新冀教版四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 9 When Is It.》教案_9.docx

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1、When is it? 教学设计本课是冀教版四年级下册第9课。在本课中主要学习有关节日的英文词汇,以及通过 When is it? Its_ .这个句型学习如何询问节日时间。在教学中教师应该帮助学生运用所学的语言进行交流,达到能够灵活运用。学情分析四年级的学生已经掌握了一定的英语单词及词汇、用语。在此基础上,让学生理解本课中描述六个节日的英文表达法,及用语 When is it? Itis_.对话。学生对日期表达上可能会有一些困难,通过本课的学习力求达到学生可以积极地完成练习和回答问题教学目标1、知识目标学生能够使用序数词正确说出六个节日的日期, New Years Day, Spring F

2、estival, International Workers Day, Childrens Day ,TeachersDay, National Day.以及能够正确的使用句型 When is it?It is_.2、能力目标学生能运用所学句型进行对话表演和口语交际,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的英语学习能力。3、情感目标让学生在自主、合作、探究的学习过程中去学习,感受英语,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。4、学习策略目标通过本课的学习帮助学生积极运用所学的对话进行表达和交流5、文化意识目标帮助学生了解中西方的一些节日,以及感受不同节日的氛围教学重点、难点:1、教学重点:要求学生能够读、说出并听懂

3、六个节日,以及用语When is it? It is_.2、教学难点:各种节日的英文表达法以及运用所学内容进行实际交流。教学准备:多媒体设备、教学幻灯片、单词卡片。教学过程Step 1 Review1. Listen to a song (twelve months)2. GreetingHello! Boys and girls. How are you? This song is about months. Can you say something about the months?【设计意图】:教师与学生自然的问候可以使学生快速融入英语学习氛围,通过课前准备时听有关月份的歌曲以及月份的

4、儿歌帮助学生复习月份,同时为下一步教学做铺墊。3.复习When is your birthday? Its _.句型T: My favorite month is January. Because my birthday is in January. What s your favorite month?S: My favourite month is.T: Whose birthday is in_?S: My birthday isT: When is your birthday?S: My birthday is -(设计意图):通过复习句型为学习新知识和知识的输出做必要的准备。Step

5、 2 New Concepts1. New year s DayT: Look. This is a calendar. This is the first day of January. Its January the first. What festival is this?S: T:领读句子,出示有关元旦的图片,并讲解元旦旦由来2. Spring FestivalT: We have an important festival in China. Guess what it is? Its the traditional festival in our China. We have a

6、long holiday in this festival. We can get lucky money, we get new clothes and we grow older. What is it? the Spring Festival( it is a festival in the lunar calendar)讲解读音领读单词,在日历中找出今年的春节日期。T: When is the Spring Festival?S在日历中找出去年的春节日期T: When is the Spring Festival?S:Its.T: Spring Festival sometimes i

7、n January but sometimes in February. So we can say it is in January or February. (课件出示有关春节的图片)3. International Worker, s DayT: Spring Festival is a Chinese holiday. I will show you a international day.(图片出示工人) Who are they?This festival is for workers. Its international Workers Day. (课件出示单词,讲解单词,学生读

8、T: When is International Workers Day?S:T:(课件出示) International Worker Day is May first.学生读句子4.用同样的方法学习 Childrens Day, Teachers Day ,National Day Children s Day is your festival, students favourite festival, Teachers Day is a festiva celebrated for teachers. National day is a festival celebrated for e

9、stablishing our country【设计意图)利用多媒体,播放各种节日的精美图片,可以吸引学生的注意力,调动他们的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。同时感受不同节日的氛围5.介绍更多节日及问生日时间When is your birthdayMy birthday is_(巩固日期的表述方)【设计意图】为了拓宽学生的知知识面,培养他们学习英语的兴趣6. Tex1 Read after the tape(设计意图】模仿录音跟读,练习口语,同时更好的帮助学生记忆本课的重点,培养他们学习英语的兴趣。6. T ext1 Read after the tape【设计意图】模仿录音跟读,练习习口语,同时更好的帮助学生记忆本课的重点内容。Step 3 PracticeLets do it! Pair work Make and say做书上第2部分练习。Step 4 Homework搜集你喜欢的节日,制成卡片,要写清楚节日名称和日期。


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