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1、教 学 设 计新版冀教版小学英语(三起)B8Lesson 3Lets Play!一、教材分析本单元的主题为Sports, 学习内容为Lets play,非常贴近学生的学习生活,易于激发学生的兴趣和参与意识。所以本节课将文本知识与体育运动进行跨学科整合,从而提升学生的语言运用能力。1. 教学目标l 语言知识与技能(1) 能听说读写词汇basketball, try, heavy, difficult, easy, hand;能听说并理解词汇throw、catch 和hit。(2)在对运动器材直观感知的过程中能熟练运用句型The.is light/heavy. This is too easy/d

2、ifferent.来表达自己的感受。能准确运用短语throw/catch the basketball, hit the ball以及句型Let me try.等描述运动的过程。l 学习策略(1)通过学科整合让提升学生对语言的语用能力。(2)通过教师评价、自我评价、小组评价培养学生自主学习的能力。l 情感态度(1)通过体育运动介绍和游戏让学生培养运动精神。(2)通过实物展示、小组竞赛等多种教学形式来激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的参与意识和协作精神。2. 教学重点(1)词汇basketball, try, heavy, difficult, easy, hand。(2)短语throw/catch

3、 the basketball, hit the ball。3. 教学难点运用句型The.is light/heavy. This is too easy/different.来表达自己的感受。能准确运用短语throw/catch the basketball, hit the ball以及句型Let me try.等描述运动的过程。二、教学准备多媒体,篮球,篮球筐,乒乓球,乒乓球拍,评比磁铁。三、教学步骤Step I Class Opening 1. Greeting2. Warming upFree talk:Whats your favourite sport?设计思路:复习运动项目词汇

4、,同时为学习本课知识作铺垫。Step II New Concepts 1. Leading-in (1)老师拿出天平,称量_和_的重量,引出单词heavy,light,进而称量一些其他物品,如(2)PPT出示句型:is heavy. is light. 让学生列举生活中可以进行重量对比的物品。(设计思路:运用天平让学生真切体验heavy和light两词的含义并通过列举熟练掌握。)2. Introduce Part 1(1)紧接上一环节最后称量篮球和乒乓球的重量,引出篮球的玩法介绍。 T:Do you know how to play basketball? T:Can you say some

5、 basketball rules?(2)通过介绍玩法,引出本课重点词throw,catch。T:Just now, when you talk about the basketball rules, you talked two important actions, what are they? Throw and catch. Look! I have a basketball. Bob, THROW THE BALL!(出示句贴) 一人扔球给另一人。T:When he throws the ball to Jim, what should he say? Jim, catch the b

6、all! (出示句贴)玩三次,突然停,when he is throwing the ball,what should he say?Ss:I am throwing the ball. (出示句贴)(3)运用课堂计时小游戏让学生练习语句:Catch the ball!Throw the ball!Im Throwing the ball to (设计思路:通过介绍篮球规则自然引入重点词catch,throw,并通过动作演示让学生将其运用于祈使句和现在进行时语句中,最后通过计时游戏让学生真正学以致用,并活跃课堂气氛。)(4)根据学生玩游戏的情况引出重点词easy,difficult.T:Do

7、you think its easy to throw basketball?(出示easy词卡)Do you think its easy to play basketball? whats the meaning of easy?(回答时ppt出示easy图片) If you say something is easy,you mean thats NOT _(出示difficult)So, whats the meaning of difficult?(回答时ppt出示difficult图片) Bob, can you swim?do you think its easy/difficu

8、lt for you? So, you can say(ppt提示学生说Its easy/difficult for me to )(设计思路:通过问答与ppt图片示意,让学生了解其含义并通过描述自己擅长的事情来运用重点词汇。)(5)向刚才回答问题中回答会打篮球的同学提问T:Who teaches you to play basketball? Is he a good basketball teacher? Today Jenny is going to teach Li Ming to play basketball. Lets see what will happen.引出本课学习内容。

9、(6)听音跟读(7)问答练习:Can Danny catch the ball?Can Danny throw the ball?Why not?Is it easy for Danny? (8)Role play.(设计思路:此环节处理文本信息,通过问答练习帮助学生理解,最后通过借助道具分角色表演,有了前面词汇与游戏活动的铺垫,此环节能够帮助学生迅速运用并演示文本内容。)Part 2(1) Danny thinks playing basketball is difficult, and playing ping-pong is easy. Do you think he can play

10、ping-pong very well?紧承上部分内容,通过提问,引出第二部分内容。(2) 观看录制的视频,了解乒乓球规则及重点词hit(3) 听录音回答问题 Can Danny hit the ping-pong ball? What happened to Danny?(4) What does Li Ming say?“I am hitting the ball.”计时颠球游戏,游戏者需要颠球同时说出语句“I am hitting the ball.” How many times does he/she hit the ball?(设计思路:通过录制视频的演示,帮助学生了解乒乓球的玩法

11、,在学习完课文内容后,运用游戏来运用语句并增强学生学习兴趣。)Step III Expanding观察板书单词heavy,light,easy,difficult,了解antonym反义词概念,并小组比赛拓展更多反义词词汇。听录音,写出所听到的反义词。(设计思路:借助本课出现的三组反义词进行扩展,最后进行趣味听力训练,提升学生对目标词汇的捕捉能力。)Step IV Consolidation 。1. 观看视频2. 创编对话An Interesting Sport. 可运用所给单词:ready, easy, difficult, heavy, light, throw, catch, hit 3. 小组展示(设计思路:通过观看视频,提供思路与灵感,之后运用所学进行趣味创编并展示,真正实现学以致用。)3. SummaryWhat do we learn today? Step IV Class Closing Homework Write down your interesting sport. 设计思路:把课上创编的对话进行书写,将语言点进行细致整理与巩固。


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