件中的新单词kind。在黑板上写:the people here are kind 。向学生解释,kind指一个人非常友好和慷慨,愿意为他人做事情,因为他/她知道这会让别人感到快乐。再播放一遍录音,学生跟读。(4)师生演示: T: How is the weather in Beijing? Is it snowy?S: No, its sunny. There is no snow.(5)学生自己练习:两人一组练习,每组就Danny 的电子邮件编一段对话。尽量涵盖这些问题。What

5、 does Danny say about the people?When will Danny go back to Canada?What does Danny tell Steven about his trip?2. Time to go home (1)四人一组,看课本part 2,浏览课文,大声的读给学生听。然后在黑板上进行记录。(2)道别时可以说些什么:What a fun trip!_ was great!Youll go back to _ tomorrow.Well miss you.Dont forget to write to us.What a great trip!

6、向学生解释,这是在旅行之后要告别时彼此说的一些话。教给学生如何表达这些语句。(3)现在,让各个小组练习在机场告别时的对话。Step 3: Classroom tests1. Lets do it.让学生看part 3,说明任务要求。他们要阅读Steven给Danny 的电子邮件。然后,读邮件下面的句子,判断正误。根据自己的判断打对勾或画叉。2. Listen and repeat 。用几分钟的时间来讨论发音的问题。提醒学生发音很重要。在英语中,有很多次发音很难。有时一个词以某种发音结尾,后面的词以另一种发音开头,这两个词一起读出来会很难。让学生看P47 的底部,指着每个单词组合读出来。每个单词组合读两到三次,然后让学生重复。继续这个过程,知道读完这八个组合。板书设计:Lesson 17 Dannys EmailKind miss forget famousPeople here are kind.Im coming home to Canada on February 8.Dont forget to write to us.


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