新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 1 Going to Beijing. Lesson 2 What Are You Doing.》教案_27.doc

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1、冀教版小学英语(三起)五年级下册Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 2 What are you doing? 教学设计课题名称Unit 1 Going to Beijing教材版本冀教版本(三起)授 课 人教学内容Lesson 2 What are you doing?教学目标1. Students will be able to aurally understand, orally use recognize and spell the following vocabulary: see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl

2、, now, draw, picture.2. Students will be able to recognize, understand and use basic sentence structures: What are you doing? I am drawing a picture. He/She is looking out of the window. 3.Students are able to pay attention to basic etiquette in public places.重点难点1.Teaching important points:Students

3、 will be able to recognize, understand and use basic sentence structures: What are you doing? I am drawing a picture. He/She is looking out of the window.2.Teaching difficult points: Students are able to experience and correctly use the expression“now in time”.教学准备PPT、课文视频、预习卡、学习卡、图片、画板等实物。课时一课时。课堂渗

4、透学生可以通过学习活动,意识到公共场所的基本礼仪,并能够自信、大胆展示自己。设计思想这是河北教育出版社出版三年级起点的小学英语教材,五年级下册,第一单元第二节的语法课。小学英语在高年级教材出现了现在进行时、过去式、there be结构等,这些都是以整个单元板块系统呈现的。因此,这节“现在进行时”的语法课,不是孤立的,需要放在单元模块中进行,需要在语篇或者是语境中讲。教材文本出现的“现在进行时”,并不是让学生去死记硬背那些语法规则,而是更好地运用语言。学情分析相对于学生来说,run,draw等动词并不陌生,已经是学习过了。为了考查学生掌握情况,课前我进行了小调查,检测学生对旧知识是否掌握,看图抢

5、答单词,利用预习卡检测单词。通过小调查,了解到学生掌握的较好,证明学生已经有了一定的语言基础,做好了接受新知的准备。Teaching steps(一)借助歌曲,感知语法(2minutes)1. Greetings.2. Lets sing a song.What are you doing? Im washing, washing.What are you doing? Im eating, eating.What are you doing? Im dancing, dancing.Im dancing, Im dancing now.Whats he doing? He is runnin

6、g, running.Whats he doing? He is drawing, drawing.Whats she doing? She is sleeping, sleeping.She is sleeping. She is sleeping now. (设计意图:开门见山,利用朗朗上口的歌曲进行热身,歌词中eating, sleeping等动词,与本节课的语法现在进行时相关联。清唱歌曲配合肢体动作帮助学生对现在进行时的学习做好铺垫。)(二)借助教材,体会时态(15 minutes)1.(7minutes)See, look at, look out of.自动播放火车站英语报站提示语

7、以及火车进站动画。让学生听觉与视觉的冲击下,感受英语真实情景。T: Oh, boys and girls, where is it? Can you guess?Ss: Train station.T: Yes. At the train station, Li Ming, Jenny, Danny and Mrs. Li are going to Beijing by train today, now they are on the train.因为每个同学的观察角度不同,出示红色箭头指向珍妮,引起学生的注意观察。T:Look, is Jenny looking out of the win

8、dow? Ss:Yes. Jenny is looking out of the window.跟读模仿。T:Look, is Danny looking out of the window?Ss:No, Danny is not looking out of the window.跟读模仿。T:Danny is looking inside.提出问题(课文第三部分判断对错1,2题)What do they see? Does Jenny see many trees? 再观看课文第一部分视频。T:What do they see? Does Jenny see many trees?Ss:

9、Yes. Jenny sees many tall trees.T: What does Danny see?Ss: Danny sees the food.T: Is Danny pointing to the food?Ss: Yes.情感教育贯穿其中,In the public place, dont point to anyone else. Point to you. How do you feel? Maybe youre not happy. Its not polite.T: Ok, lets play a game.There are many colors. Whats b

10、ehind the colour? Do you want to see? If you want to see them, please say magic words. Look, look, I am looking at it. What do you see?Ss: I see.在说魔法咒语时,学生感受look at强调是看的动作过程,see强调看见的结果。并利用学生们熟悉电影的片尾英文歌调,把see创编进去,尝试新歌曲,帮助学生记忆I see.(设计意图:在情景呈现,自动播放火车站报站的原声英文,发展思维,猜测发生地点。学生可以更好地感受look at, see, look,的用法

11、。跟读原声体会原汁原味的语音。用熟悉的电影主题曲旋律,创编朗朗上口的歌曲,帮助记忆。)2.(8minutes.)在情节里感受现在进行时。The train is leaving.自动播放火车正在运行的声音,学生可以在完整的情景下带着问题去观看思考。What are they doing now? 观看视频并完成课文第三部分判断对错。T:Is Jenny drawing a picture? Ss: Yes. T:Is Li Ming reading the newspaper?Ss: No.跟读模仿,小组展示。(设计意图:带着问题去观看视频找答案,充分的跟读模仿,小组交流,电脑随机点名,每个学

12、生可以认真对待,在合作中,自信大方展示自己。)(三)借助视频,归纳语法(5minutes.)列举出课文中学生回答的现在进行时,学生找相同。S1: What are you doing?S2: I am drawing a picture. I am reading a book. He is singing.都有“ing”.S3:都是正在做的。T:Who is drawing? Who is reading? Who is singing?依次在PPT 呈现,He, She, What are you doing?呈现I am (设计意图:带着任务任务活动,将语法结构的总结变得水到渠成。语法渗

13、透其中,把以往的教师教,学生被动学,变成学生自主探究,自主发现,主语,be动词,ing以壶浇树的思维导图呈现,加深学生记忆。)(四)走出教材,拓展运用。(8 minutes)1.出示学校附近的地图,钟表显示现在是8点,某一学生已回家,猜测正在干什么?播放视频,验证猜想。2.抢答环节。3.完成学习卡上的题。(设计意图:利用真实的生活情境,教师提供视频和问题,学生合理进行猜测,操练现在进行时的句子,内化所学知识,提高综合运用语言的能力。)Homework(自选一项)(1)利用英语趣配音软件朗读课文。(一颗星)(2)组内猜测讨论:What is Mrs. Yang doing at 7 oclock in the evening?小组课下探讨,合作完成一个Mind-map,第二天发视频公布答案,答对的小组。(两颗星)(设计意图:尊重学生个人意愿为主,设计分层自选作业,弥补课堂上交流、表演时间不足,恰如其分的选择“起跑线”,每个学生才能更好的树立学习英语的信心。利用网络,促进小组间合作交流。)板书设计Lesson 2 What are you doing? I am drawing a picture. He/She is looking out of the window.


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