新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing》教案_12.doc

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1、Lesson11 Shopping in Beijing一、 教学目标1.知识目标:(1)会读写重点单词:sarf 围巾,cap 帽子,hotel旅馆,kind 善良的,hurt疼,受伤。(2)能灵活运用本课的重点句子:Danny, Jenny, LingMing and Mrs.Li are shopping on Wangfujing Street.What do you want to buy for your family?I want to buy for my mother.知识拓展:Jenny buys a scarf for her mother.同义句:buy sth. fo

2、r sb. buy sb. sth.Jenny buys her mother a scarf.What time is it? Whats the time?2.能力目标: 能在交际中灵活运用一般现在时。情感目标: 提高学生的观察能力和语言表达能力,培养学生学英语的兴趣。3.教学重点:要求掌握的四会词语for,busy,shop,walk和一般现在时的构成和用法。难点:是学生能正确了解和使用一般现在是表达经常性的动作。二、 激情导入:你去过超市吗?你购过物吗?今天我们就看看书中的几个主人公在王府井大街都买了些什么。三 、教学过程:1.检查预习情况,回答4个问题。(1)Does Danny g

3、o shopping?(2)What does Jenny buy?(3)Is Danny busy?(4)What does Danny buy?目的让学生熟悉课文内容,从课文中找出答案。2. 学习句型Jenny buys a scarf for her mother.运用短语:buy sth. for sb.学生自己填写Part2. 2.,写完后小组互相检查单词拼写及句型运用是否正确。3.学习提问时间及时间的表达方法。What time is it? Its 两人一组练习对话,用上时间12:00和5:30。四、课堂达标:1、选词填空: in for with onHe looks fifteen shops.I want to buy some tea my mother.You can walk the panda.They are shopping Nanjing Street2、会翻译.(1).(2).我丹们正妮在是王如府井此大的街购忙物 。(3).Theysitandwait.(4).我想给我姐姐买只熊猫五、板书设计:Lesson11 Shopping in Beijingbuy sth. for sb.What time is it? Its


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