【英语论文】英国文学作品归化翻译法探究The Application of Domestication in Chinese Translation of English Literature.doc

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1、英国文学作品归化翻译法探究The Application of Domestication in Chinese Translation of English Literature摘要随着中国与英语国家的文化交流的越来越多, 更多的英文小说等文学作品也随之被翻译成中文, 这为中国文学爱好者提供了更多的选择.但是有很多中国读者在欣赏外国文学作品时感觉翻译过来的文学作品文字和语句晦涩难懂, 阅读难度较大和花费时间较长, 因此他们对阅读翻译过来的外国文学作品的兴趣随之降低. 全球化已经是一个很流行的词, 文化传播也有着同样的趋势, 作为专业翻译, 我们与责任让更多的中国读者了解更多的外国文学作品.本

2、论文中, 作者介绍了 “归化法” 的翻译理论, 这个理论可以帮助翻译者解决上面的翻译问题. 好的翻译只靠翻译软件是不能真正反应出原文的精髓的, 好的翻译是要依靠译者的文化素养和语法知识. 翻译不是直接按照原文逐字逐句的翻译, 一定要在翻译过程中结合各语言的文化和语法差异, 既保留原文精髓又能符合中国读者阅要求- 既能了解外国文化风格又易读易懂. 本文通过一些从翻译过来的福尔摩斯小说中选取一些有代表的例句, 解释 “归化法” 在文学作品翻译中的应用. 当遇到英文中大量罗列的形容词和介词, 被动语态, 长句以及逻辑关系复杂的句子时, 我们可以运用 “归化” 中的对原文中的英文单词重新权释和以翻译时

3、对复杂句子重新排列等方式使译文易读易懂. 本文作者希望通过本论文能为译者提供 “归化” 翻译法的经验和实践知识.同时, 我也希望有更多的论文讨论怎样提高文学作品的翻译. 我们译者的任务是为中国文学爱好者提供优质的外国作品, 吸引更多的中国读者了解外国文学,促进中国的国际化. 关键词:归化法翻译, 文学作品翻译, 文化和语法差异 AbstractWith more and more culture exchanges between China and English speaking countries, more and more English novels are being trans

4、lated into Chinese. The translated versions of English novels provides more choices for Chinese readers. But some of the target readers cannot fully enjoy the translated version, they regard these books are hard to understand and takes time to understand. These factors may lower the Chinese readers

5、interests on learning more about foreign literature. While the globalization is a tendency all around the world, as translators, we have a responsibility to introduce English literature to Chinese people. In this research paper, the domestication theory will be introduced to help translators to over

6、come the above question. The translation work is based on people and not on machines, so the translators should not only translate rightly from English into Chinese, but also should combine their own understandings of the differences in culture and grammar of the two languages and should consider th

7、e need of the target readers. Through some example sentences analysis, we will know at what kinds of situations we should employee the domestication theory. This may involves culture and grammar differences between the source language and the target language. So when we need to translate piled up ad

8、jectives in English, a list of pronouns, passive voice, long sentences and complicate logical sentences, we can try to translate according to the domestication theory by redefining and reordering the structure of the original language into the target language. Through this research, the author hopes

9、 that this research can provide useful experiences and practical domestication skills in literature translation. I also expect that further research on improving literature work could be done in the near future. Our task, as translators, is to introduce more foreign literature to Chinese readers, an

10、d hope there will be more and more Chinese readers to enjoy the translated novels and learn more about foreign countries to promote China to become more and more international. Key words: Domestication, literature translation, culture and grammar differences Table of ContentsPage1.Introduction -1 1.

11、1 Research Background -11.2 Research Objective-11.3 Project Design -22. Rationale- 22.1 Definitions of Domestication -22.2 Influence of Culture on Translation -3 2.3 Grammar Differences-43. Data Description-54. Data Analysis-6 4.1 Domestication and Grammar -6 4.2 Domestication and Cultural Differenc

12、e -75. Results and Suggestions-9 5.1 Results-9 5.2 Suggestions-106. Conclusion -15Bibliography-17Appendix -18A Study on Domestication Is Neededin Translating Sherlock Homes1. Introduction1.1 Research Background Sherlock Holmes is one of my favorite books. When I read through the translated version o

13、f the novel, sometimes the text confuses me. I could not fully understand the translated text, sometimes the translated sentences are hard for me to understand, I have to read a sentence two or three times to understand the meaning of the Chinese sentence. Foreign books are translated into Chinese,

14、because people want to read and enjoy foreign stories and if the translated text is hard to understand, people might give up reading the book because they cannot enjoy it. While I read the translated version of Sherlock Holmes, a question came to my mind. The translation is really good, it is strict

15、ly translated according to original sentences, but why I do I still feel confused about the story? Is there any way to make the translated book easier for people to read? 1.2 Research ObjectiveWith these questions in mind, I read both the original English novel and translated novel again. I found th

16、e more confusing parts are caused by using foreignization (source-language-orientedness) all the time, sometimes the domestication (target-language-orientedness) should be used for text to present a clear content of the story. Both domestication and foreignization are important in translation, forei

17、gnzation is good to present the original style of the English novel. However, considering the differences between the Chinese and English language and the needs of target reader, the domestication method is necessary in translation to avoid confusion and present a story for reader to enjoy. This is

18、also the aspect I should pay more attention to improve my translation. 1.3 Project DesignIn this paper, I will present my research in six parts. The background and objective of the research and the structure of this thesis will be briefly described in the first part. Part two is a review of the main

19、 theories related to the research. Part three gives a brief introduction to the data that is used in the paper. Part four analyzes the data from the culture and grammar aspects. This includes the style of the text, the hint meaning of the original context, the length of the sentences, the use of adj

20、ective words and other differences will be discussed in this paper. In part five the results of the thesis and some translation strategies according the data analysis will be discussed. Part six is the conclusion.2. Rationale 2.1 Definitions of Domestication and Foreignization Domestication refers t

21、o the target-culture-oriented translation in which unusual expressions to the target culture are exploited and turned into familiar ones so as to make the translated text intelligible and easy for the target readers. Foreignization is a source-culture-oriented translation, which strives to preserve

22、the foreign flavor as much as possible in order to transfer the source language and culture into the target one. Translation, as a form of translational action, like any other forms of human action, must be oriented by certain purpose. (高级英汉翻译, 顾曰国, 2004) In translation practice, the strategy should

23、 be chosen should not be determined by the text itself or by the translator himself/herself, but should be mainly decided by the purpose of the translation. Functionalist theory emphasizes the expected function of texts and translations. In many ways, domestication and foreignization are not incompa

24、tible and often complement each other. They are just two different strategies of translation. We do need to bring them to extremes. For example, domestication does not mean translators can make adaptations at will, while foreignization does not equal word-for-word translation or a static translation

25、. What we should do is to draw a balance between the two sides; choosing one does not negate the application of another. Even if the translator takes domestication as the dominating strategy in order for the translation to be easily understood by the receivers, he/she can also reserve the original i

26、mages concerning specific culturally loaded expressions; on the other hand, even if the translation is to preserve the exoticism of the foreign culture and to import foreign cultures into the target language, changes must be made on certain points which appear quite unnatural or even unaccepted by t

27、he target readers and language. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of various factors involved in translation, the translators can follow both domestication and foreignization, and they can make decisions on the problems of which cultural factors in the original should be reserved and how to r

28、eserve them, which factors should be adapted so as to be accepted in the target culture and the extent of the adaptation. The translated text should make sense in the communicative situation in which it is received. It specifies that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent

29、with the receivers. Therefore, in the translating process, the translator should take the target culture into careful consideration and do some alterations in order to make the translation intelligible. Otherwise, the translated text may lose its significance and become meaningless in a target cultu

30、re. That is to say, there is no point to say that one strategy is better than the other, so long as they can serve the intended function of the text in the target language, each of them have their role in translation. In the translated version of Sherlock Holmes, the translator emphases too much on

31、Foreignization, It helps to keep the original flavor of the novel, but for the target readers, the translated text can seem strange to them. 2.2 Influence of Culture on Translation Translation means intercultural communication by means of which one culture can be transmitted into another, so the cul

32、ture unavoidably influences the translation. The equivalence limitedness of the translation between the original language and the target language is sometimes caused by the differences between the two cultures and how to convey the cultural meaning is often the difficulty of a translation. Different

33、 languages are bound to adopt different meaningful devices to show their cultures in order to reflect their national consciousness and cultural tradition. A translation can never equal the original, it can approach it, and its quality can only by judged by how close it gets. That is to say, translat

34、ors have to overcome cultural barriers and try to comb our brains for the closet natural equivalents to make up the semantic zero. The ideal translators are not necessarily those who are readily bilingual and bicultural in daily affairs, but those who are unusually competent in their mother tongue (

35、normally, the receptor language in the translation process) and who have a profound knowledge of the culture of the source text. The most serious mistakes in translating and interpreting are usually not the result of verbal inadequacy, but of wrong cultural assumptions. This means that the training

36、of competent translators and interpreters must include not only a careful study of the intimate relations between language and culture, but must go beyond this limited goal in order to show how both language and culture are two similar symbolic systems. This same development should be recognized in

37、verbal and cultural types of meanings. The meaning of a word must be determined by both the semantic contexts and the cultural contexts. When we carry out translations, both the language and the cultural information hidden in the words should be conveyed.2.3 Grammar differencesThere are some grammar

38、 differences in both languages. For example, there appear more nouns used in English than in Chinese while Chinese prefer using more verbs to express. Additionally, there are longer sentences in English while Chinese prefer short sentences English prefer to put the judgment or conclusion at front pa

39、rt of sentence and do the explanation and description at the back. Moreover, Chinese prefer to explain things from the causes to the result and there are more omitted words or phrases in English than in Chinese. There are also more differences in English and Chinese grammar, so when a translator wor

40、ks on a translation, special treatment will be need to deal with those kind of text rather than just translate the text word by word. Such as restructuring the translated text into receptor language which will not be strange and hard to read for target readers, look into referential meanings; identi

41、fy the actual meaning of words, phrases and sentences according to the context, and so on. In this paper, several skills will be introduced to translate the source language into target language according to Domestication concept. The concept of Domestication is used to improve translate quality so t

42、he target reader can quickly understand the text in Chinese way without thinking deeply on what is the sentence really want to express rather than struggling hard on analyze the Chinese sentences. 3. Data Description The data to be analyzed in the paper includes twenty five sentences. They were sele

43、cted from both English and translated version of Sherlock Holmes. It is a well-known detective book which was written by British author Sir Arthur Doyle. The novel soon became popular after it was published. There are many versions of Sherlock Holmes in Chinese. The version of the novel was publishe

44、d by “Beijing Film Publishing Company” (北京电影出版社) and is well accepted by readers. This is the version that I analyzed in this paper. I chose to read “The Illustrious Client” in Chinese which was translated by贺天同.Sherlock Holmes was translated into many languages and is very popular all around the wo

45、rld. Even in Chinese, there is more than one version of translated works. The version that is discussed in this paper is excellent both at translation skills and carrying out the original meanings of the sentences. Although the translation in this version is better than many other versions, some peo

46、ple who love detective novels will still need some patience to read this translated book. They consider this kind of books hard to read because of the long and strange syntactical structures. After my research I found some of translation can be improved according to the idea of domestication, such as adjectiv


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